A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 14 Chapter 688: The blood of the people!

Until the end of the 100-year Seventh Ring of the Holy Chapter, the second-ranked Yazhi and the third-ranked challenger still have no wins.

In this case, it is natural for the challenger to fail.

Hundreds of witches in the district won the second place of the seventh ring of the Santa Claus Awards, and Yazhi earned a lot of money.

At the same time, Green has been entangled in the invitations of various parties for several months. He has been exhausted and can't calm down and concentrate on his own witchcraft experiment. Even if Green is unintentional, he is still unconsciously passively involved. Various forces have swirled.

At least some of the forces, Green could not respond to the refusal, such as Millie, Mina's father, mother, such as the demon record, and even the dawn wisdom that was also invited to Green.

Since the relationship is vague, then these forces will have a relationship with Green in the future, and the next step will be developed. At that time, Green will still be trapped in it and will be affected by various infinite possibilities.

Maybe it’s time to start living in your own life...

Hunting witches, hunting demon expeditions, these are the obligations of low-level wizards. Once they become the third-level hunters, they will become the reserve wizards in the depths of the holy tower, the power of the wizarding world, every time the hunter demon expedition marks the sorcerer We must all release the highest level of hunting wizards to be hired.

They will be the backbone of the advancement, growth and development of the wizarding world.

Most of these backbones have been studying their own knowledge of witches for many years in the depths of the tower. On the high-level wizarding knowledge public trading platform, they try to buy the knowledge they need and accumulate wealth for those holy sorcerers and spiritual wizards. Waiting for the strength to accumulate enough to participate in the Demon Hunt, and to attack the First Class Medal of Honor, the Advanced Stigma Wizard.

There are also a small number of the most elite sorcerers, who are between various forces, completing the special tasks that the sorcerer is inconvenient and the low-level wizards can't. Wandering in various worlds, adhering to the will of the wizard, maintaining the rule of the wizarding alliance.

The last part of the three-level hunting wizard is returning to the truth and returning to become another free-spirited wizard.

They are no longer continually tasking, killing, and researching for stronger strength. They are traveling for the deepest exploration and knowledge of the wizard, trying various ways to travel through the world, enriching themselves and enriching themselves.

Such a demon witch has a personal name, a wandering wizard!

The wandering wizard is the name of the individual three-level hunting wizard. The wizard pursues coexistence with the killing will, travels the world, does not fear any creature below the level of the world's Lord, explores and discovers the main purpose, and seeks the sublimation evolution of himself as a wizard, regardless of any so-called evolutionary rules.

In the ancient times of the Wizarding World, only black wizards and mechanical wizards, how did the first elemental wizard appear?

It may be a groundbreaking creation like a true wizard, but it is more likely that the unconstrained wizards are constantly researching and developing. I found the evolutionary way that suits me, and inadvertently created the door to a new wizard system.

"Young Master, it seems that our reward is in the depths of the Seventh Ring Tower. I don't know if I will face the seven-ring true spirit wizard."

Xiaoba stood on Green's shoulder. Quietly asked.

The Seventh Ring Spirit Wizard is a true spiritual wizard who was promoted after the War of the Ancient Civilization in the Wizarding World. In the previous tidal world, he was unexpectedly given the Titan's Ring. Today, although the wizards of the world's lower-level wizards are calm, the high-level wizards may have already set off a stormy wave. !

It symbolizes the inheritance of the ancient Titan civilization of this world community. It actually fell into the hands of the seven-ring true spirit wizard and became the private witch of the seven-ring true spirit wizard!

The weight of it is probably enough to raise the status of the entire elemental wizard again. Let the wizarding continent continue to lead the entire wizarding world and even the wizarding union.

The underground abyss martial artists want to surpass the status of the elemental wizard?

It is still an unknown unknown.

"probably not……"

Green was led by the four seven-ring snail messengers and a true sacred sorcerer, and entered the seven-ring world with a seven-ring heart, a gray sky dance, a spaceship floating, an innumerable slave monster. The demon sorcerer surrounds the seven-ring Santa Tower.

"Come with me."

The golden pupil, the seven-ring true spirit under the seat of the saint, Green felt unfathomable pressure.

According to Green's estimation, the seven-ring true spirits under the holy mark is not a five-level wizard, but a six-level wizard. It is because of the high status of the under-the-sorcerer that Green guessed that the seven-ring true spirit wizard would not I personally showed up.

The seven-ring Santa robotic arm sent Green into the interior of the body of flesh and blood, as if coming to a new world, the world rules have undergone fundamental changes, the rules of the wizard world have been difficult to influence here, on the endless square Elite wizards come and go, high-soul slaves, synthetic beasts, and mechanical objects are dazzled.

Blue sky and white clouds, the wind and the sun.

This is a brand new world. At the same time, Green noticed that there was a halo around the high-altitude sun. The ripples that appeared in it seemed to be...the ring of Titan.

"This side!"

In the Seventh Ring Santa, even if the sacred sorcerer came to the scene without causing too much undulation, and after a huge metal mechanic was stopped, the sacred sorcerer walked up with Green.

Green noticed that the energy spar needed to ride a metal mechanic turned out to be the crystal of the sorcerer's magical hand. The thinking of the civilians at the bottom of the wizarding world is that the holy sorcerer is the "money". .

嚓, 嚓, 嚓...

This is a metal mechanical shack, running on the ground for a while, flying in the sky for a while, but not feeling bumpy at all, the body is more than two hundred meters, and any world placed in the Green Hunting Expedition is a giant, but here It's just an experimental product.

In the sky, the huge shadows slowly slide over. It is the room built on the clouds. It is probably the things that the dawn wisdom witches and wizards have come up with, the eternal clouds that use elemental effects, or the special elements of a certain world. Bio.

The metal mechanic stopped after a half hourglass time~www.novelmtl.com~, Despair Shadow Green, before the promotion of the Holy Mark Wizard to establish the Wizarding Tower, here will be your eternal hunting demon lab, you will No further hunting missions are allowed. ”

Said, the holy mark wizard reached out to the palm of his hand and the light flares.

"This is the reward for you to win the first place in the Seventh Ring Tower!"

A small experimental crystal bottle appeared, filled with red liquid, but made Green feel very close and heavy, there is a feeling of holding the light that once awakened!


Green is amazed.

"Your luck is good. This is the highest reward that the Seven Rings Real Spirit Wizard found after you participated in the Chaoshan World Hunting Expedition, the blood of the people!"

After the seven-ring real spirit seat under the holy mark wizard, the body gradually dissipated and left. (To be continued...)


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