A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1908: Dark total BOSS (end)


Green is facing the sword of the immortal, the azure mental strength has been extended from the arm to the chest, and the horror of the spirit will be extracted by the source of Green. It seems like a dry battery, and the dead face of the ghost is less than tens of millions. Still falling from the blood cloth sheets as if endlessly falling.

It is like trying to explore the desperate world encountered in the secondary esophagus. This way, the ring of the loss of the Titans will change the nature of life essential nutrients, and Green will not let it go.

The horror demon has completely fallen into the hands of Green, and Green has extracted the essence of the body with extreme evil means, and became the plaything in the hands of Green.

It is also said that this is also what the horror devil is looking for. He even plays a will link with a real nine-level creature and instills terror.

"I am the king of the wizards in the early days of the wizarding world, the little guy, the person I want to fight is not you, it is. From the remains of the world heritage of the fairyland, in order to resist the heavens, it can only exist in this form in the endless world dimension, Poor and sad."

According to Green, it is a black sacred sword in the hands of the evil spirits!

It is a pity that in the early days of the Third Civilization War, Masters of the Springs died because of the metal destruction. Otherwise, if they can survive the third civilized war, they will be able to witness the true spirits by means of the civilized big bang. The power of this sword will surely be rewarded.

Even if you think about it again, if you can control this sword, you can control this sword...

"Hey, why aren't you so? Look at your causality, and once you should have tried to hide the unsuccessful results, then you have to jump out?"

This sudden display of the will is the sword of the immortal.

"Oh, I have been longing for the relics of the fairyland. Even those scattered and scattered relics have all the power of this civilization. In my opinion, the most distinctive feature of Xianyu civilization is your magic weapon. Spirit, at your level, want to change should be the first time in the Xiantian civilization, the first of the best fruit of the first fairy!"

Between Green's words, a pair of mountains and sorrows are born.

With the power of today's Green, as long as it appears, no matter where you go, it will become the absolute center of a vast time and space, and it will be respected by thousands of people, majestic and majestic.

The range of time and space that Green can influence is no longer confined to one world.

"Only you can surpass the existence of the fruit, you can see through the essence of it. Unfortunately, the sword of the city has passed away, otherwise it will never be as lonely as it is! The king of the early wizards? Just don't know, this time. Heavenly arrangements, is it by your hand to get rid of me, or by my hand to get rid of you!"

Although the fairy sword is in communication with the Green Will, including other lords, it can be sensed. However, the sinister martial arts with the enchanted magic sword is undetected, unheard of, and still stands in a madness and evil color. Time is for him. Already completely still.

"With my hand to get rid of you, or use your hand to get rid of me?"

Green smiled coldly.

"In this way, most of them are the former! Oh, since you already know, I am beyond the existence of your fairyland, surpassing the Tao, but forcing to stay in this endless world dimension, and you It’s the humble person hidden under the ecstasy of heaven. The difference between the two is not necessary for me to say?”

Greene said of course.

"If it’s just me personally, I have no chance to meet you now, but now I have found this perfect person and merged into it. Even if you are, I don’t have a chance. After all, killing you is also the same. It takes two times, first cut off your involvement with the world, and then cut you off!"

Green is interested, and the domineering side leaks: "A big tone, but unfortunately you have no chance!"

"Green Beast, don't talk nonsense with him, hehe, if it is the perfect restraint of the dark lotus, then the face of your truth is to perfectly restrain its existence, turn it over, we collect it and study it well. !"

Xiao Ba said a whisper in the ear of Green, apparently aware of Green's perfect restraint on this sword.

In general, if you want to balance the magic wand through the truth, if you want to balance the magic wand with the truth, you can only use your own life to force the equivalent. It is not a last resort. This is not the way the Green is willing to cast a threat.

However, since the love of all evils has already been mentioned, Green can't help but see the tri-folds of the three colors, and after seeing the most powerful water elements in the Spring of the Evil, they immediately look at the cracks in the rules of the world's clothing, hoarse: "can develop Out of this lotus flower, it seems that you are also one of the strongest ancestors in the Quanzu world group. Come in and come in, don’t come in and roll back to tell the spring of hatred, it won’t take long, the wizards will all The springs are destroyed one by one, and one will not stay."

The Evil Springs have long been aware of Green's horror!

With a very old age, and the creation of the first-end civilization of the evil roots, it naturally has a very high vision, knowing exactly what it is about to face at the moment.

This is not to face the sword of the immortal, even if it is restrained, it has a certain room for maneuver. This is from the aspects of life level, quality of life, all things, and absolute strength. There is no luck.

However, the Vatican World is a gambling table. I have already had the strongest avatars, the wicked lotuses, the punishment of summoning the contract, and the four chips for exploiting the space tunnel at this gambling table. Others are better to say, only the evil lotus, The evil ancestors are really unable to give up, this will be the only way for its future growth!

“Can I get back the lotus of all evil?”

Nearly using the low-low four-fourth balloon sound, the wicked spring ancestors asked, and then added: "I can pay any price for it!"

“Is it coming in, or is it going back?”

Green voice is a little impatient~www.novelmtl.com~ Sen cold asked.

The 诛仙魔剑 also seems to be waiting for the answer of the wicked spring ancestors. If there is such a tyrannical dominion to join and defeat this unbelievable and powerful wizard king, it will undoubtedly add a lot of space.

The whispering pleading has got this answer. The wicked spring ancestors behind the loopholes in the rules of the world’s clothing resentfully said: "This is not your death, that is, I am dead, hahahahaha, I am so arrogant, why don’t you dare to come down!"

After being suppressed to the limit, the eternal roar of the wicked spring ancestors seems to have given up everything. He only wants to do his best to defeat Green, at least let Green succumb and give up the spy on the wicked lotus.


The rules of the world's clothes are like the **** dam, and the gaps are suddenly opened, and they collapse completely in a blink of an eye.

The torrential torrents are rushing down, not only in lacquer black, but also in a variety of turbid solid colors.

"King of the Wizards, this is what you forced me. If so, so good, I will be with this scorpion sword and these chaotic monsters, pick! Fight! You!"

The wicked spring ancestors roared to the end, almost squeezing out from the depths of the throat!

The chaotic 10,000-headed bird, which was previously hit by Green and slammed to the end of the mainland horizon, was swaying and re-standing from the crater. The wicked lotus on the top of the head disappeared after a illusion, no longer taking its chaotic essence. Return to the hands of the evil ancestors.

Feelings can't help but sigh low + 吟 吟 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , In the torrent of flooding, it becomes a humble one.

Green heard this and was very proud. He waved his hand: "Hey, come over!"

It seems that he has absolute confidence in himself, and Green is not afraid.

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