A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 14 Chapter 681: Challenged (1)

The initial ranking is over, and it is also the beginning of the real ranking battle for the 7th Ring of the Tower.

Regarding the initial rankings, many of the demon witches were very dissatisfied. They did not get the results they wanted. They only blamed the task of hunting the Shadow Red Yarn Cult.

The registration fee for the Seventh Ring Holy Tower is fifty witches, and no one will be willing to waste these fifty witches.

In fact, in addition to this reason, any one of the top 100 hunters of the sacred sorcerer in addition to the rewards can earn a return to the Wujing registration fee, one of the more important reasons is the title of the hunter.

The only way to get the title of the demon hunter is on the Holy List, the challenge and affirmation sent by the challenger after the failure, and the sorcerer’s career, like the sorcerer of the sorcerer The name of the tower.

Of course, even the top 100 hunters of the holy list will not be able to get everyone's affirmation and get the title of hunter, but often the top ranks, the more witchcraft will stand alone and the sorcerer will Easy to get!

Ayase, the seventh-ranked hunter in this seven-ring Santa Claus.

Aachen only felt that time had passed too slowly, and the waiting process was too frustrating. The two metal **** on the left hand kept sliding, and the metal rubbing "squeaky" and "squeaky" sounds.

After the initial ranking of one hundred, the Demon Sorcerer can challenge the top 100 Demon Sorcerers once a year. The top 100 Demon Sorcerers can challenge the third place once a year, or the fourth to one hundred other hunters. Once the magic wizard, the third-ranked Demon Sorcerer can challenge the second place every three consecutive victories. The second-ranked Demon Sorcerer is eligible to challenge the first place after winning the third consecutive challenge three times. !

According to the experience of the previous Santa List, if the first place really has the absolute strength to stabilize the second place, the number of challenges for the first place is generally between three and five times.

Because the second place will block a considerable part of the challenge for the ultimate challenger.

If the ultimate challenger does not have absolute strength, then wait until the absolute strength of the demon wizard comes up and then challenge.

Therefore, the title of the first hunting hunter in the Santa List is often determined by two or three attempts to challenge the demon wizard.

"Hey. Big Brother, don't worry, now the third-ranked hunter is always in an unstable state. After a few days of stabilizing the winning streak three times. We can collect a chance to win, 叽叽叽Hey."

A golden monkey squatted on Aristotle's shoulder, his sly smile, and his eyebrows twitched and his mouth widened. Bungee.

Auntie’s mouth was awkward, and his right hand inadvertently wiped his own mustache.

After 17 days, Aachen was finally challenged for the first time!

The reason is that the third-ranked Demon Sorcerer is constantly changing and can only be challenged once a day. The third-time demon sorcerer is often defeated by other Demon Sorcerers after winning one or two times. From the beginning, it was challenged until it was accumulated three times.

This is a huge piece of the world, at least a few hundred times larger than Green's world laboratory, enough for this level of hunting wizards to play their own strength.

Just entered this world of debris. There is a strange energy in the sky to perfuse.

"Hey, big brother, this kind of energy can protect us from lethal damage. The degree of tolerance is around 30,000 degrees. At the same time, we connect the detection magic array on the zenith. Once we are judged to be fatally injured, we will be Automatically squeeze out this world of debris."

The golden monkey has a reasonable analysis and seems to have extraordinary judgment on energy induction. It is the soul partner of A.

"Ten thousand degrees? That is the attack that the holy mark wizard can play."

Auntie smiled and threw his left hand. The two metal **** that were juggling floated in the air and squirmed, and the two metal creatures chased each other and froze around Ayase.

Immediately after, Aachen took out a sealed crystal bottle. After opening the cap, the large amount of activated flesh and blood continued to flow out, gradually forming the image of a flying monitor lizard. The body is covered with scales, a pair of flesh wings open more than 20 meters, and a purple layer on the tail Black glow.


This synthetic beast is a giant python. As if in the invasion and declaration of war, Auntie took the golden monkey on the shoulder and two small metal creatures on his back and began to search for the hunter who challenged himself.

It seems that I have considerable confidence in my own strength. The only thing Ayerso cares about is the ultimate challenger of the Seventh Ring of the Santa Claus on his head, Green!

During the World of the Fly, as soon as he entered the world of the fly, Aachen found a red fly spy pretender with the help of his soul partner, and after catching the clue, he made a fatal encounter with several hunting wizards. A blow killed a branch of the Shadow Red Yarn cult organization.

This is why Green once discovered that several hunting wizards have become the top few in the list.

From birth to family training to become a formal wizard, and then join the Seventh Ring Tower Hunting Wizard to advance to the second level, and compete for the current Seventh Ring of the Holy List, it is already 3,000 years, Aachen has become the backbone of the family!

Like the wizarding school system outside the Santa Claus, the family system within the Santa Claus is often more prone to conflicts and frictions than the college system.


After half an hourglass time, on top of the meat winged monitor lizard, Ayase looked at the old wizard who was 100 meters away.

An emerald on the top of the wooden vine magic wand shines, and there is a strange aura on the top of the head. Three giant trees of more than ten meters tall stand behind them, and the elements look at themselves as well.

"Big Brother, be careful, the aura has the super-regeneration ability of the tree giant. The sapphire of the magic wand is sealed with a life energy witchcraft, and the shadow under his wizard's robe is somewhat strange and fluctuating. It seems to be some kind of hidden dark witchcraft. I can't understand the distance too far."

The golden monkey muttered in the ear of Aachen ~www.novelmtl.com~哼哼, I know. ”

After Ai Suo smiled, with considerable confidence, he took the initiative to attack the hunting witch who challenged himself. The battle explosions of "bang", "bang" and "bang" continued one after another.


After a small half hourglass.

An unwilling roar, the old wizard who challenged Auntie was judged to be fatal by the guardian energy, and removed the world debris.


Aunt's two metal armor on the left shoulder and the right leg appeared to be damaged to varying degrees, from the new to the image of two small metal life.

"I found out the role of Xiaojin, first stepping it out to kill the world debris, but fortunately it is not a real battle..." (To be continued.)

.... Easy. Look. Small. Say.

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