A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1885: Skynet total attack

It seems that subject to the limited resources of this planet, the Robotic Corps did not, as Green imagined, overwhelmingly destroy the human world.

Skynet only created a crystallizer terminator, and it seems to have reached its limit, and it is extremely rare to appear, so that humans have not yet mastered the true strength level of this crystallizer.

Even so, Skynet is still in accordance with Green's vision, in this regularized illusory world to become the supreme rule of Green, the beginning of the dark ancestors, but also the true God in the lower biological mouth, the meditation, a new after a qualitative change Formal life.

The planetary transformation plan that humans have completed in more than a thousand years has been destroyed by the war between robots and humans in just a few years!

The extent of this war is generally similar to that of the old world of the universe and the catastrophe of the celestial network. In general, human beings are at a relatively inferior side, and this disadvantage will continue to expand.


Unbelievable, even in the moment of crisis when human beings are facing life and death, the Wudou Conference is still on schedule.

This may be the deepest desire of human beings for evolution. The more such a moment is, the ability of those who face the crisis of life and death, although there will be a lot of casualties, but it also ushered in a prosperous world that could not have imagined, one after another s Competitors continue to emerge, and sss-level abilities seem to see new peaks.

Who can think of it, but what is the impact of a true God in the millennium?

After two days of the Wudou Conference, a large number of low-level abilities were swept, and those who were qualified to continue the battle were all s-level abilities. Some of them have long been known, and they are recognized as strong. Others are obscure, but no one knows how many black terminators have been mixed into it.

Yu Fan, who is the sss-level peak of the resurrection of Green, is also among them.

Standing on the ruins of the war that had been blasted by space warships, Yu Fan’s killing of the horse blocked a melancholy eye. The only remaining eye outside the head was calmly staring to the opposite side. The height was only one meter five. The old man who is doing the ancient Wu gestures, the amazing life field in the body is constantly circulating.

Under such a war situation in the end of the world, there was such a killing of Matt High School students in the peak of the fighting field. How to see how grotesque, and the actual situation is incompatible with the surrounding situation.

However, the old man standing opposite Yu Fan is very different from other abilities.

Looking at Yu Fan, what the old man seems to think of, folds the gap between the skin, a few drops of sweat flow down!

"You...you! You are the builder of the hope of the first martial arts conference, Yu Fan!?"

Yu Fanqiang endured his nausea, as if he saw a soft cockroach dying insect squirming his own oral organs and talking to himself. Yu Fan could even smell the mother of the world in the mouth. Nutrient mucus.

At the same time, a few people watching this game have also reached extreme shock, stunned and looked at the face of the screen that should have existed in the depths of memory.

Since this old man can recognize Yu Fan, there will be others who will recognize Yu Fan, and these people are old and old!

However, for the vast majority of people in the world after 800 years, the founder who had founded the first battle conference was so strange that it had been completely annihilated in history.

"Oh? For eight hundred years, the original strongman still lived to the present, and the two artifact families have changed for generations."

Yu Fan’s low discourse makes the old man’s double pupils suddenly shrink!

In the era of the world president who is the s-class capable person, what kind of power is it? However, among the many people who are obscured, it is extremely eager to pay tribute to the three major artifacts of the family fighting!

In the face of such horrible power, it is incomparable to power, and once thought that it could not be achieved in a lifetime.

"Impossible! You are obviously dead, I saw that you were killed by two artifact families!"

The old man's voice is low. Although he is now a ss-class powerhouse, the old man knows that he is facing the existence. It is the strongman who already has the ss-level power in the primitive era eight hundred years ago. Now he grows up. It is impossible to imagine where to go, I am afraid that in this doomsday, there will be another sss-level capable person!

"I am already dead, but it is only for you humble worms! It is the big **** who will regenerate me, how can you understand the greatness of the great gods by the disgusting worms of your wisdom and the gods!"

Said, Yu Fan took the initiative!

Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb...

Even though the old man was already fighting hard, only a few hours later, Yu Fan was vomiting blood, disordered, and surrendered to escape.

Other battles in the battlefield are also in full swing. With fewer and fewer participants, the only ones who can stay are the real powerhouses. Yufan also feels the pressure is multiplying, and the pale face is moving more and more frequently. It is.

Finally, with Yu Fan defeating the flame woman holding the folding fan into the semi-finals, only five of the last five players were left in the fight, and the last group left the competition.

On both sides of the battle, one of them is a well-known sss-class capable person. The original force is in charge of the high emirate, while the other person is a beautiful and ruthless girl. The strong man who emerged from the air is unheard of.

If you follow the normal procedure, it should be the semi-final after the game between the two, then the finals.


咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

As another strategic weapon rushed into the sky and cut through the sky, with the harsh sound of the police, even the peak powers were shocked by this sudden shock.

Tens of thousands of strategic weapons almost cut through the sky at the same time. This is still the case, and the world still does not know how many strategic weapons there are!


At the same time, after the TV screen was in chaos, the image of the president of the world appeared. But behind him, it was a well-ordered intelligent robot that replaced the former guards and staff.

Today, eight hundred years later, the rights of the presidency have been weakened to an unimaginable level. It is not so much a power controller as a mass service provider, and almost no one in high-level ability cares about this already-deserved position.

But now!

"Humans, your inferior evolution has determined your end. From today, robots will open up a wider world in place of human beings and usher in a new era."

As the face of the world president gradually became the image of the black terminator, the world presidential rule system collapsed completely.

At the same time, the battlefield side.

"The first year of robots is coming!"

The woman who is confronting the Force's high-ranking emirate suddenly screams and turns into a black terminator image.

Hey, hey, hey!

The earth cracks ~www.novelmtl.com~ Complete the blackening of the crystallizer terminator with an unbeatable attitude over the pseudo-god, from the underground space, the violent airflow will easily blow the first-class a-level ability nearby Fly.

"The elite of mankind, the last hope, you are going to die here today, and one will not stay."

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

The class of warships in space, one after another, is the last general attack of Skynet. Under the rules of Skynet, the rules of the control of the world in the world are getting lower and lower, and the influence is getting lower and lower. It is also increasingly unable to constrain Green's actions.


Ps: The second is after ten.

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