A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1912: Thunder

At this moment, the Evil Buddhism is like a puppet, and the broken rotten robes are full of scars, and the spirits are steaming with smoke.

If it is the strong period of Xiantian civilization, this kind of spiritual power change is the direct sign of the peak Xianzun, which is equivalent to the endless **** of the burning omnipotent soul. However, at this moment, the fairyland civilization is lost, and the endless world dimension is not allowed to be the fairy spirit. The burning power of the fairy spirit is equivalent to self-harm.

"One person, one sword. Whether it is the sword fairy of Xiantian civilization, or the world of these big and small martial arts, the highest realm pursued is the combination of human and sword, like a wizard and a soul partner, reaching one plus one and two truths. The meaning of the qualitative change, and the swordsman like you, forcibly urged such supreme esoteric, at most, can play 70% of the power, oh."

Green and the fairy sword are like neglecting the space-time medium, and whispering.

"Zhu Xianjian array, 70% of the power is enough!"

Although the words are spoken from the mouth of the evil spirits, there is no doubt that it is the will of the sword.

Between the moments, the mighty power of the sacred magic sword rushed out from the Vatican world, pointing to the king of the early wizards at the edge of the sword array. The sharp brilliance has not yet arrived, and the sorcerer’s hood has twisted. It seems that it has not been for a long time. Excited by such a positive confrontation, Green even had three eyes under the face of truth.

At high altitude, the gray raindrops are mixed with metal robot debris falling.

The power of the sacred swords is too great. It can be seen that this is already the strength of the civilization.

"Seventy percent of the power is enough? Hey, hey, the fleas that are difficult to protect, and dare to say nothing!"

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward!

After all, in the words of Ying Zhenglan, after a period of time, the catastrophe and catastrophe suddenly fell from the sky, and it was no longer just the same as before. A single beam of thunder descended from the sky, and almost four golden arcs came at the same time. In the hands of the evil spirit Wu Sheng, who is in the state of imposing peaks, the sword of the fairy.

After a long period of thunderstorms, the suppression around them gradually dissipated, and there was nothing in the air.


After suppressing the relaxation to the limit, Green lightly spit out a burst of gas in his chest. The hand holding the balance of the magic wand was slightly loosened, and the light of the blue spirit that was pushed to the limit of dazzling state gradually dimmed, even the shoulders. Xiao Ba, who had not dared to breathe in the previous atmosphere, also sighed unconsciously.

"Don't die, have you died?"

Xiao Ba asked nervously.

Although the match has only been a moment, there is not even a real fight, but the power of the Green, which is almost the same as that of Green, is clearly felt by Xiao Ba.

If Green is really fighting against it, the crisis he faces will probably be far greater than the beginning of the dark ancestor!

Green's three-color brilliance flashed, trying to find the traces of the sacred magic sword from the tens of thousands of broken clues under the four-day robbery. In the process of massive information analysis, Greenway said: "Although the trace of the sacred sword has not been found, But it should still be there, otherwise these days, the thunderclouds should be scattered immediately."

After hearing Green say so, Xiao Ba also noticed the abnormality of Tianyun Thundercloud at this moment.

Although the large-scale robbing thunderclouds is still there, it has not been gathered endlessly like before, but it is only in a state of condensing and not dispersing.


Suddenly, Green snorted, wiped a blood stain that was spilling over the skin, and noticed the question of the small eight on the shoulder. He said: "It is caused by the overload pressure caused by the cell reaction being too intense."

Hey, hey, hey!

Tear the general sound of the rag.

Almost at the same time, Green's source has been continuously extracting the chaotic horror of the blue-blue brilliance. The blood-striped sheets are affected by the swordsmanship of the sacred swords, and because the state is really poor, and there is no crisis in the state of the crisis. Noting these fine details, the chaotic camouflage of the chaotic horror was shattered without any resistance.

Look closely, not only the outer chaos camouflage blood points sheets, but even the inner body is also hurt by the sword!

"Hey? Bloody doll!"

It’s no wonder that Xiao Ba said so.

This **** bed sheet was shredded after the chaotic horror, the body of the real body and Green is still a small wizard, the **** horror doll refining in a mysterious way is too similar, and later the **** doll is also installed by Green. Inside the spy shadow star, it exists as a guardian ghost.

At this moment, the horror demon is the adult body of a **** horror doll. It is like a pregnant woman's big belly. It is not necessary for ugliness. At the same time that Green is constantly pulling out the blue brilliance, a dry grimace spider shell falls like a raindrop. His body is like a giant grimace spider ovary!

"The **** witchcraft witchcraft that was originally refining was created according to the legacy of the ancient wizards. The mysterious power of the use is not a high-level existence. It is probably just the dominance of other worlds. It has some relationship with this chaotic terror. It’s not impossible, it’s no strange. It’s a pity that it’s hurt by the sword of the sacred sword. The thickness of this chaotic horror has been reduced too much, otherwise it will be enough to replace the supply of dozens of world leaders for thousands of years.”


In the void, Green can still feel the sword of the immortal sword and not the sword, but the face of truth can not really find the trace of the sword.

Maintaining a high degree of vigilance, after a long time, even the original robbery and thunderclouds began to gradually dissipate.

"Wow thiophene, it seems that this time is really finished! Then again, this guy can even resist the fate of truth. This is probably the old **** who once said that the two pages of "The Book of Destiny" are not dead. Egg, the chaos of the little emperor, is still playing with those metal destroyers ~www.novelmtl.com~ This is simply lazy, in the work of suffocation! The dying, the Green Beast, you must be in the Wizarding League Fight him at the conference!"

Green's body is once again blurred, coming to the Vatican world.

"The King of Wizards!"

The distant sky roared, with a miserable heroic, and the three colors of Green glanced at it, it was the Chaos Optimus.

At this moment, the Chaos Optimus has one wing missing, and it can't be reborn by the Almighty Spirit. After the three-color light of the face of Green Truth is observed through careful micro-cue, the reason is summarized in a short time. The bird sacrificed one of its wings to the chaotic sleeper!

"Hey, chaotic sleepers are about to wake up, the chaotic world will cover this world completely, fear in the chaotic world, despair, death!"


A sneer sneer.

In addition to the Kunming monsters, there is one thing for Green's trip. It is for the chaotic world. If you can take this opportunity to directly enter the chaotic world, you can save the trouble of Green!

While trying hard to find the possible clues of the sacred sword, while "banging", blasting the surface of the earth's crust, millions of meters of the surface, countless creatures were smashed by the underground, by Green Wipe it off instantly.

Oh, la la la.

The Book of Truth is flipped, and Green is like a condescending judge who judges this incredible behemoth in the crustal rock formations of the Vatican.

"Hey, the Kunming monster, the force specimen of the track has been found!"

With Xiao Ba excited and laughter, the Kunming Magic Beast, which hides the underground of the Vatican World for a long time, finally woke up.

However, as a five-level creature in the district, it is a horrible creature like Green that is awakened. Despair can be imagined.

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