A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 15 Chapter 720: Wizard

Readx; "I won't... ah!"

In the wailing sound, the strong desperate power that lingers on the black wizard turned into an evil smiling head, a black whirlwind that was rotated and poured into the body from the head of the demon wizard bound by the desperate giant.

In the screams, gradually, this sorcerer was gradually transformed into the same breath as the three second-level black wizards behind the three-level black wizard. He also became a "black wizard" and struggled with both eyes. The look gradually subsided and became the same look as the third-level black wizard.

At the same time, the desperate power of the three-level black wizard seems to be a lot thinner and consumes a lot of looks.

One of the abilities of this black wizard is that it consumes the hard-collected human desperate power to infuse the demon wizard, manipulate the demon wizard, and make it into his own wizard!

And the purpose of his appearance in this sea area, I am afraid that the collection of experimental materials is fake, it is true to find the right wizard!

There isn’t any third-level wizard from his side, maybe the real purpose of his coming to the wizarding continent is... collect the three-level hunting wizard! ?

After all, with such a powerful black wizard, there is absolutely no need to take the risk of coming to the wizarding continent to collect human experimental materials, which can be obtained in the black domain.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

After being summoned by the hunting wizard on the flying shark, the rest of the demon wizards came here, still stalking the black wizard and joining the hunting demon record.

These hunting wizards are not too far away. As the same hunting witch who is under examination, everyone is generally aware of the basic movements of the other.

"Gilgi Rogge, how are you..."

The two hunters who first arrived rushed to see the synthetic giant whales on their backs, summoning the hunters who came to the crowd to stand with the black wizards, and the power of desperation around them was unbelievable.

"Hey, there are two more, but it has no use for me. Hurry up and end your mission and let the guy show up. Hehe..."

The third-level black wizard has once again been hidden in the body of the synthetic whale, and the second-class black wizard of the body is laughing and screaming, and then joins the four black wizards of Gilgirog, and the battle begins.

Just a little later. The two hunters who rushed to the hunter were defeated, and they were defeated by the joint attack of the four black wizards.

Fortunately, after the other three hunters and sorcerers came to join the battle in time, this saved the defeat and did not allow the two hunters to fall on the spot.

now. Two of the five hunting wizards were scarred. They were not the four second-level black wizards. At this time, there was another three-level black wizard! ?

This seems to represent the end of death, the beginning of a killing, the appearance of a three-level black wizard, suddenly let these hunting wizards feel this is a conspiracy!


Survival ability is the instinct of the demon sorcerer, realizing that the situation has exceeded his control. The five demon witches made the most correct choice in the first time and fled in five different directions.

"Oh, count your life. Never waste your magic."

This third-level black wizard did not choose to chase, because these two-level hunting wizards are not his goal, but a look of expectation looks around in all directions, seems to be waiting for something.

"The assessment tasks all failed!"

Extremely far away, the voice of the examiner's witches was echoed, and suddenly, the third-level black wizard "迎" laughed.

"There has finally appeared, the hunter of the hunter battle! It is indeed a good quality demon sorcerer, I seem to have already felt the killing atmosphere of your body, hehe. Not bad, really great, It's a good material for making a three-level wizard!"

The black wizard laughed, and the power of despair lingered in the direction of the witch wizard on the distant giant bird. Seemingly want to cast some black witchcraft, but suddenly exclaimed, the body was replaced by a strange white bone in the original place, followed by a mysterious and strange attack.

This is a short-distance soul-killing witchcraft.

"There is also a hidden hunter wizard!"

The body appeared on the synthetic giant whale in the distant sea. After the third-level black wizard was horrified, the fire of the soul under the force of despair burned brightly. I was a little excited and excited: "The sorcerer? It's great! If you can control a big sorcerer as a singer..."

After Green failed to kill the black wizard, Green was contaminated with a layer of human desperate power, and broke the secret ability of the statue.

"There is still some inability to adapt to the purely practical wizard skills."

Green muttered to himself.

Before the hidden moment, the face of Green Truth has already seen the essence of these two black wizards, but it is only the controlled "sorcerer". At this time, I heard that the other party wants to turn himself into the other party's jealousy. His squad, another sneer while angry.

"You can try it!"

On the shoulders of Green, the little eight "嘎" jumped up and pointed at the black wizard and screamed: "Mom, you dare to scream the hard-spoken beast with you, you, you, you, you ...you have already lived to the end today, and Baye represents the endless world to declare your death, today you must die, Mom!"

"Grim the beast to me, kill me!"

Xiao Ba is extremely angry.

The third-level black wizard sneered. Suddenly, the black silk thread of the magic wand in his hand was like a tentacle. It was extremely fast and accurate to penetrate all the ordinary civilians on the back of the synthetic whale!

The look of horror, the faces of all the people on the back of the whales were all engraved on the face. No one survived, including the babies who were breast-fed in the arms of several women, and they were killed by the black wizards.

The desperate power that was temporarily collected, coupled with its own strength, turned into a black ball of light, which was incomparably rich in human desperation, and gathered in the hands of the black wizard.

"Oh, these desperate forces should be enough to control a third-level wizard! After the advanced three-level wizard, you will become my first three-level wizard, help me to cross the black field, get great The king of the black wizards appreciates, hehe!"

"You turned out to be..."

Looking at the sullen, exhilarating three-level black wizard, many ordinary humans were killed by his feet like an ant, Green brutal sneer solidified, followed by an uncontrollable anger broke out from the heart Now!

If there is no black wizard in the wizarding world, and without these parasites that are parasitic in humans, Lafite will not die like that, and he will leave a good memory and spend the beautiful life with the youngest and purest love in his life. At the moment, even if she does not advance to a formal wizard and spend her life with herself, she will have a peaceful old age.

It is because of the existence of these black wizards that the honeymoon period of that year has evolved into such a tragedy!

These evil black wizards are also human beings, but they use the same family to do evil and cruel experiments. There is no hesitation, no sympathy, no morality, no obligation, no money. They don’t have anything~www.novelmtl.com~ The demon sorcerer is the deterrent force of the wizarding world. Only the black wizards of human desperate power are nothing to the alien creatures. I am afraid that even the sorcerer is not as good as the sorcerer!

It is precisely because of the demon sorcerer’s deterrence as a wizarding world, and these black wizards have the desperation of human beings as a deterrent to the demon sorcerer, and then they have achieved an important position today. This is really a parasitic in the wizarding world. The tumor is not removed in a short time, there is no way to do this.

Now the black wizards of the Wizarding World are no longer the last hopes of saving humanity when humans and seas compete for hegemony in the ancient times. The dark wizard who focuses on the essence of life.

"You, you dare... I want you to die!"

In the incomparable anger, Green's body suddenly swelled wildly, and the black wizard's excitement laughed, and the Cylon's expression rushing in the distance solidified.

Above the sea, a ten-meter-high wild barbarian giant, the violent roar sounds vaguely from the depths of his throat. (To be continued.)


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