A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 2003: Abyss Battlefield (8)

After a brief visit, the king of the thunder and the king of the deceased, Mellon Stone, left.


The mechanical friction noise of the Eternal Sky City has not been reduced. The King of the Second Generation Wizards came to a mountain where the giant monsters of the giant armor were raised. It seems to be carrying out some unconscious thinking, and the eyes are deep, watching the play between the mountains and the mountains. The sturdy scorpion creatures, about a hundred heads, were captured before the hunter expedition, for the loss of future wars.

The city of eternal sky is too vast, and other slave groups like this are not known.

Suddenly, a giant armpit with white eyebrows, two meters high body squatting on the ground, step by step slowly, the vicissitudes of life make its skin look incomparable folds, no elastic hanging, but not afraid In front of this mysterious wizard who is completely convergent and completely integrated with the natural rules, he sat down a few meters before the wizard and slowly sat down.

"Hey, hey..."

The old giant screamed indiscriminately, making a simple strange tone, letting the king of the second generation of sorcerers in meditation glimpse, this kind of self-breathing is likely to radiate the dead little things, actually take the initiative to approach themselves?

Like the starry sky, the deep three-color light looks at this insignificant little thing. The second generation of wizard kings sees the low-intelligence primitive creatures from their own awe and the snoring, but unfortunately, they even communicate with the will. Can't do it, small, humble, and unbearable.

After a wave of will, the king of the second generation of wizards easily got the information of this slave monster.

"Respected wizards, I feel that they are different from them. I want to see a wider world outside. Apart from freedom, nothing can attract me."

For the words expressed by the old monks, the king of the second generation of wizards disdainfully smiled.

As a representative of ancient wizards, the killing of the hands of the corpse is better than the **** sea. Although there is no black witch king before, but on the killing, there is no need for the black witch king to go anywhere. The wizard is for the slave monster army. The construction proposal has its original credit!

Now, a slave monster, just a little more fortunate than a laboratory specimen, is actually expressing this with himself?

With a strange smile, this old man is still screaming and screaming. He probably did similar things to the former sorcerer who was responsible for grazing. These modern educated wizards all have a softer world view, and there is no such thing as a special one. The slave is doing anything special, but as the king of the second generation of wizards of ancient wizards...


Grab the old man with a stretch of his hand, and it is suppressed by the force of time and space to fit the palm of his hand. It is like grasping a hot dog in the universe world, followed by a big mouth under the face of truth, revealing a mechanically dense one. Rows of fangs, "Oh yeah" in the screams of horror, directly into the mouth, chewing, the splash in the mouth, delicious.

After a while, the old guy stood up from the hill and slowly flew in the other direction, muttering: "The two guys, Antonio and Green, what the little wizards who started the college education are really, these slave monsters. I am no longer afraid of the wizard, oh..."

However, the king of the second generation of wizards who are keen to restore the glory of the ancient wizards and use the war to promote the world of wizards and save the world of wizards obviously have no intention to open a wizarding school and create a "give me endless knowledge. The third sentence after the fulcrum, inciting the endless world and the "Wu Wang has a road to work, the truth is nowhere to work" is a famous saying.

Everything that happened on the hills was not known to anyone, as if nothing had happened, and it was the quiet day of the eternal sky city.

call out!

The king of the second generation of wizards came to the core of the Eternal Sky City. Pumirosius was a crystal 棺 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在"Is this the undercover that came in from the Quanzu world group? It is too weak, far worse than the black terminator."

Yi Shi and friends, the two have long been familiar with each other, far more than the relationship between Green and the three disciples, can not be compared.

While disassembling the specimen, Pumirosius responded: "All the great ancestors should not miss this great opportunity. This thing should be just one of them. If you don't want to sneak into the city of eternal sky, it won't be like this. It was discovered early. However, this small thing, although weak and insignificant, is artificially designed and built. The power is mechanical vibration collecting device. Some materials are also very interesting. It seems that the Quanzu world group has come into contact with a very interesting wisdom. Ethnic group."

In fact, these do not have to say that Pumirosius said that the king of the second generation of wizards wearing the face of truth has already had an insight into this, but as Pumirosius said, this little thing has its own characteristics, but in essence, There are huge flaws, which are not worth mentioning compared to the Terminator's scientific knowledge system.

Without interest in this little thing, the king of the second generation of sorcerers calmly said: "After the contact with the sorcerer's sorcerer came over, I thought of this hunter for some information from the secret confession of the first sorcerer's zen zen. The expedition is still not as strong as possible, because this is not the four-ring spirit wizard and the fools they want to see the rules!"

"These destiny, grace... or the dimensional consciousness guys, if one day the wizards are faced with breakthrough dimension or vertical and horizontal voids, infinite micro-selection, the first one is to remove them, those high-latitude creatures are very It may be that they are affecting here."

Speaking of the mysterious things of these dimensions, Pemirosius is like eating in the breath, without showing any abnormality.

No one knows that the four-ring true spirit witch who is dedicated to the rules of the book of the Holy Book has long been remembered by Pumirosius, ready to be pinned to death. After all, these guys who are called the destiny of Pumirosius We are not too strong.

"There is also a good news. The task of the six-star side has been completed. The book of Destiny has added a page of destiny, hehe."

Gloomy sneer slowly emerged from the face of truth, the second generation of the wizard king slowly said: "In addition to the black witch king, have not seen who can resist the pages of two destiny, even now the black witch Wang Cheng may be so It was the original pages of the two destiny pages that could be played. ~www.novelmtl.com~ It’s just a little more delayed than those guys, but after all, I can’t hide this robbery. Hey, now we’ve gotten six pages. Although it is useless to those who have no ancestors, but taking advantage of this conference, what is the right to vote, after the expedition, these pages of fate will almost show up, and the endless world is power to decide everything! When the Enigma Expedition was successful, my second generation of wizards was also able to rely on the demon sacred expedition, and the perfect Zen was closed."

Beautiful fantasy, wonderful ending, the king of the second generation of wizards did not say that such merits in the future history of the wizard world, perhaps more than the king of the early wizards, is also a special thing.

Pmyrosius knew very well about his mentor and did not interrupt the illusion of the mentor.

"Also, the right to vote is only a scorpion. I don't believe that the right to vote can really determine the distribution of interests after the defeat of the Devils. After all, it will be determined by strength. But the mentor should not forget, return. The real enemy of the ancient wizarding world group is chaos. It is not the ethnic parliament of this abyss battlefield. The page of fate is hard-won, so use it carefully, and leave some accumulation for the kings of the wizards behind."

The king of the second generation of wizards proudly said: "Reassured, I will carefully observe the enemies who can afford the page of destiny, and will not waste."

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