A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 12 Chapter 637: Hunting target (7)

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Walking through the surface, Green is like walking in the darkness of the night, moving toward the goal.

From time to time, there are one or two wizards passing by, but what they perceive is the representational world above the truth. It is easily swayed by the expression of the robe, and passes by Green.

One layer after another, flying upwards, and occasionally some of the banned institutions are still unopened. These bans were obviously only opened in the design of the construction of the sorcerer's tower, and then they have been abandoned, so that these little things have been The accustomed Shadow Shadow Institute is forgotten.

A moment later, Green came to the fifty-eighth floor of the Shadow Thousand-Eyes Tower.

The goal is here!

Green's nose hunting, even through the lab door, can clearly perceive the stench of the small eight-bird curse, but for the average person, the smell is unaware.

How to get into it without being noticed?

There is a ban on the door of the lab that connects the magic source of the wizarding tower. It wants to forcibly break open, even if Green's annihilation force is slightly reluctant, and forcibly breaking the ban will inevitably trigger the shock of the entire wizarding school.

The only way is to wait slowly.

There must be other wizards to visit this Golden Legre, and want to come to this second-level hunter wizard with a three-level medal of honor, which is still famous in Shadow Eye Institute.

Or wait for this Golden Legre to come out!

However, in general, unless the wizard tower moves inside, the college wizards fly directly from the outer gate to the wizard tower. Can Green wait until he sees luck.

After nine hourglass hours.

Green is like a patient hunter, quietly waiting in front of the goal, even taking out the "mixed poison body" in the silent study, as long as the smell in the room is still, Green does not have to worry about the target ran .

Patience waiting finally paid off.

A second-level witch wizard stepped over with a magic wand and stopped at the door of Jin Laigri, “咚”, “咚” and “咚” gently knocked on the door.

"Master King Legre, the task of your scented pharmacy has been completed."

Green is almost behind the unsuspecting witch, and the eyes of the truth cross the witch's neck and look at the so-called scented potion in the hands of the witch.

Seen from the faint smell. This turned out to be an advanced odor synthesizer.

For Green, who invented Venus, who has a high attainment in odorology, it is not difficult to analyze the composition and function of this bottle of medicine.

Green is so close to the body of the witch, the other party is not aware of it, it is too horrible!

"吱嘎". After the lab door opened, Jin Lagrie nodded to the witch wizard, Shen Sheng said: "You bother to send it yourself, you know, Dean Amirangiiro went down to rule the college before the end of the war. Can't leave the lab."

Said. After Jin Lagley let go of the lab door, he walked into the room from his own, and the witch entered the door for a moment, suddenly, the whole room ringtone of "叮铃铃"!

Ok! ?

After the witch and Jin Lagiri stunned, Jin Lagri immediately reacted to what was happening. Suddenly, the whole body was creepy, and the younger generations were so cold and sweaty that they almost screamed and wondered: "Hidden!"

As a wizard who knows that King Legre has been labeled with this strange stench, she knows that King Legre is the target of the terrorist stalker of the nine anger colleges. To this end, the secret of the director of Amirangiro personally developed a secret plan, in order to wait for the stalker Green to hook.

Before the opening of the three-ring magical ban, the witches had been worried that the other party could not get in, but now...


With a scream, the witch and the transparent figure next to it collided on a completely transparent protective cover. The protective cover is like a pure transparent water wave. There is no energy to reveal it. It is obviously a high magical ban of the magic circle master carefully turning the cup!

The sound of "嗡" flashed, and Jin Leigri was distorted in space on a small altar. Amirangiro holding the magic wand appeared!

"I finally waited for you, the secret person Green!"

In the low discourse, Amirangiro actually stimulated the blood of witchcraft and slowly began to transform. The back of the "噗" sounded out two transparent wings, the body began to twist, the faintly turned into a flies-like form, huge eyes protruding, like a multi-mirror mirror, revealing red.

The top of the magic wand in the hand flashes. It was turned into a flaming purple-black light sword, and the specimen instrument on the test bench next to it was vaporized, and its power was amazing!

Next to Jin Lagri, not to be outdone, the flames linger, the majestic magic surges.

On the other side, inside the trapped magical array, the figure of Green appeared from the stealth form, and the witch sorcerer trapped in the magical array was hiding in the other side of the narrow space. The magic wand waved, and a golden light sword directly directed Green truth. The face.

The shofar wand wands a wave, and the giant force holds the high-density shock wave against the golden light sword. The sharp and sharp impact sound echoes in a small space.

After a little bit of persistence, the lightsaber lost its power and slammed.


After a cold cry, Green once again swayed out the shofar magic wand, the witch's body temporarily arranged the electro-optical protection, the magical wizard protection double broken, followed by Green's left hand is very fast, the local wild instinct changes covered with black The left hand of the scales is like a blade, and the witch's neck is crossed.

The sound of the "嗡", the body of the witchic element turned into a new aggregation of the Thunder.

However, the witches in such a small space are still around Green, almost at the same time Green's shofar magic wand slammed into the witch.


The witches are desperate in the ~www.novelmtl.com~ the second time that the face is pale.

But in such a small space, how can she be, and after the indescribable desperation was hit again by Green, the body slowly fell down.

Under the face of truth, Green looked at the five wizards who had rushed down from the high-level wizard tower.

The five people are all three-level wizards. The other four people are good to say that the information given by the nine angry sorcerers in Green’s hands is only taken over and not detailed. Only the old witch who is rushing to the front is officially a shadow thousand. One of the two strongest three-level wizards among the wizards invited by the Eye Wizard Academy, Panku Aguida!

The old witch is a terrible Thunder witchcraft. She has a second-class honor medal. As a witch hunting wizard, her combat experience is no less than Green. The wizarding world is second only to some legendary big wizards in the depths of the tower. The demon sorcerer.

"The Seventh Ring Tower Hunting Wizard, don't leave this time!"

The old witch flames brave the thunder and lightning. (To be continued.)


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