A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1872: Jagged Covenant (below)

The silence of the wizards seems to be in the expectation of the Iron Queen, but it is clear that the Jagged River civilization clearly does not know the deep relationship between the wizarding civilization and the abyss civilization.

Nourish your life!

Because the 3d projection light curtain spans too far and distant time and space, the information is seriously disturbed, and sometimes the distortion is normal. Compared with the signal device of Vantage Quantum Technology, the signal device is much worse.

"While the wizards are civilized and strong, I am the supreme ruler of the 12th Queen of the Iron Star River civilization, representing the Jagged River civilization to form a formal covenant to the wizarding civilization, inviting the wizard civilization to fight against our common enemy, the abyss world!"

The Queen of Iron and Blood said calmly and majesticly.

"I don't know whether the wizarding civilization has any understanding of the evil abyss of world civilization. This is a horrible world that is constantly expanding, polluting, assimilation, and engulfing all the world around it. There is no civilization in the vicinity, no civilization can stand alone against it! Jagged River civilization, mother Nest Civilization, Suihua Division Civilization, Quanzu World Group, Voidwalker Civilization, Wanniu Alliance, Promise God Alliance, Casting Star Civilization, Evil Dragon World Group, Sanskrit King Kong Civilization, Plane Monitor Civilization, Nightmare Civilization, South Twenty-seven civilized ethnic groups and world communities, such as the 殃 殃 协会 association, the devour of the beast civilization, the devotee of the murderer, the death squad, and the world community, have formed a common alliance against the evil abyss world. Invite the wizard civilization to join!"

With the words of the Queen of Iron and Blood, the 3D light curtain projection device flashed through various civilized groups and world community organizations.

These are powerful groups of powerful powers in the vicinity, but now they have formed an unprecedented covenant because of the abyss world with unparalleled pollution assimilation. These civilizations, the wizards have made some records for some of them, others are unheard of!

The endless void is too vast.

Compared with the area of ​​the abyss world of the Anti-Japanese War Center, the Wizarding World Group at this moment can be said to be in a remote area, and the degree of influence is still very low. Therefore, this huge alliance has not even been formed to resist the abyss civilization. The scope of synergistic operations spread to the Wizarding World group, the chaotic world group, the Mussel world group, and more distant world groups only to have contact with the Diablo World.

In the crystal cymbal, Pumirosius took a deep breath.

"With such a huge alliance, can't you defeat those abyss demons, and those abyss demons are so terrible?"

The 3D projection light curtain of the Empress King has erased the image of the various worlds and civilizations of the Alliance, and then one after another, the unseen sleek plane skull monster, was gradually imaged by the 3D light curtain.

"The Abyssal Mozu, also known as the Innocent Ancient Devil, is based on the information left by several ancient civilizations. The Abyss world has the ability to assimilate with ordinary pollution, and the world it invades. It will be completely deep-rooted in just a few hundred years, and will continue to mutate into a creature called the dragon, which will grow to the peak of the world's food chain with the supply of endless abyssal monsters, as those incomparable Our canines fight in all directions."

In the light curtain projection, the image of the incomparable ancient demon has changed one by one, and soon it has passed hundreds of places, and is still changing, and we can imagine the horrible content of the abyss civilization!

"Every adult incomparable ancient demon has summoned the Dragon Dragon Legion by means of the abyss, and has the ability to fight against the world's lords independently. If you want to come here, you can more intuitively understand the terrible world of the abyss. However, the terrible civilization of the abyss Far more than that! After the enemies have swallowed up several civilizations, the unsuccessful ancestors have exhibited extremely terrible biotechnology, time-space folding and jumping technology, and large-scale war platform casting on the basis of the world’s will invasion technology. Technology, abyss ritual sacrifice ability, even they have established a long-term observatory in the illusory world, spying on other traces of life in dimension dimensions!"

The Queen of the Iron King’s words suddenly made the audience aware that the terrible degree of the abyss civilization was only inconceivable. Compared with the wizarding alliance, there is still a qualitative gap.

