A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1984: Crossing NPC

Sharp eyes, flashing from the indifference and calmness.

As the doctor turns back, the surrounding time seems to have become cumulating. People on the street are walking slower and slower until one foot is in the air, one foot is raised, and the mirror is solidified. With a moment of look, the tea house pours like a line, floating in the air, the child swells the gang, and the sprinkled sand fruit keeps the mouth blowing out...

咕 咕, 咕 咕, 咕 咕, 咕 !!

The doctor's skin has bubbles, like an inflatable balloon, the volume is expanding, step by step toward Green, and the momentum is getting more and more terrible.

It seems to be a creature born in the world of high-humidity rules. The body surface is covered by a layer of viscous liquid. Looking at the green that is slow and terrifying in the superconducting time, the monster that has long been not adult-shaped, Mori Handao: "In the boiling In the world, the hot magma turns all the liquid into a boiling gas. Even if the rain is more than seventy degrees, it will continue to be evaporated without falling to the ground. The weak creatures are not qualified to survive at all, but even so, we also There has never been a departure from the motherhood. Until one day, a group of invading sorcerers challenged the rules of survival in the wild world!"

Said, this terrible wild creature has already walked to Green, compared to the other four meters of the body, disguised as the world's indigenous creatures of Green, the small body is really insignificant.

"You have discovered my secret, no matter which world you come from, what the purpose is, but for the peace of the wild world, I can only represent the endless world of survival of the fittest, the rule of survival of the fittest, and get rid of you."


The oppressive green hand fell, and after grabbing Green's body, the mucus on the skin wraps the Green and digests Green's look.

I intend to remove this unknown creature silently and prevent him from destroying his plan.

"Cough, cough, and cough, I advise you not to do this. We used to play purely. The goal of the wizard is not wild."

Yep! ?

Mily, who was lying on the sickbed, suddenly spoke and couldn’t help but be surprised by this wild world. In the super-guided time, the other party could still keep up with his own time cognition, and he was not aware of it. Any stranger to the other party!

"who are you?"

Just after the end of the question, Green, who was clasped in the big hand, also smiled from the static state wrapped in mucus.

These mucus are more suitable for Green, like the air that can breathe freely, even more than this wild world creature. After leaving this strongly corrosive mucus, the air is a stone step at the foot of Green. Step by step, walk slowly, come to the stretcher like Millie without gravity and let it sit on it.

The two coolies carrying the stretcher were fixed in the superconducting time, still maintaining a bitter and patient expression, without any change.

"You see the world, from sandstorms to oases, to drive away the ancestors, to extinction the sandworms, to manage these indigenous creatures in order, the power of the wizards is not only the higher spirits, but also because of their social ethnic groups. System. If their goal is a wild world group, it will not be long before the wild world group will become the product of their will, like the sandstorm world, and use the wizard money to easily enslave all people, including you, all Everything is just a slave who trembles for the witches."

Greenton paused and continued: "You should be glad that I told you this. You should also know that in the face of dominance, any resistance of lower creatures is innocent, and the thickness of our lives is not at all."

Unprecedented fear oppresses this creature, under the mucus, oily skin trembles, desperate.

This feeling is not an eagerness for the uncontrollable oppressive force, but rather the fear of not being able to recognize higher life. The lower creatures are desperate to control the rule, even if Green just reveals a bit of pressure, it just makes this The monster, who is very tall, bends his knees and kneels.

Two days later.

Green and Millie sat on the shoulders of this boiling world creature and walked in the air at high speed. The three went to a deep cave in the desert.

"This is a mine in an ancient oasis country. It is actually a world node. After the ancient empire discovered this world node, the crystal of the desert unexpectedly opened up a illusory world. I also came here through the world. Therefore, the water source of this ancient oasis kingdom was evaporated by the energy magnetic field and became history."

Green and Millie fell from the shoulders of the boiling world creatures, floating in midair and looking at a mirror-like stone wall.

The wild creatures at the moment also reveal the true body. It is a strong creature full of scales. It looks like a human being. The actual sound is a kind of "crustacean" creature with a transformable form, but it hides its own soft tissue. Under the scales and mucus, and there is no such thing as an eye at all, the perception is based on the most nuanced temperature and sound wave vibration changes.

"The media world."

A little feeling, Green clearly recognized the information of this illusory world, the media world is in the illusory world of forgotten the shallow world, Green has a world of contact research during the official wizarding period.

“What are the specific rules of the media world?”

Millie asked.

"桀桀~www.novelmtl.com~ a very interesting world! The existence of the media world is the loss of information, because everyone's will thinking is independent, but regardless of paper information, sound information, light and shadow image information Communication, even the dissemination of information on the will of the mind, actually has media loss. After a piece of original information is transmitted through several independent wills, it will completely lose its original will. This is why the original creator of witchcraft can play witchcraft. The reason for the most powerful ability is that, besides the most applicable principle created by the original creator, it is the information loss that the latecomer understands."

Although Millie expressed her understanding, she did not say much. The various rules of the illusory world are endless and unpredictable. Even the true spirit is only a drop in the ocean.

Seeing this, Green said: "I wanted to spend the fourth world in the wild world. Now it seems that it is good to have another media world in the middle. You will follow along and lead the way."

Green looked at this boiling world creature, regardless of the will of the other side, forced to transform his life form into a half-point dog, spit his tongue and smashed into the green arms.

As Green and Millie's skin regained their youth, and the stretch of the body's appearance stretched out, several energy spar was put into it, and the space rippled open.

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