A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1936: Xianyu (1)

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"Take the respect of the heavens, the humbleness of the land, the melting of the mountains, and the creation of all things."

Green, who has just broken through the crisis and the ruins of the fairyland, is attracted by the inscription on this jade mountain. It is not a witch's text, but it can be understood by Green. It seems that this kind of fairyland text and the wizard's text fit the natural energy. Different rules, on the contrary, are more like the words of the soul world, directly affecting the soul level.

Compared with Green's calm and unrelenting, a ring of true spirit wizards, little pity, and Yunyun are much more embarrassed.

After all, it is a fragment of the world that is squeezed and digested by the whole world of endless worlds. It is not simply a clue to find a clue. If you want to break in, you need to have enough strong foundation to have some possibilities.

Otherwise, the Black Witch King will not be so shot, and the weak masters he suffered will be defeated. When they find it difficult to break into the fairyland, they will leave safely!

This is Green's personal shot, and when he broke into the relics of the world, he tried his best to protect the three people, otherwise the three could never be still intact.

"It is Xianzong!"

Shouted with a small pity, pointing to the wreckage of the mountain gate building that Green had seen inscribed: "This is the fairyland Xianzong, but the sect of the monk after the Mahabong robbing, the land of enlightenment! I don't know This Xianzong...ah! Found it, this sect was once called Wusong Xianzong!"

Although the little pity of today has become the world's lord, it is also the lowest level of immortal, but the little pity has not been listed in the immortal class to study the immortal, still regards himself as a goblin without ethics, and is also pitiful. .

"My father also said that during his lifetime, he was the sapling pot in the hands of the ancestors of the Nine Secrets. Through the power of the Faerie, he was able to possess the infinite power of the heavens. I really hope to find the remains of the Nine Secrets. Why did the father suddenly fall into the wizarding world community in the Qiankun bag. [Love ↑ △ Xiaoxiao said △ network WwW.AiQu]

Jinyun is infinitely sad.

A ring of real spirits, Silvana, enjoys every breath, and the power of the Faerie here is so thick.

Different from the elements of the wizard, the power of the Faerie here is an insight into the multiple natures of life, destiny, and vitality in the face of Green Truth. It is like a stream of water flowing through the peaks of the mountains.

"This ruin is far bigger and more dangerous than the fairyland that I had inadvertently flown."

Silvana swallowed her mouth and turned to look at Greenway: "In general, any place where there is a ban on the ban or a large ancestral gate will hide some new discoveries, and the stronger the ban, the hidden The secrets will inevitably become more precious. These immortals of Xianyu seem to have a wizarding world and it is difficult to match the law to ban talents. Perhaps there is also a force relationship between the spirits. On average, the intensity of these prohibitions is three to five times the same size as the wizarding world. Double, the power is amazing!"


Green responded with a ruin called the sacred trace of the sacred ancestral sect, in which the sacred gates of the sacred gates, the three strange eyes under the face of Green Truth, were obviously stunned by the infinite use. Shock.

"Exactly, just look at it here. Maybe you can find some new discoveries. Maybe it is too quiet here..."

It is clearly green and green, and there are endless mountains and green vegetation everywhere. However, there is no animal trace, and there are no insects. It is quiet and scary. [Love ↑ △ Xiaowei said △ network WwW.AiQu]

It’s awkward!

The truth balances the magic wand head, and the black annihilation arc flashes away. It falls from the sky and falls on the sacred gate of Xianshan.


Sure enough, with an ultra-large protective cover from transparent to solidified, Green’s arc of annihilation with the magic balance of magic wand was actually resisted by this sect, and did not cause any damage to the remains of this mountain. .


Xiao Ba seems to find something, cried: "The old **** who used the two pages of fate to curse the dead, from the fairy field, the runes are the same!"

It’s an old past, and Green has naturally heard that Bian has inadvertently said something. Without paying too much attention, the three colors of light under the face of truth are flashing millions of data analysis clues. This sect of Zongzong Zongmen was thoroughly analyzed. The most important thing was the energy response of this sect.

After half an hour of hourglass.

Silvana, Jinyun, Xiaofu, Xiaoba, the atmosphere is not afraid to breathe, afraid to disturb Green, Green thought in such a long time in silence, once again waved the balance of magic wand in his hand, smashing, and is an arc of annihilation Coming to the big line of the fairy.


The layered stack of fairy spirits gathered, hundreds of millions of runes flashed, and Green's two consecutive annihilation attacks were even easily taken by this fairy tales!

"With the intensity of the sect of the sect of the sacred field, even the general sect of the sect of the sect is only stronger than the sorcerer of the wizard world, and wants to break..."

Silvana is about to say a few words, but Green has suddenly laughed at the ease of "桀桀桀桀桀".

"It is worthy of being a fairyland civilization. Even if it is such a remnant, it has such a mysterious and incredible power. It seems that this civilization is not only an achievement for life creation and farming, but also for the application of energy runes and time and space. It is even ahead of the wizarding world at this time."

Green first praised a few words, followed by a change of words, proudly said: "However, the ultimate digestive means of the endless world is time, those second-degree esophageal exiles can not escape, this fairyland world remains can not escape, now also I don’t know how many years of jokes in the confusion and illusion, the function of the remnant is not complete, let’s go..."

Then, in the stunned Silvana, Jinyun, and Xiaoli, Green even ignored this super large sect. He fell down like this and saw that Green really took it through Zongmenda. After the battle, with a skeptical attitude, the three carefully tried, did not suffer any banned defense, and thus broke into the interior of the Zongmen.

At the right time, Green explained: "The alert function of this remnant is limited to energy attacks. As long as we don't launch energy outside, this remnant will not treat us as an intruder, so we are safe."

"Wow, it’s a nine-star fruit! The legendary seven thousand years of flowering, the fruit of the seven thousand years, has already reached the nine stars, and the truth is incredible!"

Shouted with a little pity.

And this is just a messy fruit tree of this ruins. It is unremarkable, but it is a diluted rare baby, and it is almost screaming and hoarse.

It seems that I found my own gaffe, and Xiaowei quickly explained: "When I was in the lower bounds, in order to compete for a star fruit, several sects hit the door, and even destroyed a sect, so now a whole tree Star fruit ~www.novelmtl.com~ and it’s nine stars, really, really... it’s incredible!”

"What is the use of star fruit?"

Jin Yun also asked with surprise.

"Ah? It seems to be the main lead of a panacea. I didn't know because I was too low to touch it, so I don't know."

The pity of the answer makes Yun Yun full of pity, but a true spiritual wizard, Silvana, comforts in the laughter of "哼哼哼哼": "I don’t know Star Grass, its formula is unknown, but about Some of the other high-quality elixir formulas are still mastered. When you find Zongmen's medicinal garden, you can see if it is enough!"

"A strong fire to the sun!"

What was discovered by the tri-color of the Green, after passing through the layers of the Faculty, fell on the top of the ruins of the Zongmen.


PS: Ye Ye is married, I wish you happiness forever. If you have a friend who knows Yucheng, you can tell her. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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