A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1901: Group of chaos

The balance between chaos and the subtleties between the moments are formed between the Dragon Supreme, the Metal Destroyer, the Vantage of the Vantage, and the chaotic creatures.

After discovering that the world has such a large number of material energy worlds, the chaotic creatures who have followed the chaos contract have also slightly converged.

If it is not because of some uncontrollable factors, I am afraid that the creatures with different purposes may have some possibility of compromise. Waiting for the creatures that can break this balance to appear and then erupt the conflict or extinguish it, but this is uncontrolled. Factors that make the situation that might have achieved a brief subtle balance suddenly become precarious.

These uncontrollable factors are the source of chaos of Vantage Quantum Light and the chaos of chaotic sleepers!

The light of Quantum Quantum is a new form of life created by the old human beings who are about to perish in the universe. In order to defeat the Skynet, a new form of life created by the students is defeated and succeeded in defeating Skynet.

Among them, the most fundamental ability of Vantage Quantum Technology is to deprive Skynet of its ability to control metal robots and metal terminators.

By depriving Skynet of the amount of information and data and limbs, it gives the robot the data encoding of human service. This is the existence of Vantage Quantum Light, and will not be closed or suspended due to any external conditions.

As for the chaotic sleeper...

The biggest feature of chaotic creatures is that they have an unreasonable evolution in the power of chaos, which is extraordinary and powerful, and can even violate basic rules at certain times.

Chaos creatures exist in thousands of ways, and their abilities are different. Some of them are almost negligible, while others are as unbelievably powerful as civilization.

This old man like a tumbler, the "tick" and "tick" bells on his chest are constantly summoning the power of chaos.

If the Vatican world is not chaotic, it is impossible to come to so many tyrannical chaotic creatures. Now, because of the existence of this chaotic sleeper, the power of chaos is becoming more and more powerful, and the chaotic creatures born from nothingness will surely become more and more. The ability is also more and more ridiculous and powerful. At that time, although the six-ring true spirit wizard used the fate lever magic wand to move the chaos of the chaotic world group, but it was affected by the mixed sleepers, and the chaotic world of the Vatican world. The force will become more and more intense, offsetting the chaotic storm that was taken away.

Hey! Hey! Bang! Bang!

Although the eruption of the Evil Buddhism has been unstoppable, the rune is still not extinguished in a short period of time. There are more and more cracks in the mountains, and the sounds of "咔嚓" and "Bang" are broken.

"The light of Vantage Quantum, the king of the wizard has really come to this world community!"

In the vast battlefield, with the arrival of Vantage's quantum light, more and more metal robots, metal terminators, and virtual aircraft carrier war platforms began to appear chaotic, and gradually began a large-scale rebellion.

This is the direct power of Vantage's Quantum Light to cut off the independent will of Skynet to these robots, giving these robots the ability to process information streams themselves.

"19%, 18%, 17%... The probability of victory is getting lower and lower, can't continue like this, and must act now!"

The metal destroyer faced the little emperor and decided to take the initiative.

"咻", "咻", "咻", linked by Tianwang, the three metal destroyers attacked at almost the same time.

"Oh, there is nothing in the middle, the metal destroyer!"

Beside the little emperor, two metal destroyers were summoned by the little emperor.

Although the little emperor's laughter is still so crisp, but the expression is extremely cold, the panic infiltrates, a look of evil, seems to be affected by the magic doll, once really serious, the little emperor no longer looks like it used to No deterrent.

The two metal destroyers who were summoned by the young emperor had opened their eyes at the same time, and then entered the battle mode immediately after the moment, and the violent force of "Boom", "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" could not be heard. Fighting between the four metal destroyers In addition to the most basic attacks of punch and fist and energy hedging, all kinds of sci-fi attacks are equally dazzling.

Without the support of the perpetual motion machine and the space-based satellite ship platform, the four metal destroyers have little difference in combat power.

The only remaining metal destroyer is aiming at the light of Vantage Quantum Technology itself, staring at the little figure, the dark metal monster that combines violence and sci-fi beauty in the speeding, it seems that the next moment will have to impact it. There is no residue left.

"There is nothing in the world, the space-based star gun!"

A sustained energy attack that is enough to destroy the world of small material energy, the little emperor is almost completed in a flash!

The back turned suddenly, and the right hand tender index finger pointed to the figure that was rushing toward him. "Boom", the light pillar descended from the sky, reflecting the bad smile of the little emperor, and the face of the five senses changed in the light of the energy of the space-based star. .


Like an ant hiding from the concentrating point of a magnifying glass, on the one hand, the little emperor controls the energy beam that is far beyond 10 million times, and the phantom of the metal destroyer passes by, and the light beam shock wave that is chased by the trail is easily defeated. A large piece of land floor block indirectly helped the evil spirits of Wu Sheng to break out. At the last moment, the full-fledged metal destroyer fled to the end of the sky.


The golden bird's claw is too big. The height of the mountain is only a bird's claw. I am afraid that the size of this chaotic creature is more exaggerated than the body of the black witch king.

