A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 12 Chapter 626: Master and men

"Don't make trouble!"

The left chest, the left shoulder, the right forehead, and the right hand each had a strange eye, and the shofar magic wand melted into the body. Green forcibly suppressed his discomfort and observed the thousand-eyed lights in the hands of the old witch.

"The ultimate effect of this witchcraft is to extract the fire of the enemy's soul, but the medium is these strange eyes, if you can close these strange eyes..."

Ok! ?

Green seems to have some thoughts. As the magic stirs, suddenly these strange eyes are squirming, and there seems to be something to break from under the eyes.


Green surprises that his alienation is really effective!

As Green continued to provoke the body's shackles, the alienated magnetic field shrouded the whole body. Under the control of Green's subtle control, the strange eyes around these bodies formed a small mouth, covered with dense, sharp teeth, looking fierce. Anxious.

These small mouths continually squirmed into the strange eyes that were born, and then began to divide the food. The horror and **** scenes at the microscopic level were difficult to accept even by the general formal wizards.

Green even used the alienation technique to "eat himself", and the total amount of flesh and blood remained the same, and he used the alienation technique to supplement the body and constantly eliminate the abnormality of his body.

The only thing that is consumed is the magic of Green's body.

"Hey? Young master, you are so talented, you can think of it!"

The little eight with his eyes full of eyes looks terrible. People with poor psychological endurance may have a goose bump in the whole body at first glance, and there are many unimaginable monsters and incredible phenomena in the gap between the dimensions. Green, I still barely accepted it.

As for the small eight who lived in the gap between the dimensions, there is absolutely no reflection on this phenomenon...

On the one hand, Green actually relied on alienation to use the cruel means to counteract the strange attack of thousands of bright lights. On the other hand, Peranos seemed to be a burning black flame. The brewing power of witchcraft has already ignited the level.


In the roar, Peranos turned to look at Alice.

At this time, Peranos is not just on the forehead. A strange eye was opened on the neck and cheeks, and the roar became so **** and weak.

The degree of the magical wizard's thousand-eyed lanterns is so horrible!

The ice dragon tree and exquisite teapot of the Shadow Academy, which Green had seen before, are the same as the high-level magical wizards of the same level as the thousand-eye lanterns.

I think that there are still two high-level witches like the Shadows of the Millennium Institute. It is not difficult to imagine that in this respect, it is inferior to the nine anger colleges.

"Space collapse!"

"咔嘣", as Perannos exhibited his own long-lasting witchcraft attack, a black space cracked silently to the old witch holding a thousand-eyed lantern witchcraft. It turned out to be an attack method that ignited space collapse.

Green knows that the instructor has some research on cursing witchcraft and space witchcraft. In addition to cursing witchcraft and space witchcraft, when Peranos and Green first saw the blackbird, they used cursed witchcraft and space. Witchcraft made Green smaller and put it in the sleeves.

"Space witchcraft?"

The old witch was shocked, holding a thousand-eyed lanterns and jumping backwards. At the same time, the bracelet was full of golden crescent moon stars, forming a huge golden crescent defense witchcraft.

This is not finished yet, the old witch's other hand holding a magic wand flicks. Under the magical force, a wind wall barrier defense witchcraft appeared.

Under the double-layer defense witchcraft, the fleeting black cracks "嘭" and "嘭" broke through two defenses, but in the end there was no old witch who could hurt the confidence.

"Hey. Peranos, your death... Ah!"

In the crack of the black space, the face of Peranos suddenly appeared from the foot of the old witch, and the palm of the hand that had not grown a strange eye caught the neck of the old witch. In the husky snoring, the old witch apparently did not expect Peranos to be so fierce, and the turbid eyes had a thrilling light.

Not a physical wizard. The old witch almost felt like she was dying, but found that Peranos was deadlocked?

It turned out that it was too close to the thousand-eye light, and Peranos was full of strange eyes!

Hundreds of strange eyes are moving in the same direction, and more and more, and new and strange eyes are constantly growing out of the body. Death has completely shrouded Peranos.

"Looking for a dead end!"

After the reaction, the old witch took a short breath and laughed and slammed the magic wand swept by the storm toward Peranos.


On the occasion of the millennium, the Thunder flashed, and the shofar magic wand was placed on the magic wand. The face of truth is like the indifference of the ability to wear the eye. The old witch is as far as possible. The difference in the sense of time between the two.


The old witch was surprised to see that the body could not stop twisting and squirming Green. It turned out to be a monster. A small mouth continually swallowed the eyes that were born under the illumination of thousands of eyes. The horror scene was hard to say.

However, at this time, the distance from the thousand-eye lamp is too close. The speed of the alienation of Green's alienation is obviously not new. The speed of the strange eyes is fast. Some unimportant places in the body begin to appear in large areas, and Green uses alienation to ensure the body. The normal operation of key parts.

It’s awkward!

The black arc tore the twisted light in all directions and spurred toward the old witch. Under the horrific attack of the annihilation of 4,500 Baidu, the old witch could not believe that this was a second-level wizard attack.

The instant wind element shield is attacked by the force of annihilation. The old witch uses half-step light and insight, and the body retreats with a very fast speed. The power of annihilation easily breaks the thin element of the wind element shield.

On the occasion of the almost death, this black arc seemed to reach the limit of attack distance, and it was set in front of the old witch and disappeared.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring..."

The old witch's eyes widened ~www.novelmtl.com~ to reflect the fear of desperation in a moment, and as the wisdom of the wizard, he has also grasped the flaws of this strange wizard.

That is the attack distance!

Knowing this weakness, the wizard is only a little tricky.

Suddenly, in the face of truth, Green smiled a little, and the volume of the tongue turned out that only the last magnetic magnet of the magnetic star was swallowed up and continued to accumulate.


The old witch's eyes narrowed, and the sly arm held his neck again. It turned out to be normal, and Peranos came again, and the raised eyes were cruel.

It turned out that the wick of the thousand-eye lamp was blown off by the force of annihilation and extinguished. (To be continued...)

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