A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1929: Union contract

call out!

The soul of the 10,000 souls across the void, gradually approaching the world of the wizarding world tree.

The great world of trees is one of the original worlds that created the rules of the wizarding alliance!

In the ancient times, the ancient wizards who had been defeated by the Second Civilization War launched the destiny of the magical lever magic wand, and fell into the wild world after the Xiahe civilization. On the one hand, they faced the remains of the abyss of the wizarding world. Many incompetent ancient devils, on the other hand, as outsiders, facing the hostility of many powerful worlds, internal and external difficulties.

At such a time when the wizarding world was so at stake, he took over the ancient sorcerer of the ancient tenth ring of the magical wizard of the ancient tenth ring of the magical wizard, determined to save the world between the wizard and the distress, in a round with the true spirit wizard, seventeen rounds. After the secret meeting of the Spirit Wizard and the Black Witch King, the new era of the Wizarding Alliance was opened!

The four true spirit wizards have different divisions of labor.

A true spiritual wizard is responsible for building the city of eternal sky, and this is a long-term plan for the wizarding world. The mechanical wizards who have advanced in the future have not reappeared, and all of them have been invested in the construction of the eternal sky city.

It is for this reason that before the Third Civilization War, Green had never heard of the existence of other mechanical wizards except for a round of true spiritual wizards.

The 17-round Real Spirit Wizard is responsible for the Demon Hunting Expedition, regaining the lost faith and dignity of the ancient wizards, and contributing their own body to this, with themselves as the core of the Eternal Sky City, dedicating all for the battle of civilization. All the spirits of the Almighty souls are in the "time coffin" for the future needs, and instantly erupt.

The Black Witch King was responsible for leading the surviving ancient wizards and cleaning up the abyss of the earth to survive the incomparable ancient demon. Therefore, the black wizard formed a short-term balance with the wizarding world subject after the second civilization war and before the third civilization war. The Witch King is also gaining a large number of incomparable ancient corpses, and there is no such thing as a corpse.

The one who is responsible for the real spirit wizard is to find the wizard community of the world and establish a wizarding alliance!

At least in the eyes of today, the establishment of the Wizarding Alliance is a very successful and bold attempt of the Wizarding World. It not only greatly enhances the influence of the wizard on the community of the world, but also the alliance formed by the local world. The label of the local world, which is integrated into this world community, is no longer rejected by the common consciousness of the world group and plays a role of differentiation consciousness.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Wizarding Alliance, in order to greatly strive for the influential indigenous world of this world community, a group of true spirits in the chaotic storms ravaged the world, and turned their attention to the gods of the kings of the mountains, the world tree, After the two sides moved with emotion, made sense, and used the fate lever magic wand to save the chaotic storm, they proposed a condition that the world tree could not refuse, and finally got the full support of both.

That is to use the fate lever magic wand, so that the innate can not move the world tree that can only follow the world group trajectory, get freedom!

Freedom is the ultimate embodiment of a life, even if the Dimension War is also for this!

A magical wizard magic wand ignites the wizard's will and signs a contract with the world tree. When the wizarding expedition attacks the abyss world in the wizarding world, the destiny lever magic wand is used as a condition to lend to the world tree at the cost of the world tree. It is the fulcrum of itself, helping the wizard world to return to the ancient world group, and returning the fate lever magic wand after the fame.

In the eyes of ignorant lower life, the conditions proposed by a true spiritual wizard are nothing less than whimsical, just "borrowing" the fate lever magic wand to the world tree, it is necessary to pay for the world tree, and even sacrifice at the end. Help yourself to return the wizard world to its original coordinates?

If the world tree can promise, it is simply foolish. Even a true spiritual wizard proposes that the conditions themselves are idiotic dreams.

It is precisely because of this that the lower life is only a lower life.

The lower living body will not understand that a higher life body has survived for a long time since the day of its birth, but has never obtained the true freedom of one day. Even though it has unmatched strength, it is only trapped in a cage. Sitting on the ground and listening to others to portray the vastness and beauty of the endless world, the magnificent, lonely and lonely, looking up to the endless world and sighing their humbleness, every time you communicate with other creatures is like listening to the most anticipated story.

Even if it is a short-lived freedom, as long as it can achieve this simple condition, the world tree is willing to pay any price, including the life that has lived too long!

In this way, after seeing the fate lever inciting the wizarding world and inciting the chaos of the chaos, the world tree is determined to conclude the contract!

call out!

The soul of the 10,000-year-old bird turns into Green's little finger, and the green that balances the magic wand with truth, falls on the thick branches of the world tree extending to the void, the lush green branches and leaves expand, and several six-level world tree elves come. Holding a glass of lifeful green juice in his hand, respectfully and docilely bowed his head.

"Hehehe, the Lord of the Wizards came to me, I don't know why?"

On the trunk in front of Green, through the will of the cohesion, a large number of leaves gathered into a full face of women.

Unlike those who are guilty of the sorcerer, as one of the founders of the Wizarding Alliance, and because of their unrivaled strength, www.novelmtl.com~ World Tree has a strong interest in Green's advent.


Green took over the essence of life from the female elf in front of him, and drank it, laughing.

"This king came here for the fate contract of the founding of the Wizarding League. As the king of the early wizards of the Wizarding World, he is obliged to confirm the rights and obligations of both parties. After all, the scope involved in this period has actually been Big, I want to come to you and don't want to have any accidents during the period?"

I have to say that Green, who now takes the initiative, has enough confidence when he goes there.

This is the general trend of the wizarding world. As the king of the first generation of wizards in today's brilliant and sturdy wizarding world, Green will not be as trembled as the ancient wizards. In order to win other support, they have to pay great profits. In the past few years, the efforts of the wizards have been All harvested.

"Oh... since that is it!"

Of course, the world tree has already obtained the information of the six-ring true spirit wizard, and the inner heart can't wait to be described as a fate.

At the same time, Green's words also faintly let the world tree be cautious. In this case, don't make any surprises. Looking at the endless world, the clues to be free, there is really little pity, and which one is known. There is no fate lever magic wand more reliable.

Since this is so cautious, the world tree is in the eyes of Green, and naturally it has become a huge treasure...

Under the **** of several elves, Green, along with the will of the world tree, step by step to the giant tree that has become a big world.

After a little half a month.

One trillion witches, and Green's smile with enough witch money resources left!

Just a trip, Green not only made up the gap of the trillion yuan to build the city of the sky, but even the balance.

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