A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 12 Chapter 609: Cozy (5)

"Gold Legre, what's wrong with you!?"

Puton’s incredible stunned, shadow-like two sorcerers who originally suppressed Izema. At this time, when Linton and Jinlegri called, Lin Lagley turned and fled, and the two were dumbfounded.

What kind of nerve is this six-ring Santa Hunting Wizard who has just returned from an exotic expedition?

However, Jin Lagri did not care, and the eyes of his eyes flashed through the indescribable shock, and he almost felt that he could not breathe.

First Class Medal of Honor...

It is indeed a first-class medal of honor!

These sorcerers who did not practice the sorcerer's hood could not sense the wave of the first-class honours of the Greens to attract the attention of the world's roots, but in the eyes of King Legre, the sorcerer with a gray-white mask and a squirrel-headed magic wand The first-class medal of honor is so dazzling, as if the sky is eternal.

Maybe these sorcerers don’t understand the meaning of the First Class Medal of Honor, but for Jin Lagri, who has participated in the Eight Devils Expedition, it’s clear that the First Class Medal of Honor and the Witch Hunter How big is the gap.

This seems to be the gap between the wizard and the knight!

In the Eight Hunting Expeditions, facing one and another hostile alien world life group, there are not many wizards who have a three-level medal of honor in the Demon Sorcerer, even the Hunting Witcher King Legg with the Second Class Medal of Honor. I have also cooperated and exchanged close times more than ten times, but...

The demon wizard who has the first-class medal of honor, Jin Lagri has never really touched it in close proximity!

Eight hunting expeditions, of which only three heroic expeditions appeared in the first-class honours medal hunting witches, but these horror hunting wizards above the combat command, but not those obeying the operational command mission The demon sorcerer can be compared.

In the Demon Expedition, they have the ability to control the space fortress and they are in the same position as the Holy Witch Wizard in the eyes of ordinary hunting wizards.

Even more, they are rarer and mysterious than the holy mark wizard!

Because such a demon sorcerer represents the hunter-destroy expedition that once changed the entire foreign world, it necessarily means that he has a superb knowledge field. And the wizards who have such extraordinary knowledge of the outstanding knowledge have gained the attention of the world's roots, so the advanced level four, the establishment of the wizard tower is almost a matter of course.

Therefore, the Demon Hunter with the First Class Medal of Honor represents almost the transition period of the pre-selection of the Holy Mark Wizard.

Such a horrible, so rare top elite sorcerer, there is one person here, how to prevent Jin Lagri from participating in several hunting expeditions to fear!

The other party is really standing on his own hundreds of meters away, and Sen coldly looks at himself!

If you are in the Demon Hunt, you will not even have the qualifications to see each other, only obey the task that the other party has issued through the combat headquarters.

But at this time, he has become the enemy of the other side, this is a nightmare!

This is the case. It is not difficult to explain why Jin Laigri, who was originally arrogant and violent, has such a big change. He turned and fled without any hesitation. The death of Xiao Shimei has also been forgotten.

This must be told to the instructor!

The ability to change the whole world of the Demon Hunting Expedition will inevitably have the ability to change the situation of the college war. It is necessary to let the Shadow Thousand-Spot Wizards inquire about all the information and information of the First Class Medal of Honor.

"Hey? This is running! Young master, is he running?"

The little eight shouted.

Under the face of truth, the eagle's scorpion completely locked the traces of the demon sorcerer in the fire cloud, prejudged the other's running route and the direction of the element's teleportation, which was low and gloomy: "Hey. The two are rushing at If you come down, don't leave, leave it!"

With the words of Green Bingsen, a ripple rippled in all directions with Green as the center. The ups and downs of the air "嗡嗡嗡" rubbed.

It turned out that Green opened two layers of wild instinct in a short period of time.

The body swelled to a height of three meters, and the skin's dense black scales were covered with a layer of white bones, which was “squeaky”. A root spur grows out, and the incredible body is like a terrible monster. The horns and magic wands are blazing in the eyes of the two eye sockets.


This terrible monster gently swayed the shofar magic wand. At the bottom of the 200 meters, there was a gust of wind on the ground, and a large area of ​​vegetation swayed.

Suddenly, I saw the reaction of this scene slow and took three shots of the Shadow Eye Academy, and the eyes were shrinking. I only felt that my body was blowing and my heart was about to explode!

In front of it, it seems that an unprecedented prehistoric horror beast has begun to wake up. The next moment will be extended to cover the sky and cover the sky, and several people will be easily crushed to death.


Finally, a few people began to realize what a horrible monster was standing in front of the sky!

So powerful, so oppressive...

It’s no wonder that Kim Lagley didn’t run back when he saw the wizard. It must have been that his hunting wizard had a more keen sense of smell and felt that the terrible wizard suppressed the overwhelming energy in the body. Frightened and turned and fled.

Such a powerful second-level wizard, where did the nine angry wizarding colleges come from?

I have never heard of the previous two wars.

Is it a helper that other colleges secretly support?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Different from the relatively clumsy flight of the first-level wizards, the three second-level wizards jointly cast the elemental teleports and lasing in three different directions. Even if the strength is strong, the green can only choose one person to pursue. This is The essential difference between a first-level wizard and a second-level wizard.


A thunder arc flashed, and Green also disappeared from the original place. The next moment came out more than a hundred meters away. Under the face of truth, the eyes were cold and indifferent, chasing the Pudong who came with Jin Lagri. .

After the two elements of each side teleported, with the gradual approach of Green, Puton escaped.


The shofar wand is swung down.

The air around him seems to be squeezing himself hard. This is the trouble of the star stone. The escaped Punton screams, the eyes are stunned, and the witchcraft spells in the mouth are read at incredible speed. Waving, even a series of exhibitions of the hurricane, ice wind roar, Solap wind blessing three witchcraft.

"Amazed? There are already too many wizards who are shocked and shocked in front of my renju witchcraft. You are not the first one, nor the last one!"

In the slight wheezing, Putton’s mouth blew a little confidence. Although the other side is strong, it is impossible to be harmless in the face of his ability to quickly send witchcraft!

"It's time to open the sacrifice of your left hand, oh, when..."


Suddenly, the shofar magic wand surpassed the two-thousand-degree attack in the green high-density shock wave, the circulating magnetic field, and the wild instinct to become the second layer of blessing, as if three thin sheets of paper were used to tear up the three-fold defense of Putton. After that, a hit was printed on Putton’s body.

A bang of ~www.novelmtl.com~ a high-density shock wave penetrates Putton's body.


Puton’s physicalization was opened up in order to spread the wind, and it turned out that the elemental body escaped. After the sky wind blade re-aggregated, Putton snarled: “Impossible!”

It’s awkward!

The black arc pulled the twisted light in all directions and hit the body of Putton. Without any resistance, the shadow of the Shadow Eye Academy wizard melted away, as if it had been wiped out, leaving only a **** strange left arm floating in midair.


Naturally, Green found out that the only remaining spell of the wizard was **** and left-handed. (To be continued...)

Ps: Today is even more, and tomorrow will be added.

The six hundred and ninety-ninth chapter is arbitrary (five:


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