A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1940: Xianyu (5)

Black smoke is like a cockroach, condensed and not scattered, slowly drifting.

Several people are following this process of smoky tobacco. Even though the three colors of the face of Green Truth are full of insight and prying, what they see is that the rule world is smashed by the ashes of the world, causing a slight phenomenon similar to the surrounding fine rules. The exchange, there is absolutely no rule thread guide.

However, from the trend of the rules of the ashes, it is impossible to fly without purpose, and it must be guided by something.

I don’t know why, as the face of truth that reveals the truth of the truth, I have not found any involvement between the two, so that a group of four people have to be like a follower, and follow this black smoke slowly. I don’t know when. In order to reach the destination.

After a small half-month, this black smoke brought Green and his party to an inconspicuous cave.

"Fudi Cave Day!"

Little pity and Xiaoyun shouted at the same time, and even a ring of real spirits also showed considerable excitement.

Although Green is puzzled, in such a close range, the face of truth has been able to clearly perceive the very different rules of this cave. It feels like two very different worlds.

Jinyun quickly explained to Green: "The Futian Cave is a fairy to the treasure. The legendary top-level sages look at the heavens and the earth, and find the paradise that has some wonderful ability to influence the flow of time. This is extremely rare in the endless world. It is so lucky that it can affect the time and flow rate! It is so lucky that it is only a blessing in the world, which is far less than the number of Xianzun. There is one here."

"Hey, Fudi Cave Day? The name is a good name, I hope I can gain something, go in and see!"

After Green’s gesture, he took the lead and walked into the cave.

There are marble faults with sharp edges and corners everywhere. It seems that they are opened a little by the rough axe. With the quality of these marbles, the secondary and tertiary creatures should be relatively easy to open, but now it is like this. Rough, excluding the possibility of natural formation, this is because a relatively low-level creature is excavated.

According to the various information data collected by Green's truth, it can almost be concluded that this is a creature with an attack degree between 200 and 300.

Condensed and not scattered black smoke has penetrated into the Futian Cave. When Green entered the grotto, he only felt that he had entered an invisible film. If it was Green, the perception of changes in the surrounding area had already been meticulously nuanced. I am afraid that it is hard to find.

"Well, the time rule has changed a bit."

Green’s words were just finished, followed by a little pity of the true spirit wizard and Jin Yun, who stepped into the cave and slammed on the marble floor. He whispered: “The lower bound often says that one day in the sky, one year on the ground, it’s said The stories of mortals who have entered the heavens of the immortal Futian Cave. The immortals who can open up the blessings of the heavens and the earth almost all have the ability to open up the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects.

Several people stepped on the stone and made a "squeaky" and "squeaky" friction sound. As the cave gradually deepened, the natural light at the hole gradually dimmed, replaced by the jade soft light of the hole, but there was no sense of semi-participation. The green radiance is lingering around a few people, and even the brilliance of the Green Truth balance magic wand is rendered a touch of green.

"Wow, a strong fairy spirit."

Jin Yun could not help but praise.

叮咚, 叮咚, 叮咚, 叮咚...

The fairy spirit is getting richer and thicker, and the drop of dripping sound is so crisp in the cave. After a turn in this fairy jade cave, the eyes are like the altar of the altar, which immediately attracts everyone's eyes. It is also considered to be at the end of the grotto.

Lingtan is about a hundred meters long, and the milky white mist is filled, which makes people unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

At the top of the grotto is a hanging stalactite, which is grayish white. The Lingquan falls from the top of it. The center of Lingtan is a sarcophagus. Through the mist of the mist, it can be seen that the sarcophagus is covered with white. Mushroom with green dots.

Surprisingly, these mushroom shapes are similar to a pagoda with a clear aura, which seems to be transforming these auras into a higher energy, infused into the stone.

Several people stood in the hall, lined up in a row, quietly watching this Lingtan.

"Is this nothing... 寅棺 bacteria? If this is the case, Shi Bo, the master of this sarcophagus must be a certain sage! The father once said that every immortal has a life and death, so it has been derived from various Different methods of robbery, most immortals choose strength, I believe that the cultivation of immortals is to act against the sky, people will win the day, there are some immortals choose to succumb to the evil spirits, and some vicious immortals choose to rob, but the legend, the most strange The way of robbery is a robbery!"

Jinyun cautiously said: "The so-called catastrophe is to cross the sea after death, and then return to life through some things that are against the sky. Among them, this bacterium is one of them! In this way, the looters will become outside the six reincarnations. Existence, it is like...Shibo."

Nine-level creatures?

"Oh? Going against the heavens, deceiving the heavens, and returning to life? Hey, but these anti-sky things are mostly limited, and there is nothing good to end, and the heavens are right?"

Green's sneer, suddenly let a few people think of the six-ring true spirit wizard's tragic situation, and silence again.

Instead, it was Green. After sneer, he stepped straight to Lingtan and stretched out his left hand. The fingertips of the azure brilliance were lightly touched, and he took a spring of Lingquan. Lingquan was in a spherical state, “咕咚” and “咕咚” swayed. In the middle, the face of Green truth was slightly smothered, and the milky white spirit was swiftly sucked in by the naked eye, and nodded in the "Ha" sound that Green could enjoy.

Then Green was inexplicably sneer, low and said: "Compared to this immortal who is returning to life, I am more interested in the founders here, and I can hide my face of truth, hehe."

After Green’s remarks, Jin Yun and Xiao Pian responded. Green’s shoulders were looking at Yin Xiao’s little eight, and they also returned to God. They suddenly realized a “slot”, a ring of true spirits, Silva Na seems to have thought of this point, and also looked around to see what is going on.

However, there is nothing unusual about the dripping sound of the "叮咚" and "叮咚" in the grotto.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

With the milky white spot around Green's side, it seems to be spiritually sensational, twisting and twisting under the fineness of Green's micro-manipulation, "咔嚓", a hanging stalactite that is constantly dripping down the milk is suddenly broken, "call" As soon as a group of white flames landed from the air, they were attracted by Green.

This group of spirits seems to have some wonderful ability to consciously wash and purify the power of the Faerie, and in the process of not knowing whether it can be called "burning", it constantly changes its form and seems extremely afraid of the living things.

However, Green is frowning, which is obviously not what Green wants to find.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-color glare continued to search, and then shot again. This time, "Baitong" was heard, and Green took a big lotus root from Lingtan, but it was not the cave creator that Green wanted to find.

What Green can easily find, no matter which one can be regarded as the immortal treasure, has all kinds of incredible magical use, but nowadays, it is only displayed in the fairy tomb, no one cares.

After not looking for what they were looking for, Green's brow wrinkled, and even after walking a few laps in the grotto, there was no third shot.

"What did you find?"

When I walked to the side of the real spirit wizard ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green asked softly, but only Silvana slowly shook his head.


Sinking, Green slightly with a bit of dignified color, after a large half of the hourglass time in this not too big Fudi hole, Green finally had to give up the search and went to the stone shoal in Lingtan, wanting The above-mentioned pagoda-shaped mushrooms were picked as research specimens.

"Sin respects please stop, slaves are willing to give up everything, and ask Xianzun to let go of the master."

Just before Green's finger was about to hit the stone sarcophagus, the voice finally couldn't hold back anymore. Green and others fixed their eyes and looked at it. It was actually a young woman.

"Painting skin?"

After seeing the essence of the girl in the face of Green Truth, I saw a few other stencils on the slate, no different.


PS: Because of my own experience, I decided to write a little romantic story, to ease the pressure on the sky and add a few lights in my life. Which is more important for IQ and EQ?

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