A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1705: Dark total BOSS (on)

The low-level creatures have fallen into the boundless fear of the end-of-day scene of the space-based satellite ship that is generally localized.

This kind of feeling of powerlessness is incomprehensible by the sense of crisis that the high-level creatures who are close to the rule phenomenon are free to control.

The so-called gods fight against the civilians, such as the shackles, the fish ponds, etc., probably at this moment, instantly collapsed in the sky, gully and vertical, but it provides enough myths and legends for the new civilization built on the ruins in the future.

But for the endless **** of such higher creatures, although everyone is shocked by the descending Green, they are much calmer and calmer, at least they can understand the occurrence of this phenomenon, not fear of ignorance.

Green is a natural color, the pressure is unscrupulous, the group is retreating, the whole is suppressed, there is no scruples, and it is deterrent!

The first thing Green noticed was the sword of the fairy.

"Well? This sword seems to be the ultimate force that the master of the sacred springs pursued. Is it the relic of the world group?"

After some speculation in the heart, the three colors of Green's light glimpsed slightly, and the Evil Buddhism seems to have been suppressed by Green's unmatched temperament. The people of the peak face the true darkness. The total BOSS is coming to the evil shadow, and it is no longer mad. At this moment, he also became silent when he held the sword of the fairy.

In the face of this unprecedented enemy, the Evil Buddhism must gather 100% energy to cope!

"There are people outside, there are days outside! Oh, hahahaha, this level of biology, the endless world really exists at this level of biology, the other side of martial arts!"

Evil spirit Wu Sheng saw Green, as if he saw the future of himself, his heart screamed.

Then Green turned his eyes to the Chaos Optimus.

This familiar atmosphere, Green naturally remembers, but the other party seems to have forgotten himself.

The devil's vine seed essence that was raging in the world of the spirits was taken away by this chaotic giant bird. The devil's vine that ravaged the world of the spirit seemed to be the bird's nest of this giant bird.

The essence of the seed fled back to the chaotic world, but it was very arrogant, waiting for the arrival of the wizards in the chaotic world!

Immediately, Green noticed that the vortex and water elements of the sinister springs were plucking from the Chaos Optimus, and the three colors of light were slightly revealing the strange look!

The wonderful things in this black lotus, like the sword of the scorpion, the Green has a slight perception of it, it is indeed the civilization of breaking the balance of the rules, but the evil ancestors have not yet put this black lotus The ability to maximize the use is only playing its role in appearance.

Just like the episode of evil spirits, it is not the combination of human swords, but the people are controlled by the sword!

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The old man with a bubble alarm pajamas holding a metal alarm clock is still sleeping. It seems that he will never be awake. He is immersed in the boundless dreams of the huge world he has built. The alarm clock will never ring, just a misty fog. Stopping from it, it is a chaos that turns illusory into distorted reality.

Sometimes, I don’t know if I dreamed of someone else in my sleep, or I saw myself in someone else’s dream.

Others may not be aware of the horror of this chaotic sleeper, but with the truth, Green can naturally detect the extraordinaryness of this chaotic sleeper. Although the scope of his abilities is different, he is also bound by certain rules, but he is afraid. This is another potential sacred ancestor of the beginning, the rule of the endless world of the endless world!

Finally, there are three metal destroyers who have escaped from extremes.

"Oh, this world has been blocked by my time and space. I can only enter, can't go out, and I want to leave enough to buy enough money! However, I don't think you have any negotiating capital. I will leave the body as my own." Lab specimen collection! Hey!"

The power of Green's time-space blockade against the Vatican world was originally to capture the Kunming monsters in a foolproof manner. Therefore, it took some time in the void, but now it has become a means of exhaustion and gained considerable extra gains.

Sure enough, the three metal destroyers rushed to the vicinity of the rules of the world, and a layer of time and space film began to appear.

The space-time film is full of toughness, and it can't be broken anyway. After the metal destroyer squeezes into a few kilometers, it seems that the final balance between impact and pressure is no longer possible.

"Hey, give it to me!"

A metal destroyer raised his head, and the red light slammed the data of the energy impact analysis. The number "吱吱吱吱" jumped wildly, and the alarm sound was sharp to the limit.

The wind and the whirlpool have already formed, and the Green Truth balance magic wand is a hit, even if the phantom shroud that is only indirectly swaying the rule is more than 10 million degrees. This kind of absolute power attack is still barely tolerant for some Xeon masters. However, there is not much characteristic metal destroyer in this way, but it is enough to form a crushing, even if some sci-fi ability singular attributes can not make up for the crushing attack!

With the help of time and space, the metal destroyer was faster than the escape. On the spot, Green was ruthlessly bombarded from the sky and broke into the rock layer under the soil of the Vatican World.

Green, with the thumb wearing the Titan's Ring of Loss, retracts the magic balance of the magic wand, and the three-color chills condense toward another metal destroyer who is trying to break through the time-space blockade.

The energy of this metal destroyer is the most abundant among the three. Under the tri-color of Green truth, it is like a burning sun. Every metal particle has great vitality.


It is still the general attack of Green beyond 10 million degrees.

However, an astonishing scene appeared. I saw another metal destroyer who flew over and flew over, attacking Green's attack and willing to suffer a heavy fall.


A stunned, this situation caused a deep interest in Green!

"Oh! Interesting, it seems that there are some secrets hidden in you, little guy, let me see what it is!"

I didn’t look at the metal destroyers who were swept away by themselves as if they were flies. For those who fell metal, they still did not forget to make their own efforts, only 3.5 million degrees, and stayed for Green. For the nine-level creatures of the endless world dimension, it is just an understatement, and the attack is bounced off.

The bang, the refracted metal destroyer hit a super wave in the distant sea, and sprinkled over the water with the tsunami.


Now Green's refusal of double force is not only the purest refusal of double force, but also the distortion of time and space. It is the force of over-multiple leverage, just like returning to the truth, returning to the law, pointing A collateral attack of the source of truth.

Overriding the pressure, this metal destroyer can't resist being easily photographed by Green~www.novelmtl.com~咻! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

In the face of the metal destroyer's overwhelming counterattack, but even Green's outermost witch mask is not destroyed, and when it is close to the Green 100 meters, Green's left hand suddenly slammed, "噗", the element of the hand is easily pierced The metal destroyer's chest, took out a face of truth and insight into the very abnormal material.

It is an unremarkable chip.

"Oh? Skynet independent will information data chip! Hey, it seems that Skynet is smart, learn the gecko tail, the golden shell unshelling technique."

After taking out the chip, the little emperor who screamed up screamed: "And... another piece!?"

It's no wonder that the little emperor exhausted his energy and almost turned the ruled illusory world to the bottom of the sky. Only then did he find out the core of the independent network of Skynet's information database. Now there is another Skynet independent will chip here?

If the development speed of Skynet is greater than the cleaning speed of the Little Emperor, then it will be the time for Skynet to defeat the light of Vantage Quantum Technology!

However, the current little emperor is obviously overestimating the Skynet, and the worry is purely redundant.

"Mom, those little things are coming, you can control them to enslave!"

In the distance, the overwhelming metal robots are controlled by Skynet, and they are flooding towards Green. The number is almost over 10 million. This kind of uniform attack can be far more terrible than the metal destroyer, and even enough to pose a huge threat to Green. This is not a joke.

Imagine if the Skynet civilization developed to the peak of the Dimension War, what a doomsday scenario.

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