As a pair of violent hurricanes fluttered from the illusion into the Vatican world, the golden long claws that crossed the Vatican world almost pierced the surface of the earth, and the wings caused the sky and dust to easily destroy the underside. Civilized Holy Land Complex.

Then, the huge bird owls are coming down from the void, overlooking this vast world!

"Sleeves, horror, and even summoned three peak chaotic creatures at the same time, this chaos contract contains power can not be estimated! Especially the sleeper, one of the legendary oldest mysterious chaotic creatures, almost The source of chaos equivalent to the chaotic world has been summoned to this world."

The bird licks a sharp sound wave, and the huge eyes are always watching the old man wearing a bubble dragon pajamas and holding an alarm clock.

"Is it you? Hey, I heard that your nest can open the chaotic cracks yourself, and can forcibly come to the material energy world without chaotic storms? And your birds and birds, if they come with you It will save me from making another shot."

The horror that is covered with layers of ghost face spiders, the twisted faces on the **** and worn sheets are even more gloomy, and even "tick" and "tick" begin to drip blood.

Every time the chaotic sleeper breathes, it will cause a large-scale chaos force to invade. The Vatican world is gradually shrouded in a layer of gray and fog, and some absurd and strange things begin to break the original rules of the Vatican world.

Calm the sky, there is a frog purse out of nowhere.

After the frog purse called "咕咕", it spit out a large group of strange and weird toys. These strange and incomplete toys are all chaotic world creatures. Although the grade is not high, the number is too large.

In places where chaotic fog has permeated, normal natural phenomena begin to mutate.

After the battle, the broken mountain was affected by the chaotic fog. It was formed by the gully and the shadows, forming a big face, splitting the big-mouthed monkey, and a tongue is swallowing the surrounding corpses.

The burning dead trees climbed up and rushed to the river, but they were directly rushed to the clouds by an amazing fountain in the river.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee……

I don’t know what kind of strange shadows in the depths of chaos, and the horrible laughter of infiltrating people, invisible and inferior, seems to be the ghost of walking in the world between reality and illusion.

In this regard, the Vatican World is only facing a new round of demonic crisis, irreparable!

The Dragon Supreme is full of pain and sighs: "There is only one last resort."

In the hands of the Dragon Supreme Master, there is suddenly a scroll, which seems to be similar to the chaotic period, which records certain summoning coordinates or equivalent promises, as the Dragon Slayer slams out on this scroll. A sigh of anger, "噗", between the time, the sky, the heavy rain.

"You are finally willing to summon me, hehe."

The gloomy voice, this is the sun of all evils in the world of the ancestors!


At this time, a black light under the mountains rises up, and the sinister screams rise to the sky. It is a wild rush that gains new freedom after a long period of depression. It happens to rush to the dense sleepers of chaotic creatures. It is the episode of evil spirits that broke out!

Both eyes are big and small, their mouths are awkward, they are wide and skeleton, lean and capable, and the weapon is a black long sword without any luster.

Many horrible monsters, who ruled the world of the Vatican, did not let the world martial artists give up their final dignity. However, as the episodes of the evil spirits broke out, the martial artists seemed to return to the dark age in despair. It was an era in which others were destroyed while destroying themselves. The martial artists were falling from the sky in the midst of desperation and completely abandoned.

Epilepsy has been broken, so what seal is it still guarding?

"I was suppressed and sealed for 10,000 years. The most bitter and blame is my commitment. I believe in the promise too much. I will be betrayed and suppressed. I am finally free now~www.novelmtl. Com~Chaotic creatures, I want you to obey the chaotic period and help me wash the world and dare to violate my will!"

Epilepsy Wu Sheng said to the chaotic giant bird and the chaotic horror.

As for the chaotic sleeper, it represents a bunch of chaotic rules. It is difficult for outsiders to judge whether it has the will to think. It only knows where he is. As time goes by, the power of chaos becomes stronger and stronger. It is not impossible to form another chaotic world one day, and the chaotic contract can summon such existence and it is full of randomness.

"The wicked spring ancestors, according to the contract, I will use one of my epoch time, in exchange for your strongest avatar at any cost and time to air!"

Longsheng Sovereign Goldman Screams.

"Oh, your call will be realized soon."

The evil ancestors did not seem to have any worries about their situation. When a lotus phantom with a purple-black smoke gradually emerged, the unique civilization of the civilization might violate the ability of the balance rule, and it was suddenly unreserved. Released it!

This is why they dominate the melee, even if they don't know each other's battles. But when it comes to so many forces, it is impossible to hold peace talks, and everyone has paid too much.


Just then, a screaming laughter came from the distant sky, the beautiful feathers of red and green, the coquettish and flexible appearance, not who is the Eight Rainbow Nevis?

"Children who are still playing with peeing and muddy fights, please offer your knees, because your master of the wizard, the Green Beast, is about to be summoned by your Eight Lords, oh!"

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