A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 2000: Abyss Battlefield (5)

Destiny leverages the power of infinite space and time. It is also based on the world tree. It transmits four masters across the void at one time, and the king of the deceased, Mellongwei, has already deepened the jealousy of the world tree.

This guy, I am afraid it is enough to rival the top-ranking powerful creatures of several major ethnic groups!

Even so, is there anything more than her in the Wizarding League?

Not to mention the king of the early wizards who have become myths and legends, it seems that the king of the second generation of wizards can also form effective control over them, and it has been inferred from the edelulous sorcerer’s little words that the existence of the wizarding alliance, There are also hidden.

What kind of terrorist world is this, how could it be so many incredible peaks!


When returning, the four people were not protected by time and space. Instead, they were under pressure from various masters and formed a short time-space delay. The time and space cocoon should be a protective means to prevent interruption by time or space. The time of stress was sneaked.

After the body swayed and the short-term discomfort, the thunderstorm armor of the King of Thunder Cry regained its weight again.

When he looked up and smashed his mind, he couldn’t help but shake the giant giants in front of him. The eyes under the dark spots were huge, and the open mouth was unconsciously spit out, muttering in ambiguous words. Self-talking.

"This, this... what is this ghost thing! Even the four stars of the Iron Star River are in front of it, it is a small toy!"

The Queen's Death Star Battle Platform of the Jagged River is quite different from the Witch World Sky City, but it is still a level of combat platform. But now, in this collection, countless wizards have long-term wisdom, sweat, In front of the city of eternal sky developed by the resources, it is nothing but a staggering little baby, not worth mentioning.

Coincidentally, the private transmission of unknown star orbital guns in the city of eternal sky is like a **** giant in front of a savage beast. This kind of blow is enough to destroy the oppressive force of the medium-sized world. The endless dominance is just a trembling lamb.


A spaceship of more than 100 meters surrounds the virtual mothership to transport supplies, guard against each other, repair damage, maintain order, and so on, just like countless small ants seem to be insignificant.

Through the dark and empty, the endless mastery of the will, the faint can still detect other small and small combat platforms to follow, some are comparable to the size of the dead star, and some are small battles of 10,000 meters to tens of thousands of meters. platform.

Although small, but for some groups that are not good at building combat platforms, these 10,000-meter combat platforms are also enough to form a crush!


The king of the thundering swallowed a mouthful of water. How many troops did the corps send out to the sorcerer's alliance, and what do you think of it, and how much of this to the legion?

Is it part of it, or the tip of the iceberg, or ... nine cattle and one hair?

Just as the King of Thunder was thinking, stunned, and restless, the world tree with the lever of magical levers slowly said: "Because of the eternal sky city, the three generations of the sky city, the space-based starship, and other large-scale operations. The platform involves major secrets of the Wizarding Alliance, so I am very sorry that the second generation of the Wizarding King can only be carried out on the third-level space fortress that specializes in the visitor. There are many inconveniences, and I also ask for more than two sea culverts. ”

Saying, colorful time and space sway at the foot, like a red carpet, the four lords ushered in a 30,000-meter-diameter space fortress, the inner strong faintly infiltrated by many powerful people to perceive the sorcerer's hunter expedition Merle Longwei, the king of the corps of the overall strength of the Legion, was shocked and no longer distracted. In the encirclement of the will of all sides, with the second ring of the real spirit, the black sorcerer, the world tree, and the king of thunder, Together, I walked into the space inside the fortress.

It is not necessary to repeat the above-mentioned organs. When the king of the deceased, Mellon, enters the hall and looks up at the high seat of the hall, surrounded by the silver flame and the milky white light. When the three masks on the mask are constantly moving their eyes, The crown of the void is the guide, and some snippet pictures are remembered in the faint, but they are not certain.

In the king of the wizard, there are juxtapositions of the digital masters. It seems that they have been waiting for a long time, and they seem to have increased their pressure.

"I am the king of the second generation of wizards in the Wizarding League. You two are the main force in the abyss battlefield here. They have been holding on to the abyss for a long time, but they have also crossed the void to welcome the wizarding army.

An old, knowledgeable, wise, and majestic temperament.

The second generation of the wizard's king, a metal fire, floated in the air, the next moment at the foot of the king of the deceased, Mellongwei and the king of the thunder, the metal became two high-level robots in the peristaltic creep, but in the second The king of the wizard will transform into two seats, indicating that the two sit down.

"Where, where you can get the Wizards Corps to join the battlefield as soon as possible, it is more important than the two of us who are less than the battlefield!"

The king of the thunder is polite, but his eyes are sloppily turned. The words turn and say: "Just don't know, there is no plan for the expansion of the wizarding alliance" because it is difficult to achieve ambition in the world of the nest, as long as the wizarding army is willing to accept the thunder One family, and the next big world as a reward signing contract, under the willingness to brush another family to join!"

In the hall, in addition to the second generation of the wizard king, the world tree, the two-circle wizard, the second ring of the true spirit wizard free dandelion, the nine-ring true spirit wizard, the Wuyi mechanical spirit wizard, the two-star real spirit wizard, Samsung Zhenling The wizard Ashura, the six-wheeled real spirit wizard, and the Radiant King Flower Alliance dominate.

There are so many existences, I heard that the king of the thundering rushed to join the words so arbitrarily, anyone can hear the temptations behind the world of the nest, the years of battle between the Jagged River and the Brood, and the Queen's Nest World is heavily guarded against the Wizarding Legion!

"huh huh huh huh……"

The second generation of the wizard's king smiled and slowly stood up from the high chair. Everything in control was in a sense of confidence and was born.

"The reason why the Abyssal Mozu is strong is that the will is unified, and it can gather advantages in the shortest time. Otherwise, the abyss of the abyss will be dozens of battlefields, and the six ethnic groups will be gathered here alone. How can they not defeat the abyss? Since you have chosen to join the Brood, if you want to join the Wizarding League, please wait until after the war. The Wizards will come to the Abyss Council in accordance with the parliamentary system."

After a pause, the second generation of the wizard's king looked at the king of the deceased, Mellon.

"According to your statement, the emptiness of the occupants of the world occupies four votes in the parliament. Unfortunately, I have greeted the Black Crystal family here, which is two votes less than the Void Avengers. There are only two votes in the parliament. You can Will you inform the number of votes for the meeting?"

Black crystal family!

It was actually the first to meet the king of the wizard ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ This is the king of the thunder and the king of the deceased did not think of.

After the silence of the king of the Destroyer, Mellon Wei, slowly said: "The parliamentary voting system is essentially derived from the strength of the various ethnic groups that joined this battlefield of the abyss, but will also be contributed to the war by the order of joining the war. How much influence, the right to vote will be decided after the end of the abyss battle. For the possession of the abyss world group of blank territories, at least the alliance here will do their best to fight, and then coordinate distribution among the various parliaments. ”

After a pause, the king of the deceased, Mellongwei Stone, went on to say: "As for the number of votes of the major ethnic groups, the highest number of votes is undoubtedly the three major groups of the mother's nest, the iron and the blood, and the number of votes in the parliament. Left and right, followed by the Promise of the Promise, the Sanskrit King Kong, the Frost and the devour of the beast, also have dozens of votes, and finally a series of small ethnic groups similar to the Void Avengers, often only a few votes."

"Is it about 100 votes?" Hey, the **** star river invites the sorcerer family. Now the sorcerer and the army are in the pressure, and they should preside over the issue of interest distribution."

This sense of self-confidence is entirely due to its confidence in the strength of the wizarding family.

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