A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 31 Chapter 1963: do not stop

The world of magic stone, joined the middle-scale world of the Wizarding League after the third civilization.

Like all the worlds occupied by the cosmic world, the world of magical stone is ruled by the cosmic sea world before the third civilization war, while promoting peaceful coexistence and protecting local rare ethnic groups. On the one hand, the world environment is polluted, the world will continue to be weakened, and the food chain ecological community is declining. A series of problems, such as chronically killing the evolution of the world's species, completely become the primitive creatures under the will of the metal destroyer Skynet.

And when these worlds joined the Wizarding Alliance in the Third Civilization War, with the large-scale application of the sorcerers and elemental energies of the wizards, instead of large-scale factory operations, although they could not restore the original will of these worlds, they also played Breaking the endless environmental degradation of these resource-based worlds, some variations have taken place in this “doomsday” wasteland, and some new ethnic groups have been born.

"Green, we have to have a good time today, hey, hahahaha!"

This kind of humanoid creature, named Mi Di, laughed happily. "Awkward", after the cans were opened, the beer "咕" and "咕嘟" were down, and the summer sun was full of passion.

the other side.

Beige skin, strong upper body bare, wild chest muscles filled with black chest hair, Green has been in this world for more than 40 years, from the orphans to this, according to the life of the magic brake people, just as adults.

There are some hot feet in the sea sand, filled with a touch of fishy smell. The greens wearing flip-flops carry a few fishing rods. Under the mirror, the eyes look at the fishing boats on the shore. The palms inadvertently smashed the short hair of the waves and the sweat evaporated. , laughed: "Midi, this is your cruise?"

The length of the boat is more than ten meters and the height is four meters. Some paints on the corners have already shown signs of corrosion. The sail masts are not so strong, and even the spears have rust.

The cans were thrown away by Midi and the guy didn't care. "I don't like you, I can find a girlfriend like Millie. The money in my family can't be spent for a lifetime, hahaha, or I won't find you." I’ve got the money. Right, your girlfriend, Millie, why haven’t you come yet?”

Speaking, Midi and the sweet girlfriend of the brown-black skin around him kissed each other sweetly.

"Hey, how many of you hurry, I can't wait to grill the fish at sea, hehe..."

On the boat, another couple waved and waved, and they couldn’t wait.

At this time, in the parking lot in the distance, Millie also had a pair of bikinis, white skin, and the graceful figure was unmistakable. Like a girl, she jumped around to Green and intimately rolled up Green's arm. Several people took the equipment to the cruise ship.

Oh la la...

The waves beat on both sides of the cruise ship. The seagulls called "呱" and "呱", flying around the cruise ship, blue sky and blue sky, very comfortable, Millie leaned against Green's shoulders and enjoyed the good.

"Millie, come over!"

It is Tom An's girlfriend, a 16E hood of the big wave girl, proud figure is his biggest capital, is laughing in the cabin and Maddy girlfriend, it seems that there is something fun.

And Tom Ann walked up to Green and sat down, throwing a magazine, and Green took a look after picking it up. It was a lesser-known science fiction novel.


Compared to Maddy's rough, Green's Gao Jian, Tom An is a slightly fat dwarf, if his family is in good condition, plus this guy has some business minds in school, and the fight is not bad, otherwise it will not Catch up with the 36E girlfriend, but at school there are a lot of guys staring at his girlfriend.

Tom Ann picked up his hookah and picked it up, thinking deeply. He calmly said: "My dream when I was a child was to go to Mundara, and "Black Man" mentioned that it is the real world. The center is the exchange station between the world and aliens. The government is always covering up the fact that they are communicating with aliens, but I and I believe that this is a fact, and now share this secret with you."

Green turned his head and glanced at it. Mi Di was in charge of the rudder in the bow of the cabin. He finally realized that the partners he met during the two universities were looking for their own entrants and jointly invested in the purchase of the cruise ship.

It turned out that not only a common friendship, but also their dreams.

If the average person is faced with this, knowing that he is being used, he is afraid that his temper will be uncomfortable, but his mentality is different. For Green, it is just an experience. In the mix of love and apology, accompanying Millie, experience living. The fun, so everywhere is full of happy travel, not accounting a lot.

It was because of Green’s open-mindedness that he had made two good friends, Tom Ann and Maddy.

As for this Mundara area, Green thought about it. According to the truth, it should not be the space fortress of the Alliance. Although there are many fantasy homes in the world, the other side of the sky is the alien base, but the other side is the alien base. No one can confirm, because the world government will never allow such secrets to spread among ordinary humans, and spread many so-called explorations on the back of the earth.

At this stage, people in this world need ethnic evolution and social construction, rather than exploration, and random exploration. Even if they discover those more powerful living civilizations, they are just looking for a dead end.

"Ah? I actually read this book!"

Green, a delightful and excited look, came to the fore, full of mystery: "I always thought this was my secret, I will live in my heart forever. I didn't expect you two to realize it. So we went out to sea this time. The destination is Mundara? I have never thought about exploring in the past, just take a look, more than 600 nautical miles, will you be able to arrive the day after tomorrow?"

Seeing Green said, Tom An, who was carrying a hookah, also squatted, and then it turned red on the chubby face and excited: "Really? You also have this dream!?"


Millie, lying on the side of Green, kept circled on Green's chest, her head resting on Green's shoulder, holding a pair of big eyes and looking at Green with a happy face.

Looking at the sea on the sea, the green star ~www.novelmtl.com~ smirked: "What's wrong, still want?"

Green said that the arm that was held by Millie was not honest. Walking on the smooth skin of her, it seemed to be magical. Milli's skin kept shaking when the palm passed, and the week was high. The ice-clear jade and the true spirit wizard, at this moment, in the green arms, like a squid, constantly writhing, "哼", "哼", the mouth is full of greasy people.



Under the night sky, Green stopped moving and asked cynically.

Green's movement suddenly stopped, so that Millie, who had already entered the state, was full of loss, and refused to take care of the other. The teeth bite on Green's shoulder and said: "Don't stop."

Kissing Millie's forehead, Green and Millie smiled at the same time, staring at their foreheads, and they all smiled a little.

Green looked at the other two couples on the deck. It was the same passion. In this youthful years, this passionate burning time, every breath makes people feel infinitely energetic.

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