A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 15 Chapter 727: The 6th phase of the truth

In two years, Greene flew from the edge of the Sky City to the center of the Sky City, the Sky Machinery Tower!

Green's knowledge of mechanical knowledge is basically in the stage of apparent recognition of the wizard apprentices. There is not much contact at all, so it is impossible to come to the city of the sky to complete the knowledge of the wizard.

There is only one purpose for Green to cross the Wizarding World, and that is the microscopic eye of the sixth phase of the truth.

This aspect belongs to the knowledge of mechanical wizards. There is no way for Green to learn from scratch. He can only personally come to the Sky Machinery Tower and commission a professional mechanical wizard to make a microscopic eye that meets Green's standards.

Of course, at this time, Wu Jing is so abundant, Green's spy shadow star will also carry out some transformation and upgrading here, and Green has firmly grasped the basic part of time and space knowledge of the endless void of travel.

Microscopes that are circulated on the sorcerer's continent are generally optical microscopes.

Optical microscope magnification is limited because the light elements in the endless world are long.

The so-called light length is because the light itself is intermittent in the human eye, and there is a gap. Therefore, the optical microscope has an amplification limit. As far as Green knows, its limit is 1,750 times.

So, what aspects of the microscope's light length will be affected?

Light length will be affected by three aspects, the least affected part is the gravitational magnetic field and the refractive loss.

Often, the wizard uses a microscope to observe the microscopic world, which is closely observed. Such close-range light is naturally not affected by too much gravitational magnetic field and refractive loss, so it is almost negligible. On the other hand, if you walk through the endless void, the neon light is completely different.

Second, the ones that are most affected are the perception of time.

One second is divided into eighteen. In the eighteenth spectrum, ordinary humans can only feel one of them. The remaining seventeen are all made up of ordinary human self-imagination, and then form a coherent picture.

But once caught in the micro world. The closer to the wavelength limit of the force of time, the more people will find the "dark part", which is the time zone that ordinary creatures can't feel, and thus form a section of the light element wavelength gap.

I think that the common creature is limited by the sense of time, and the dark part of the light wave that is not visible to the seventeenth of the 18th is the largest blind spot?

Big mistake!

The rainbow light is followed by red, orange, yellow, green, blue, enamel, and purple. The red spectrum is the longest. This is the apparent spectrum visible to the naked eye of ordinary humans.

In fact, in addition to the red light of the rainbow, within the purple light, there is a larger invisible spectrum of ordinary humans, and the invisible spectrum accounts for 99% of the total spectrum!

The highest achievement in the field of microscopes in the sky machinery Santa, the mechanical microscope. It does not allow low-level wizards to compensate for light waves beyond the sense of time, but it can achieve spectral compensation, presenting 99% of the invisible spectrum in the form of visible light.

This is the knowledge of the professional field, and the killing of dark wizards like Green is not possible in any way, and it is enough for any wizard to exhaust his life and invest in it.

Think about it...

After the light waves perceived by ordinary humans have been reduced by such layers, and after being magnified by the optical microscope for 1,750 times, the perceived light elements are less than one-eighth of one percent of the real light wave world.

And even such an optical microscope. Only the official wizard can go to the various elements of the tower to buy, that is, the one of Peranos.

Ordinary people, including first-level and second-level wizards without half-step perception. There is no essential difference between light wave perception, and each person can only perceive the light element of 31.5 million of the real light wave.

This is the relationship between truth and appearance.

Have you not felt a sadness by dialysis of such a deep world of truth and then looking at the ordinary life that lives on the surface?

It is no wonder that the wizards who pursue the path of truth and righteousness are more and more cautious and fearful of the truth.


"Mom, these old guys are not bad at all. Even with such a big pyramid built with ink and silver!"

Xiao Ba looked at the huge pyramid in front and was stunned.

Ink silver. A highly advanced synthetic alchemical material, which is made of high-grade materials synthesized by more than 70 kinds of characteristic materials such as Mithril, Jinjing, Titanium Huigang No. 2 and Wumo. The pinnacle of the ancient wizard's synthetic materials, with the ability to self-repair, close to zero-loss energy superconductivity, and adapt to the spirit of the new combination.

It can even be said that this is a material material that is never lost.

This kind of Green has purchased the precious metal for the annihilation force, and the precious metal that is calculated according to the "gram", the sky mechanical tower of the Eternal Sky City is covered with the entire surface! ?

Green looked at the top of the sky with the water curtain and the whirlpool, the 10,000-meter-long pyramid with a length of tens of thousands of meters at the bottom, as unbelievable as the small eight.

Here, the complex and exquisite mechanical objects, bionic machinery, space fortresses, large mechanical objects, and high-profile human machinery are everywhere.

As for the interior of the Sky Machinery Tower, everything is no different from other Santa towers.

The same is the scene of the White Square, the blue sky, the blue sky, the laboratory, and the three-level wizards. Green's estimate is that the number of mechanical wizards in the city of Eternal Sky may be more than five times that of the Seventh Ring Tower. Second Ring Santa is more!

Below, it is the consumption of Green's great witch or other resources, looking for a mechanical wizard who can make Green's satisfied microscopic eye.


One hundred and twenty years later!

Repressing the feeling of being unable to breathe, in the face of the six-level sacred sorcerer guarding the eternal heart of the mechanical real spirit, Green has a sense of oppression in the face of the black sacred sorcerer.

Every true sacred sorcerer has a painful memory of the source of the magical power of the sorcerer's tower, or the construction of the sorcerer's tower without the source of sufficient human support for magic.

At this point the sorcerer faced Green and a metal arm stretched out.

This robotic arm material has the horrible extensibility of extremely cold ice crystals. The palm surface is a perfect condition microscopic eye that Green needs, and it can be installed immediately in the world of the highest specification microscopic eye of the wizard world.

At the same time, there is a fate contract!

Green did not hesitate to sign this fate contract, and the scene of the microscopic eye was merged into the face of truth.

"I don't want my proud disciple to take my path again. Remember, before you were promoted to the Holy Mark Wizard, he was maliciously attacked by other holy marks wizards. When you want to destroy the source of the wizard tower, you are all You must ensure the absolute safety of the source of magic. Otherwise, you will be punished by the fate contract and lose this mask!"

In the microscopic eye of the sixth phase of this truth, the source of the magical power of the super-guided light wizard tower is the disciple of the six-level holy mark wizard under the real spirit.

On the one hand, the critical moment of the super-lighted light wizard tower magic source ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ can always summon the Greens through the Wizard Tower, on the other hand is the punishment, the source of the magic is destroyed and the truth is removed .

And if Greene is lucky enough to exploit the loopholes, and really resists the source of magic to take away the truth, even if it violates the fate contract, it will be punished by fate.

No one knows what the means of fate punishment are.

But everyone knows that those who are punished by fate will naturally look more natural and lose more, and no one dares to really try to challenge.

"I will do my best to abide by the fate contract, the great fortress heart of the holy mark wizard."

Green bowed his head and was very respectful and low.

According to the Green survey, the Superconducting Light Wizard School has indeed been very unsettled over the years, but for the time being, it has not triggered a large-scale college war. I hope that this situation can be maintained and not to trigger a real college war. (To be continued)


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