A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1890: financial crisis! ?

Three years later.

In the hall where Green is located, there is nothing but a stone table or stone bench that is connected to the earth.

It's no wonder that with the beginning of the dark sacred ancestor leaving an unknown mode curse on Green, all the energy materials that come into contact with Green will disappear in the lost line for a long time.

Green does not know whether it should be classified as a curse or a special ability.

However, as far as this ability is concerned, it is quite contagious for ordinary substances, and it is weakened by the contagion of energy. As for the living body, at most, it can only affect some flowers and shrubs. The situation was erased by Green.

Silent, the three-color light swayed, Green kept looking at the light curtain inside the crystal ball, trying to find some ancient wizards about the situation they suffered through the book of the tower, but found nothing.

Instead, the crystal ball in the hand was erased one by one, but Green did not give up.

With the vast knowledge contained in the book of Santa, even if there is no clear answer, as long as you are willing to spend your thoughts, you will find some clues instead of being as clueless as you are now.


Green, who is reading the information, sighs.

The crystal ball floating in front of the body is firstly erased by an unknown force, and then from the outside, the crystal ball slowly disappears.

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-color light is concentrating on the whole process of observing the disappearance of the crystal ball.

"5:31, two thousandth faster than the last time."

After licking the right eyebrow, Green quickly took out a new crystal ball and continued to explore the book of the Holy Supreme with the supreme power of the wizard king. Green is so eager to explore the book of the tower, as if it were hundreds of enquiries. The inheritance of the long history of the wizarding civilization in the past ten years, and the random viewing, this is not only the dream of many wizards, but even the high rights rule ignores the value of knowledge.

It is true that the true spirit wizard is recognized, and endless knowledge is equal to endless power!

After a while, Green all the sensors opened the huge magical ban in the room, and after a bean climbed through the door, it turned into a ring of real spirits, Silvana. Image.

The true spirit wizard has already found the clues of the relics of the fairyland world community, and it is the return of this matter. However, Green has temporarily delayed the use of the outline of the sacred ancestors in the body.

"I think it's time for you to come to the king of the wizard and adjust the world of the wizard to a crisis!"


Greene thought that a true spiritual wizard came here because of the relics of the fairy tales, or the clues to the negative state of his own sacred ancestors at the moment. I did not expect that the opening was actually a witch world crisis?

“What crisis? The messenger of the World of the Iron and Blood River and the messenger of the World of the Butterfly are all on the road. Is it any change in other world communities?”

Green's face is slightly dignified.

This one-soul wizard is also a great spiritual wizard who has traveled all over the world. He can be criticized by a true spiritual wizard. It must be a crisis that can truly affect the survival of the wizarding world. If it is not good, it will affect it. The crisis of the civilization process.

As the king of the first generation of wizards, Green is the absolute master and responsible person of the wizard's civil rights, and he does not dare to have the slightest care.

"It is a financial speculation crisis about the debris of the hunter space! Since the promotion of the rules of the sorcerer, the number of sorcerers has increased by geometric multiples. As a higher life above the primitive human beings, the space span and time span of the sorcerer have changed dramatically. It began to swarm to the major wizarding school districts and the Santa Claus region. The cities that once existed as a gathering place for the wizarding family and ordinary humans have ceased to exist, and the rules of various Santa and Wizarding schools have expanded by a hundredfold, and financial rules have penetrated. In every corner of the Wizarding Circle, the crisis facing the Wizarding World is now from the financial sector!"

The face is serious, and the true spirit wizard said: "The hunter space debris was once a symbol of the demon sorcerer. It was the must-have for every hunter witch before the third civil war. Unconditionally given by each sacred tower. However, with the advent of the brilliant era of the wizarding civilization, the number of witches and wizards has increased dramatically, and the Wizarding World has stopped giving up the space of the demon witches, instead of trading in witches, at the time it seems reasonable rules, now But it has become the source of the financial crisis in the wizarding world!"

Green also heard some doorways.

"What do you mean is that the witches and witches will face a credibility crisis, and the wizarding world will probably face the weakening of the wizarding alliance?"

