A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 15 Chapter 693: The fifth phase of the project of truth

Seventy years later.

Basically, the elementary spurt of the refining sorcerer's refining style is still the elemental sorcerer's knowledge accumulation system, which is completely different from the knight's perseverance college and the wild sorcerer.

For example, Green.

Whether it is mixed poisonous refining, male poisonous refining, even pharmaceutical refining, and even the wild instinct layer opened by Green itself due to the crack of life code, it is actually the evolution of knowledge to promote physical fitness, not something else. .

Each step of physical enhancement is necessarily due to the accumulation of knowledge.

In contrast, the willpower of the Knights Perseverance Academy insists that the adventures of the Abyss Santa Wild Sorcerer are still classified as passive evolution.

Nowadays, Green’s male poisonous body has entered a period of obvious debilitation after the rapid rise of the fire. It is because Green has already passed its initial development and entered the unbalanced refining. Accumulation stage.

In the black crystal ball, it reflects the results of the male poisonous body during this period of time.

Spiritual power: 200, magic 1927~2133.

Constitution: 1388, physical strength: 1032~1552, strength: 950~2747, activity: 1084~1499.

It has been more than two years since the beginning of the Seventh Ring of the Santa Cruz competition. Although Green has had a lot of time in other studies, it is an indisputable fact that the progress of Green's refining has begun to slow down.

"Isa Polo, three grams of medicinal grass, one gram of Lin powder..."

Green looked down at the microscope and studied the venom in the test tube and the reflection of his own blood cells. According to the reaction of the cells, there are steps and steps.


Planned refining.

Otherwise, if the one-time toxicity is too strong, it is easy to damage the Green itself. Not only does it not successfully refine the body, but it will hurt the body.

The witch apprentice has been in the Seventh Ring of the Sun for seventy years. Although many of the wizards who entered the Seventh Ring Tower with her in the same year have advanced into formal wizards, they have left, but this witch apprentice It seems that Green has been immersed in the busy witch knowledge research every day, forgetting everything outside.

Seventy years is only a short period of time for Green, and it is nothing to say about life experiences close to two thousand years old.

But for this witch apprentice, it is already half a lifetime. Although there is an idea to adjust the skin care, it is still inevitable to change from the original little girl to the current woman.

"Master Green, your material."

The witch apprentice gently handed over the material that Green needed, focused and rigorous, adhering to Green's consistent research attitude, which is Green's most satisfied with her.

After three hours of hourglass.

Green finally completed today's male poisoning experiment formula, and was very satisfied with the results of the experiment, nodded.

Looking at Isaboro, who is looking at the results of his own experiments, Green calmly said: "How about the knowledge of the ice that I gave you before?"

According to the ice crystals, Green can help the wizard's advanced characteristics, and try to create a small witchcraft specially adapted to her assisted advancement according to the body of Hurricane Isapollo. Now Ishapollo has been working for three months. I still don't know Green's small experimental research.

How is the effect?

Every witchcraft, although the same principle, is different between the wizard and the wizard, so it is necessary to learn the application of knowledge transformation.

"Returning to Master Green, the initial feelings of the night before, about a quarter of the hurricane's power, and about nine months should be able to fill up."

Green nodded.

"Well, let's try the advanced formal wizard. It will be simple to understand with your current knowledge of wizards."

The wizard's three ways of advancement, strength, wisdom, luck.

Isabolo has been with Green for so many years. From the perspective of Green's third-level wizard, this witchic apprentice has created a knowledge of the knowledge of ice and the wisdom of the elements of the wind, plus his own boring to create for him. The auxiliary advanced wizards, the advanced formal wizard is almost a matter of stability.

In addition, the fifth phase of Green's truth, the high-level synthetic beast knowledge of flesh-and-blood fusion, the knowledge exploration under the crack of life code, the power of annihilation and the elements of simultaneous fusion attacks have augmented the path of the sorcerer wizard. They are also in sync.


one year later! .

"Master Green, thank you for your care over the years. I have learned a lot from you. Although you have not accepted me as a disciple, in my heart, you are already my mentor."

Isa Polo, who successfully advanced the formal wizard, said excitedly.

Xiao Ba, Rab, Thousand-eyed Cancer, Mystery Wantou Bird also gathered. Green smiled and waved: "Let's go, your wizard's road is still very long, remember the wizard who pursues the truth. Heart. Also,


The first time you hunted the demon expedition, you should be behind the senior wizard. Don't be reluctant. The exotic world war is too dangerous for you to be a newcomer. ”

"Yes, Master Green."

After the witch apprentices marched toward Green, they followed the seven-ring snail messenger and left.

"Hey, Master, you have nurtured a formal wizard, and it is right for you to be a mentor."

In the face of Xiaoba’s jokes, Greene’s small eighty-one look: “There was a chance to come back, I thought that Ye Ye had already given you a nest of little eight.”

Xiao Ba was shocked and scared: "Hey!? Young master, you know it?"

"Oh... what do you know?"

The instinct of Green Instinct asked, in the shy cover of Xiao Ba’s “Nothing, Nothing”, Green suddenly realized that a finger pointed at the little eight and sneered: “You mate?”


Thousand-eyed giant crab squirted a slobber, and the seventy-nine heads of the mysterious million-headed bird were all settled in an instant. They widened their eyes and looked at the small eight. The scene was strange and quiet.


Forty years later.

On the test bench, the face of the truth that spreads out is like a huge piece of paper. After Green finally checked the rune system on the face of truth, he gently put down the quill and screwed the high-magic ink onto the lid.

"The fifth phase of the project of truth, the perception of visitation is finally completed!"

The index finger condenses the magic power, and Green gently taps the face of the truth that is spread out. The heterogeneous refinement begins to be automatically aggregated. The rapid reunification is for a gray-white mask, and the spiral pattern is printed on it.

Little eight is not


Around ~www.novelmtl.com~ Rab is playing outside with the hordes of rain and dew, and no one celebrates for Green.

After taking a deep breath, Green put on the face of truth, and for a moment, the world in Green's eyes became different.

The face of truth, this is a powerful weapon that perceives truth through representation, and is a unique weapon that grows with the growth of Green's knowledge.


Green easily perceives a few sneak peeks at the spirit of the rain and dew, and behind the blue sky and white clouds of the Seventh Ring Tower, there is a faint gaze to look at one of the many small cymbals in this box.

Is the Seventh Ring Spirit Wizard?

Now the seven-ring world in Green's eyes seems to have begun to "small" unconsciously, because Green's perception of truth has become more and more broad and deeper.


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