A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 15 Chapter 732: Accord (on)

Unlike many wizards choose to zoom in on the light curtain to watch the game.

Under the face of Green Truth, an eye turned into an eagle, and after gazing through the black enchantment of the ring-shaped horn field, it fell on the two kings of the abyss who were fighting fiercely.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Every collision between the two abyss kings and the big sword, Green eyelids can not help but beating.

Ask yourself, at this time, even if the spirit of the magical counter-attack state exerts all his strength, facing the two kings of the abyss, I am afraid that I will only rely on the life of the magnetic star, or even the tentative one from the two kings of the abyss. In the second confrontation, the cards like the meta magnetic star nucleus will definitely not be missing.

The king of the abyss, is the most powerful refining wizard in the abyss of the earth!

Similarly, for the elements to stimulate the physical wizard, although Green has two different modes of combat, the elements and the body do not combine the power of their own elements with the powerful body, and play their own role as the elemental sorcerer. High-level strength, so the king of the abyss of the one-star abyss, naturally became Green's learning, imitation, and observation goals.

"Is the power of the element to stimulate the vitality of the cells, causing an explosive multiplication of muscle strength?"

The purple light is like a burning flame. In the hands of the great swords of the Emperor Gan, the tip of the sword has torn the space crack for a short time. Green observes the appearance of the truth through the observation of the face of the truth, and observes the element's fighting mode of the practice of the wizard.

Sorcerer mainland, many elements of wizards and cultivators, but not elements of the soaring sorcerer, the main difference between the two is the application of leverage rules.

The elemental wizard who also cultivates the body, the choice is to use the refining method to bring the element to the body to exert stronger strength, and the element to increase the practice of the wizard, is to use the power of the element to help exert a stronger force, the two have the essence the difference.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The Emperor Gan, who has been in the situation for a long time, suddenly spurred dozens of lightsaber shadows. Each attack has more than three thousand degrees of attack. At the same time, these lightsabers have turned out to have two small light swords that are twice as weak as energy fluctuations, and they are facing the abyss of Accord. The king fell.

"No, the power of the Emperor Gansu is not abandoned. Whether it is this wave of light swords and the purple wings of the back, it is the deep use of the rules of the elements, not the energy of all elements in the imagination. Auxiliary as an evolutionary direction."

Through the face of truth, observe this element to stimulate the spiritual wizard and penetrate the appearance. It seems that the layer of cover clothing has been removed from the other side, and the essence of the use of the other knowledge is presented in the eyes of Green.

Bang, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The overwhelming number of shadows of the lightsaber caused a series of explosions. This amazing sound naturally ignited the boiling of the entire ring-shaped battlefield. The cheers, roaring, and shouting sounded one after another, as if the big Samsung tower abyss beast The field followed the cheers, the roar, and the shouts shook.

After a short moment, the diffuse smoke dissipated, and the two-meter body stood with Archangel of the four-meter **** warhammer, standing unscathed.

One large pit after another appeared, and only a small piece of land at the foot of Archangel was flat.

"Even the first layer of wild instinct has not yet opened. Has been relying on pure power to fight!?"

Green looked at Accord, and his heart was in a state of utter dismay. The power that the other party showed at this time alone would have surpassed the state of his own wild instinct. This is really amazing.


Not only Green, the six-ring Santa Forest, the quintessence of Mergish, and the king of the gem sea, Labrad, have secretly taken a sigh of coolness, apparently shocked by the strength of the Accord at this time.

Above the arena.

The diffuse black dust is mixed with the abyss moss, and the abyss in the gladiatorial court is ten times more intense than the outside world. Accurges suddenly sneered at the sneer, and the high-pressure waves that naturally formed around it seemed to be in the invisible fire burning, and the overbearing figure stood there straight. Unmatched gestures are presented.

"Hey, as the younger brother of the great Dag Moss Stigma Wizard, Emperor Gan, end these boring warm-up temptations, you should know that this level of attack has no effect on me."

The black hard beard on the chin is dense, and Archimonde looks directly at the Emperor Gan, and seems to expect the other person to give himself some surprises.

The emperor's stomach was slightly a little breathless, and the scar across his cheeks was a little bit sloppy, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Accord and silently swallowed a mouthful of water.

Sure enough, as my brother said, he really should not be the king of the abyss of the Star Tower. He will come to the Samsung Tower immediately. This guy is not as strong as a third-level wizard!

If you are yourself...


Suddenly, Arkmond’s station printed a pair of footprints in the same place and disappeared instantly.

Emperor Gan looked up, and above that high altitude, Accurges laughed with impunity, and the huge blood-colored warhammers held their hands up, as if the **** torrents of blood vessels were densely stretched on top, and the surrounding waves seemed to be like swirls. Gathered in the past.

"Ha ha ha ha, let me see, the light of your Austrian law can have the strength of Dag Moss that year!"

With the volley of the **** warhammer of Accord, Emperor Gan’s time was only shrinking at the tip of the needle. Almost without thinking about it, the backlight was smashed and left the place with incredible flexibility. Outside the meter.


On the ground, one after another, a dense and dense stone suddenly floated up, silently and in order to evenly powder the texture. The next moment of "bang", the emperor’s station suddenly collapsed, one after another, in all directions. The crack is coming.

A huge pit of nearly a hundred meters appeared!


In the shouts of one and another spectator sorcerer, Green, Meljish, and Labrad stood up at the same time, "噌", "噌" and "噌", and looked straight into the arena. Gemond, breathing a bit of urgency, as if through this attack, he saw the terrorist power in his body that has attracted the attention of many underground abyss sorcerers~www.novelmtl.com~! ”

Roaring, the purple light of Di Gan’s body is almost all gathered into the body, and the eyes are also a purple light. The biting teeth are “squeaky”, “嘎嘣” and “嘎嘣”, which obviously excites him. The state of the elemental power also puts tremendous pressure on himself.

The sound of "咻" suddenly became a residual image, and Emperor Gan held a big sword and collided with Accord.

After the invisible wave marks in the high air spread, the whole stadium suddenly became quiet for a moment, and the two sides seemed to form a stalemate.

"The wild instinct is the first layer, open."

A layer of transparent spar armor on the skin of Agogue was born, and then involuntarily fell back more than ten meters. The next moment, Emperor Gan was struggling, and a roaring roster fell from the ground. (To be continued.)

Ps: The third time later, yesterday's rainy days, the state is not good, used a leave of absence.


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