A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1961: Wizarding road

In the heart of the wizarding world, Green stands against a round of true spiritual wizards, staring at each other.

Between the two, the balance of truth, the magic wand, the book of truth, the face of truth, the robe of appearance, neatly arranged, the wizard's will and the rules of the world, because of these magical witches and the green blue light spots More abundant, they have become the new rules of Antonio's destiny time and space rules, into the wizarding world.

At this moment, the two people who are relatively gazing, Green is grand and calm, just like all the fame and fortune in the world, standing on the historical inertia, reaching back to the truth, eager to hide invisible.

The king of the second generation of wizards is full of infinite ambition and yearning, with strong performance, to prove themselves to everyone, recognized by the times.

"After going out, you are the new king of wizards, control the alliance, and I am in history. I hope that the Alliance Wizard will be able to move to a new peak in your tenure!"

A low discourse, a glimpse of the blue light, Green said.

In the face of the first generation of the wizard's king, Greene, the round of the real spirit wizard is even more curved, confident and firm: "I will!"


In front of Green, the four truth suits each showed a different luster, one by one to the king of the new generation of wizards.

"The history and mission of the wizard world, although I am the king of the early wizards, but with your historical cognition, there is not much to say, just hope that if the king of the next three generations of wizards takes over, if they are new generation wizards, they will bother you. Do not bother to explain one by one to ensure the integrity of the wizard's will."

Said, Green pointed to his own four-piece suit witch.

"These are the four pieces of truth witches that have been made by the heart of my life. They are the balance of truth, the magical wand, the face of truth, the book of truth, and the robe of appearance. They each have their own different magical powers. In the down time, I will explain the abilities and application methods of the ancestors in the mouths of these ignorants. However, these truthful witches are made on the basis of myself. How much power can be exerted depends on yourself. Of course, with these truths, the power of the wizard, even if it can only play half of the power, is enough to ensure that you enter the biological paradise of this dimension!"

Infinitely longing, excited, the second generation of the wizard king took over a few pieces of witchcraft.

In the next few months, most of the inheritance rituals were spent in the detailed explanation of Green's truth.

After Green explained these wizards in detail, the king of the second generation of wizards wore these wizards of truth, and Green also had an intuitive understanding of the extent to which the king of the second generation of wizards used the truth.

Just like the Ebong Purgatory Furnace, it has changed its taste in the hands of Hessian, and the power is greatly discounted. The fate lever magic wand, the truth balance magic wand, and so on, can not escape this bondage, and the descendants of future generations will always play. Not all the power of the creator's imagination, so that there is the possibility of continuous innovation and constant evolution.

The first is the truth balance magic wand.

This magic wand, which is gathered by Green's great energy, is extremely harsh in terms of use. Fortunately, the magical wizard who made the second generation of the wizard's king is also the focus of the era's protagonist and the eye-catching conditions. As for the truth balance magic wand. The self-denial attribute attack degree blessing, as well as some other unique features created by Green itself, are completely blank.

Therefore, according to Green's estimation, at this moment, the truth balance magic wand is in the hands of the second generation of wizards, the actual application ability is only between 35 percent and 45 percent!

The second is "The Book of Truth". Because of the relationship between dimensional gap seals, the second generation of wizard kings did not master this kind of witchcraft, so there is no deep application of the book of Truth, for the book of Truth. The practical application ability is only a percent of the wizard.

Then there is the robe of appearance, the apprenticeship of the robe of appearance is relatively simple, but unfortunately, due to the self-deity of the second generation of wizards, it is impossible to develop self-sealing, so it can not play the role The auxiliary self-sealing energy-binding characteristics of the gown are applied at 70%.

Finally, it is the face of truth!

It is worthy of being the most representative and most proud witch of Green. The face of truth is a powerful medium weapon for the wizard to wear the appearance and truth. It is not only a great wizard for the wizard to study the truth of truth, but also a omnipotent all-around witch in the battle. And even some essential witchcraft for witchcraft!

The most important thing is that any wizard, even a wizard apprentice who can wear it and combine it perfectly, to exert most of its power, is the best in the world of wizards. .

After the King of the Second Generation Wizards explained the various abilities of the truth on the face of the truth, he wore the face of truth and instantly adapted and exerted all its abilities. The utilization rate of the witch was over 90%!

In this way, the first most important Wuzu set inheritance ceremony is over.

Green looked at the king of the second generation of wizards who burned the metal flame and had never been in a powerful state. From his satisfaction and self-confidence, Green sensed his influence on the dimension of the endless world, and it was amazingly qualitative.

"Too, it's incredible!"

On the other hand, I realized that the second generation of wizards of Green Truth suits Power, and the eyes of Green have changed very differently, admiration, shock, conviction, and finally understand why they were crushed by Green. .

Green calmly said: "In addition to the inheritance of these witchcraft sets, the contractual forces and cronies that I cultivate will be transferred to you as the king of the wizards inherits, as the chess force that will affect the operation of the alliance in the future. First, the wizarding world. The shadow wizard among the sorcerers, this is the list, and the migration cooperation tribe in the alliance..."

Among the league's list, there are groups of Saiyan, death crows, dragons, thousand-eyed supernatural crabs, and so on.

After the handover of the list and the contract, Green was relaxed and empty: "Before the third inheritance ceremony, I still have a personal thing to ask you, which is about my avatars. The avatar can be used as your cronies to deal with some wizarding world issues, and the Black Witch King has clear contractual provisions, and my biggest worry is blood and blood. For the nightmare world, you have to deal with it, this is likely to be The battlefield of the abyss of fate arrangements."

"Abyss battlefield? Know it!"

In the battle of the abyss, the king of the second generation of wizards can not help but dignified and responded earnestly.

"Well, if this is the case, then the third inheritance ceremony will be opened. I have left a conscious reflection in the heart of the world. Once the alliance has a crisis, I can take the initiative to summon me to forcibly return, or the day when the wizard world returns to the original coordinates, I will Passive return comes!"

Taking a deep breath, infinite nostalgia, Green looks around in the heart of the wizarding world and seems to see everything in the wizarding world.

"The third inheritance consciousness is that I will temporarily leave the league and get rid of the influence of the king of the last wizard on the will of the next wizard king, so that the next king of wizards can have more space to play freely."

Under the metal fire, the face of the second generation of wizards under the truth of the three colors of light smashed, and did not expect that Green's third inheritance would be like this!

“Hey, on the one hand, I want to explore the endless world~www.novelmtl.com~ to experience true freedom. On the other hand, I have to experience this colorful dimension, I really existed. Right, my My fiancée, Millie, the sister of the summer guardian, will walk with me."

After a long silence, the king of the second generation of wizards looked directly at the calm and calm Green.

"it is good!"

On the face of the azure mentality, Green reveals an unprecedented ease, taking a deep breath of new air belonging to himself. Every air molecule contains freedom and ease. Close your eyes and open your arms: "If you were at the beginning Bisser City didn't give up that gold coin. Can you finish this wizarding path if you say goodbye to the Rasta Wizarding Academy and Lafite?"

In the words of Green, a round of true spirit wizards do not know the so-called.

This is the fate, Green's path to the wizard.


PS: The growth of Green's Wizarding Road is over, and the Wizarding Journey is not over yet.

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