Seeing Green instantly understood the potential crisis of the wizarding world financial rules. Originally, he intended to elaborate on the magical wizards who had a lot of interest in the relationship. Only then did he feel that he really underestimated the wisdom of the king of the wizard.

"Oh... yes."

Silvana paused, and then said: "The root cause of all this, in the final analysis, is that the Wizarding World has a large amount of witches in order to support the Demon Expedition. It has gone far beyond the value of the Wizards' productivity, resulting in the constant depreciation of the Wizards. After discovering this, the world and the sacred sorcerers who have accumulated a large amount of witch coins will turn the sorcerer's coin into the market of the hunter space debris, thereby defeating the devaluation of the sorcerer's coin and retaining its own value. This also caused the price of the hunter space debris to be thousands of times and tens of thousands of times far from its own value. Once this constantly running concept product no longer takes over, it is when it is bought and sold in real value. The resulting financial tsunami is only afraid..."

Later, Silvana did not go on.

The Wizarding World Rule Wizard Alliance relies on three points, the Wizarding Rule, the powerful Hunting Legion, and the advanced civilized system, the most important of which is the Wizarding Dollar!

In the process of conquering the world around the wizarding world, the first is to require the indigenous world to carry out the circulation of witches. In some years, it is necessary to tribute the witch coins to enforce them, and then through the invisible plunder of resources by the witches. It is the source of the exhibition that the wizarding world never exhausts.

If the Wizarding Alliance has a crisis of trust in the Wizarding Dollars, then the ruler's dominance of the Wizarding World will undoubtedly be greatly reduced!

"Oh? There is this! It's not bad, one ring, can be so keenly aware of the financial crisis. It seems that after the Second Ring, the Wizarding World finally has a wizard who is involved in this field. This time I have to remember you!" What is your solution?"

A ring of true spirits is so praised by Green, a happy heart.

“I think the best solution is to sell the concept equity of Diablo World. It takes at least several thousand years for the Diablo World to produce real value, but this time the wizarding world financial crisis of the Wizarding World is never possible to support. So long, and the huge amount of resources consumed by the Demon Expedition every day forced us to increase the amount of money to fill the loopholes in the money, so we can use these concept equity to dilute the financial crisis of the demon space debris, and support the wizard world to spend the most. Difficult moments! After the dark world is opened, the actual productivity value of the Wizarding Alliance is raised. When the time is no longer increased, the crisis will be spent when the actual productivity of the alliance matches the price of the witch."

Slightly proud of the color, so through the financial means to easily manipulate the great resources of the two world communities, a ring of true spirit wizards after learning the last two-ring true spirit wizard financial system, the more they like this feeling.

In addition, she is inherited from the fairyland world community, and she is a two-faced role, and this situation is not special in the wizarding world.

"Oh, that is to say, the first thing we have to do is to put these massive wizard coins in the air and give people unlimited confidence to support the wizard world to spend the most critical moments, right?"

When I heard Green’s question, a true spiritual wizard nodded and looked at Green. It seems that the king of the original wizard must have a high opinion.

Gently fiddling and playing with the ring of Titan's loss on the thumb, the three colors of the green light reveal a scary and sharp light, low: "The dark world concept stocks are not a long-term solution, the world can not be with foreigners. The link of commercial interests must be firmly in the hands of the wizards! As for the huge amount of witches who are about to collapse in the space of the hunting demon space~www.novelmtl.com~, my three disciples returning to the wizarding world should be able to help Busy, this matter will be handed over to you two. How many hunters and shards of space are needed to ask him, and then it will be fixed with the energy of the Santa Claus rule. The profits of millions of people are enough to support our hunting. The magic expedition."

A ring of true spirit wizards looked at Green.

How much hunter space do you need for Ansimo? What exactly does this sentence mean!

Obviously, a true spiritual wizard does not understand the characteristics of the rules of the Ansimo.


Ps: This concept is purely fictitious. If there is similarity, it is purely coincidental. There is no meaning of innuendo, and there is no indication.

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