There was another brief silence, and the metal hall was slightly depressed.

"To tell the truth, the wizarding world is still far away from such a terrible civilization. In a short time, the abyss world is also difficult to threaten the wizarding world. If the wizarding world forms an alliance with the Jagged River to fight against the abyss world, it will cost the army and resources. It’s hard to count, what does the Jagged River civilization want to use to compensate for the loss of the wizarding world?”

In the crystal shackles, the previous generation of the second ring of the wizards who founded the financial rules of the sorcerer coin suddenly interrogated.

The Queen of Iron and Blood calmly said: "The prevention of the continued proliferation of the abyss civilization will never exist in the order, nor is it a civilized thing in the Iron River, so the Iron River will not bring any compensation to the Wizarding World."

Then, the Queen of Iron and Blood said: "According to the historical inertia recorded by those ancient civilizations, every time there are some eras, there will always be some strong civilizations that will unstoppable rise, causing turmoil and chaos, but without exception, these powerful civilizations will eventually have no It can restrain the demise. In the chaos, some civilizations will gain vitality, some civilizations will grow, and some civilizations will decline. If the wizarding civilization refuses to join..."

"What if the Wizarding World refuses?"

I heard the Queen of Iron and Blood finally threatened a bit, and an ancient seal sorcerer in the crystal sorrow was cold and cold.

"Oh, of course, it won't be. The main purpose of the alliance is to establish the abyss world. It will not become an enemy because of neutral choice. However, I still advise the wizard world to make the best choice. After the defeat of the Abyss world, it will be spare. Several world community resources can be enough to create a few powerful civilizations in the world! Once the dark world rejected us, now when it wants help, we know what we missed. If the wizard world refuses to join, we We will invite the Chaos World Community to take the initiative to contact our Skynet civilization. If the Wizarding Civilization is in the battle with Skynet Civilization..."

In the latter case, the Queen of the Irons did not continue.

Skynet civilization?

The Wizarding World certainly has some Skynet information in the chaotic world group.

However, the district is so short-lived, and it does not say whether it can become a civilized world. It is said that the Jagged River civilization has too little understanding of the Wizarding World Group and the Chaos World Group.

In this way, the crystal 棺 普 米 罗 罗 修 分 完美 完美 完美 完美 完美 完美 完美 完美 完美 完美 完美 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺

"No, no, the messenger I sent this time just hopes to reach the maximum cooperation with the wizarding civilization, and nothing more!"

The wizards in the gossip crystals watched each other, and the mutual consciousness exchanged for a short time. The hall was quiet and there was only one breathing sound under the metal helmet of the iron warrior.

After a while, Pemirosius in the crystal plaque was divided: "The sorcerer civilization is the king's parliamentary system, and this matter must be decided by the great king of the early wizards."

"The king of the early wizards?"

The 3D projection of the 12th Iron Queen is more and more interested in this civilization. While constantly unveiling the veil, it seems to have seen a strong provincial civilization full of novelty.

"So, where is the king of your wizard?"

"桀桀桀桀~www.novelmtl.com~ The king of the early wizards is the world's strongest in the world, and its tracks are difficult to grasp even if we are. However, we will firstly agree on the alliance of the Jagged River civilization. Discussions are held within the Alliance Assembly, and you will be notified of specific news when the time is right. Before this, the Messenger Team will stay here and wait."

It doesn't matter if Pmyrosius is involved, it seems that everything is in control.


Ps: May Fourth Youth Day, I wish all young people, older young people happy, o(n_n)o haha~. According to the reason, as the life expectancy of the population has prolonged, the youth has been greatly extended. However, nowadays, the youth festival seems to have weakened a lot compared to the past, and it is very rare to mention it. There is also a second today after 9:00, I hope everyone subscribes to support, some readers criticized the chapter yesterday, too many wrong words, the Egret changed a little less today.

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