A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1887: Leave

The door of darkness is banned in time and space in this illusory world, and it is no longer possible to bind Greene's vastness!

The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest.

Although Green opened on the door of darkness, it was only a small gap, but the darkness of the world through the material world until the deepest illusory dimension of the esophagus world, even if it was only hidden in this illusory world. A little insignificant small gap will continue to spread and burst over time and eventually collapse.

The beginning of the dark sacred ancestors is a special evolutionary way of adapting to the rules of the self, and strives to limit the limits of the eight-level creatures, becoming the embodiment of the will of the endless world supreme rule.

And its true body can actually be divided into two parts.

One of them is also relatively unstable, but it is the will of the dark world, and the second is the door of darkness.

The sacred sacred ancestors that fit perfectly into the Dark Portal are basically the same as the unknown powerful creature that shaped a pair of ruined eyes!

Nowadays, in the Diablo World, the Demon Expeditionary Legion is invincible, and the Dark Portal has been cracked by Green. Only after thousands of years of the complete collapse of the Dark Portal will the Holy Father die. Green, will not be at this critical juncture, and do not care about confrontation with a desperate peak dominance, so in the first time, regardless of the release of the real body, casually shot the Skynet rules illusion of the crystallizer Terminator .


Green's body is still expanding, and has grown to be bigger than the entire planet. The horrible shadow seems to be playing with the planet.

On the distant battleship of a ship that is proud of human beings, the battle between the Terminator and the human race continues, but in the eyes of Green, it is no different from fighting against viral antibiotics.

Standing at such a height, Green can finally understand the rules of this absurd illusory world more clearly and comprehensively, but it is irrelevant to Green.

"No chance! It also makes me leave some eternal memories."

Once the beginning of the dark sacred ancestor left the curse of darkness on Green, which was easily resolved by Green, and in the previous sinister esophageal confrontation, Green easily solved the mystery of the darkness of the Dark God. Means, so under the condition that the curse can't be done at all, what means will the dark elemental creature from the second esophagus use?

In this world, the beginning of the dark sacred ancestors existed as the supreme rule, unable to show up against Green, and after Green returned to the world and returned to the secondary esophagus, I was afraid that he would return to the wizarding world in the first time, so there is no At the beginning of the dark sacred ancestor can be ambition for Green, only Green is separated from the illusory world to the distance between the esophagus!


It is no longer possible to bind Green's illusory world by means of the Dark Portal's time and space rules, and it is easy to open a long and narrow crack by the Green Truth balance magic wand.

Tick, ticking, ticking...

The pale green pus of a beach beach dripped, and the illusory rules of the world were spreading. Green did not hesitate to scream and slammed into it.

According to the imprint of the Almighty Spirit left in the Dark Portal, Green rushed forward in accordance with the rules of the dark world, and rushed to the dark gate, the final destination, the esophagus, when the ratio came, I don’t know how fast. How many times.

The tentacles are two thunder lightnings, and the body that keeps dripping down the mucus is like a giant bull, and "the rumble" is walking.

This illusory world creature is extremely powerful even if it looks at the endless world, but at the moment it seems to be sensing something, fierce and clever, in the same place.

Hey, hey!

A three-eyed monster slams open the cracks in the sky, and is gathered by the active ionic illusion rules in this illusory world, but sees the gray erect on the forehead, not only using any ability, but also easily The active electrical ion illusions that are gathered are dispelled.

After sliding into the illusory world, this terrible monster looks around and seems to be looking for the right way. It just stays in this strange and illusory stay for a moment, and then leaves without stopping.

"Oh, a terrible monster, I don't know what the world is from."

Thunder lightning turned into two tentacles of illusion dominated and muttered, and my heart could not help but fortunately, fortunately, the monster did not show hostility to himself, an arc butterfly "噗", "噗", "噗" sound, like The elements are illusory, accumulating around the master.

"Dawang, Dawang, there seems to be something behind!"

A little butterfly cried in horror.

It seems that as opposed to the discourse, the original active ion ion jumps in the air, and a distinct circle gradually appears, and then there is endless darkness that fills the giant circle instantly, and the dark column is separated from the sky by the enchantment of the space. Like a giant drill bit, it easily covers the space inside the world and takes it away, and chases it away from the three-eyed monster that fled before.

Wherever you pass along the way, the world seems to be nothing more than nothing.

Soon, after the black cylinder passed through the illusory world, a black shadow with a sun clock appeared. A circle of apricot eyes was also full of surprises, followed by the two behind.

Until all three of these masters left, the Thunder’s arc became the master of the two tentacles and recovered from the tension. He said: “Leave here!”


The Dimensional Esophagus, the Devil Doll and the Ansimo are guarding the Eight Rainbow Nevis and the Ice Age St. Mark the Great Wizard Millie.

"It's been a long time, Green, is he okay?"

Millie asked worriedly.

Compared to these true wizards and endless masters, Millie in the Ice Age as a wizard of the world's sixth-level sacred sorcerer, although in the wizarding world is also the mainstay, but here, it is so small, after completing the initial camouflage mission of Green Almost no cell phone will be available.

"Hey, Millie, do you know that there are several wizards in the world?"

Xiao Ba stood on the shoulders of Millie with a smile, his mouth licking his toothpick, without any worry, a pair of wings still holding the purple gourd.


Millie instinctively asked ~www.novelmtl.com~ Well, I will tell you today, there are only two wizards in this world! One is the king of the wizard, the green beast, so that one is other wizards, hehe! It’s not that you are too weak, but the Eight Lords, my Green Beast is too strong. This dimension can kill the creatures of the Green Beast, and it should not exist anymore. ”

Xiao Ba raised his tail and laughed. A pair of arrogant people who were stepping on the endless world, said: "Don’t ask why the call of the Eight Lords is so strong, because it’s all the hard work of the Eight Lords. Yeah, wow..."


Ps: Sorry, today, I am a little tired during the day. I am sleepy at night, and I am finished at ten.

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