A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1897: Vatican world

The chaotic world group, the Vatican world.

According to incomplete statistics, the once prosperous Vatican World under the rule of Evil Buddhism, the earth creatures were extinct more than 30%, and hundreds of ancient kingdoms that passed more than one era were destroyed. Hundreds of worlds have suffered from the extinction of the traditional world, and the number of direct and indirect killings is hard to count.

Objectively speaking, the degree of destruction of the Vatican's Great World and the surrounding world by the dark rule of Evil Buddhism has exceeded the sum of two chaotic storms!

It is precisely because of this that even if the Evil Buddhism has been sealed for thousands of years, the Vatican world is still a symbol of evil for the surrounding small and medium-sized world. The aversion to the Vatican world has never been reduced with the passage of time. Go deeper into the bone marrow of these small and medium-sized souls.

It is in this world that is feared by extraterrestrial creatures, but now it is full of vitality because of the disappearance of Epilepsy.

"Cough and cough..."

The Dragon Gate Enlightenment Cave, which suppresses the epilepsy and evil spirits for seven thousand years, has realized the seven thousand years of this wall. The specific strength of the dragon sages is now unknown. The outside world has never stopped, and it is known as the martial arts after the evil spirits. Peak, the number of strong targets for this is countless.

However, this sound breaks the silence and suddenly coughs, but the dragons who have already merged with Vientiane are disorganized, and the shadow of the wall is broken.

The sound of "吱", a slight dark gray atmosphere between the cracks in the stone wall, quickly melted into the nature, if not the most obsessive and meticulous observation, it is impossible to detect.

"Chaotic storms have to be opened again, hoping that it will not cause too much confusion, or else it will be able to suppress several eras with this bad body."

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Under the earth, there was a faint vibration, but under the hundreds of millions of layers of runes, these vibrations were invisible.


The chaos storm has not yet arrived, and the other side of the Vatican world has ushered in another crisis.

"Ah, monster!"

"Mommy mommy……"

Along with the sky, thousands of metal warships of several kilometers long appeared unwarranted, and thousands of them descended from the depths of the Vatican to the World of Vatican.

The shadows were scattered, and people on the ground panicked. The City Budokan and the major martial arts colleges sent the most elite martial arts teachers to the sky, trying to make contact with these exotic fast-moving guests.

The metal battleship is full of science fiction texture, flowing light strips, white light spots appear in a fan glass window, AT force field cover is thick and solid, searchlights come one after another, a pair of awe-inspiring colors, the army is pressing the trend.

The terrible thing is that this is just an advance legion. I don’t know how many empty airships in the void!

"Which world do you come from? The Vatican World is no longer the ambition of the sacred martyrdom of thousands of years ago, and there is no ambition to fight outside. If it is because of the contradictions, the Vatican world is willing to negotiate on the basis of harmonious coexistence. ""

This is a martial arts master. It is also the top life body in a country. Although it is really unsatisfactory to represent the world of Santa, in today’s critical moment, the resolution of the crisis requires some people to come forward, a military The master is also too strong.

Dull and depressed!

Thousands of virtual motherships are covered with AT force field cover to cover the sky. Except for the AT force field cover, there is no change, but there is no change. This is a neat and unified scene, which makes the Vatican world temporarily gather. The strong people feel extremely depressed.

Only the void of the void is still in the world, and the virtual mothership that is coming to the world of Vatican is telling the world that this strange metal civilization is by no means a good class!

咔, 咔, 咔, 咔, 咔!

Suddenly, the local equipment of the recent arsenal of the martial arts master of the Wu Zong division changed. More and more martial artists flying to the sky on the ground watched, and a dazzling ray of light gathered from all sides to Wu Zongshi.

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A bunch of bright eyes seem to have drowned the Wu Zong teacher.

However, in this glorious bombardment, I saw that the Wu Zongshi, who was carrying a long sword, actually avoided all attacks. It seemed that he was prepared for such attacks and evaded all attacks in the most perfect way.

"War! Declare war!"

A martial artist shouted, and the pear flower flying needles in his hand, "唰", "唰", "唰", and "唰", rushed out, and overwhelmingly, it seemed to have some power, but it fell on the heavy AT force. The field cover only caused a lot of water waves.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

However, with the high-altitude virtual motherships starting to rotate the AT force field guns to the city of the unknown small country on the ground, many martial artists changed their faces.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The explosion shock wave came one after another. The beams of the road descended from the sky, and after falling on the ground, they melted and bombarded a gully. Thousands of warships were attacked. The time of the earth was broken, and the damage of the lower martial artists was also countless. The surviving people looked at the end of the world, all of them lost their lives in the same place, and even the tears were exhausted.

After that, a virtual mothership has finally changed.

The gray-white capsules are generally dropped from high altitude. After the "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", and "嘭" fall to the ground, with the sound of "咔嚓", one metal robot holds the weapon out of the capsule, and only the most red and red. The icy data stream is constantly refreshing, rushing in groups and moving in the same direction, attacking any native world.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Soon, the second wave of AT's stand of the Void Mothership descended, and the already fragmented land suddenly became a horrible scene of the end of the hell. The smoke of the smoke easily smashed the ground. This epic martyrdom established thousands of years of inheritance. country.


The chaotic world group, the world of death crows.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

A thunder and a ray of brilliance, the king of the wizard, Green, stepped out of the door of the vortex, and the three eyes groaned and looked at this from the dead world, and the small eight on the shoulder was full of expectation.

呱, 呱, 呱, 呱, 呱...

The crows died in the sky, and then from the rich fog of death ~www.novelmtl.com~ tens of thousands of higher slaves cried, and the crows of the death came over, and they worshipped the door of Green Time. At the foot, he is small and humble, and he is allowed to slaughter.

There are all kinds of slaves who are crying, and it seems that the death crow is not picky.

The slaves looked up at the strange, horrible figure in the door of the thunder and the sky, and every cell was shuddering because of fear. The pressure from the soul instincts made them experience the crisis of life and death every moment. The blood of the heart rushes to the head, and the lower body is weak and weak.

"Hey, welcome the great king of the early wizards to the world of death crows, the most noble ritual of death crow world, death sacrifice!"

As the three-legged death crow screamed sharply and screams, the slaves who were shackled were killed by the dead crows.

It was a primitive and boring odorless ritual.

Green has not cared about the boring of these ants, and he said: "I am here to find the Vatican world. I only know the general coordinates. Do you know the specific information?"

"Vatican World?"

Returning from the front line of the Diablo World Hunting Expedition, the six-level peak creature is a six-level peak creature, and it is also famous in the chaotic world community, but it is still a small point between the palms and the palms. After hearing Green’s inquiry, he waved his wings to indicate that the grand crow’s death crow welcoming the team, and said: “It’s a powerful world close to the center of the chaotic world community. The chaotic storm is about to break out. Now go there and explore. Not so good?"

"Nothing bad."

Green's answer, let the three-legged death crows glimpse.

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