A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1942: Xianyu (7)

The blue palm of the right hand stayed in front of the stone scorpion, and the other hand was holding a leather scroll. Green stood still and seemed to be stiff.

A ring of real spirits stood on the side of the green body, the old witch side squatted with the small eight eyes, after the two guys took the lead, the little eight tried to find out: "Hey, open it, open it, the master of this painting The charm symbol is obviously the annihilation of the thing inside, and you are the robbery of the heavenly path, and we are free to act in obedience!"

Such an obvious radical approach, Green can naturally hear.

Green returned to the gods from the set-up, and the three-color gaze gaze at the past and sighed: "So, you know what the ancestor's genie is?"

A ring of real spirits shook his head and explained in Greenman's surprise: "The ancestor's spirit is unheard of, but I have heard about the ancestors of Xianyu. It can be said that the so-called ancestors, that is Xianzong The big faction has a top-notch, consumes a lot of time and worships human incense, and builds a mysterious power based on the opening of the door. It is also the final essence of the conventional means of the fairy tale. According to some jade, call After the ancestors came to blessing, those top sages will have unpredictable and terrible power, which is why the top Xianxian Zongmen can maintain a delicate balance."

After hearing this explanation, Green showed a strange look.

"Don't be afraid of the sky, disrespectful, equivalent to the sorcerer who despise the truth and righteousness, but worships the ancestors, and develops the Supreme Immortal, which is somewhat interesting. Then, this so-called ancestor's genius, thinks that it is a sect. What is the form of the symbol of the ancestor's incense?"

A ring of true spirits did not continue to answer the question of the ancestor's genius, but continued to follow Green. "If it is really a call to summon the ancestors, then the meaning can almost be equal to the sorcerer world." The page of fate! Of course, if you think, you have to look at the holder itself."


Green nodded, and the little pity and the clouds were on either side of the real spirit wizard.

After finally making up his mind, Green sneered and sneered back, retracting the palm of the hand that was reaching out to the sarcophagus. At the same time, the other hand holding the scroll of the skin, the color ink floating around slowly retracted the painting. In the middle, re-transformed into a girl image.

"Well, then look for this ancestor's genius. In terms of the embarrassing degree of this thing in Shijie, the paintings refer to it, I am afraid that it is not as simple as a ancestral master."

Sneer said, Green "opened" the picture again, and as the picture was filled again by the flat state, the pink girl appeared.

"You said before, as long as I promise you not to open this stone, you promise me anything?"

Green asked in awe.

In addition to some special abilities, the girl is only a first-class life in terms of the essence of life. It is surrounded by Green and others. In particular, the three eyes of Greene are staring seriously. They are terrified, just out of instinctive stiff nod. .

Green's mouth corner showed a satisfactory degree of curvature, and he said that he said: "If this is the case, well, I agree with your prayers! You lead the way, to the place you want to go to in your heart, there is something I need."

Since this ancestor's genius is marked on the back of the painted skin, there is no doubt that this painting is the key to the ancestral spirit!

“Where do you want to go?”

The painted skin is reborn with the power of immortal thoughts, and naturally it is remembered by those who have a trace of thought.


Three months later.

According to the memory, I found a way to make a journey. Several people made huge boats with towering giant woods. They went down the river, and the sound of "singing la la" was so quiet that the original world of debris was almost so suppressed, showing some ease and relief. The strange and serene atmosphere of the previous.

Of course, the reason why such a huge boat is made is because of the need to paint the skin. It seems that the things in the stone sarcophagus are specially arranged. The small mountain village in the depths of the painting skin is also the plan of the stone scorpion, and the village is painting the skin. In, it is a very vague abstraction.

"It's so beautiful! If there are those swords flying, white fluttering fairy, it is a beautiful scenery."

A little pity is full of yearning sighs, but also sighs, once I have been in the Xianban, one step away from the immortals, but missed because of the change of Xianyu.

La la la, the river flows.

Green floated in front of the canoe, staring at the flowing blue waves, the erect ash, the left scorpion was red, the right scorpion was blue, and the three eyes stared at the front, suddenly saying: "Stop."

As Green's time and space fluctuated, the space where the canoe was located was frozen by Green, and the river was finally parked.

"In the early days, what happened?"

Studying Silvana, whose roots are like a baby, like a baby, and looking at Green, the old witch looks left and right, and I don’t find anything unusual. The skin is also overwhelmed, little pity, Jinyun is also waiting for Green to answer.

"Hey! Did you find out?"

Xiao Ba knows Green's nature and asks instinct.

"There is a ruins of the ruins."

Said, Green slightly shakes the balance of magic wand in his hand, the milky white spot twists in the process, spread to the water under the people, with the penetration of such milky white invisible things, the people are frozen under the canoe of time and space, The river gradually formed a vortex during the agitation.

The vortex is getting wider and wider, and some underwater scenery should gradually appear, but it is much deeper than other places. The diameter of the vortex under the crowd is getting bigger and bigger. After approaching two hundred meters, I finally saw the number. A building built of white jade at a depth of 1,000 meters, under the protective cover.


Seeing the pity and the clouds in this scene, I can't help but sigh.

“Well, although the Sorcerer’s World Tower is also built on different terrains and built in different cultures, the underwater towers like this have never been, and should be caused by the different cultural tendencies of the two worlds. The land culture of the wizards, these immortals are more dependent on nature, so it is impossible to build a sect in any place, and it is not surprising to have an underwater sect."

Said, Green Road: "The ancestor's genius is not anxious, go, go look at the sect!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Only the solitary canoe floated in the air of the whirlpool, and Green took Silvana, Jinyun, Xiaofu, painted skin, and Xiaoba. After some research, the face of Green Truth was unbroken and weak. With the help, a few months later, several talents successfully came to the interior of this sect of the Zongmen.

"Bi Tao Zong?"

A ring of real spirits translated the Zongmen Hall after the immortal man ~www.novelmtl.com~ muttered: "It seems that it is a sect of the main practice of water attribute martial arts, it is no wonder that the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect The river's application ability of this Dajiang River was so superb that it had to stop forcibly breaking for a while. From the outside of the Zongmen squad, a water-inhibiting magical anti-encirclement was placed, and it was forced to squeeze in."

Unlike the previous Zongmen, this Zongmen, hidden under the water of the kilometer river, has no section of the stairs. Some of them are just a variety of aquatic plants that are integrated into the Zongmen, forming half of them in the array and half in the array. Outside the pattern, these plants also seem to adapt well to such a living environment, and in the long-term era in which the immortals disappeared, they still survive according to the design of the immortals.

In addition, the white jade buildings are slightly denser and the area is much smaller. It should be to make the Zongmen big array play more effective in facing foreign enemies.

What is even more noteworthy is that in the sky of the main hall, a giant tree that should have been on land is now lush and growing in the air, about 100 meters high. Although it has withered and died, it is slightly broken and twisted, but it is broken. It is not difficult to imagine that this giant tree will wither after a very long period of time.

The giant tree seems to have been cultivated by the immortal for a long time, or has the ability to shape the body in the back, and a root branch is turned into an arm, and a chessboard is protected in the middle.

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