A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1868: No beginnings (middle)


Endless pressure, the second generation of esophagus gathers underground, where it is covered by the source of darkness, full of indescribable repression, "咔嚓", "咔嚓", "咔嚓", the bones are being crushed by the source of darkness Pressed into a small powder, even some of the too strong shin bones gradually detached from the sacral continent due to the chaos of the rules, drifting toward the darkness of the sky.

The gourd doll is almost dim and has no brilliance. Only the purple gourd is struggling to resist, but the source of darkness absorbed is so insignificant compared to the beginning of the dark sacred ancestor, even small Eight were also oppressed on the ground, struggling, and it was difficult to make a difference except to escape into the gap.


There is no sign of a dark light column out of thin air, and the dark pressure that is revealed through it is truly amazing!

After the colorful **** mountain gourd was overwhelmed, it disappeared. Returning to the dimensional gap and imagining the world, the purple gourd gradually faded because of the loss of the gourd coordinate carrier.


Then there was a dark beam of light coming down. The goal was Xiao Ba, but this time the dark beam was refracted by a milky white glare.

Rescuing the little eight is the Green who holds the magic balance magic wand.

"come back!"

The heart has a conscience, and the small eight-time volatility that Green summoned has appeared on Green's shoulder. The child's painting form seems to be unaware of his image at the moment. He said: "The dark door runs through the secondary esophagus. At the end, relying on the will of the tens of thousands of sub-worlds in the dark world of material energy, even if the Green Beast is you, with the support of the wizarding world and perpetual motion, it will be consumed by it."

After the small eight wings patted his chest and gasped for two breaths, he continued: "If you can't, then you will sacrifice it again, summoning a bunch of high-latitude mysterious forces will come!"

Xiao Ba also knows that Green is now a ninth-level creature that stays in the endless world dimension, but he has the ability to go far beyond the limits of the endless world rules, almost the ability to subvert the balance rules!

That is to summon those high-latitude biological wills that have the strongest influence on the endless world dimension.

This ability is that the Black Witch King can only be shackled and become a **** in the hands of King Green of the early wizards.

"Oh, it seems to be powerful. After all, it is only an infinitely enhanced version of the exiles of the second eclipse. It cannot escape the fate of being controlled. The hunter-dealed sorcerer's corps of the material energy world is far less terrible than the Dimension. But it is by no means a kind of arbitrarily assembled and assembled army can resist it. Its will carrier is being weakened. The ancient innocent anti-magic invasion technology is polluting its will carrier. If necessary, I don’t mind coming to a consciousness. Invading and conceiving, hey!"

Green's laughter is cold and gloomy, and the three colors are ruthless and calm.

Consciousness invading and conceiving is the diffusion of world rule pollution, forcing the invasion of one's own world rules into the core of another world, thus nurturing a new sub-world technology.

The ancient wizards have been treating the wizarding world with forced willingness as a shameful humiliation, vowed to retaliate against the expedition, and now the new generation of wizards led by Green as the king of the early wizards, intend to treat their enemies with this technology?

Then Green's fascinating glimmer of light looked to the side of Andre Seymour, and the three eyes groaned and looked at the old wizard Green, who is now thinner and taller than himself, and said: "Go, be a teacher." Here, the dimensional gap phenomenon is only temporarily blocked, and the small eight is still there. As long as we control the diffusion of this dark door rule in the secondary esophagus, the source of the power of the beginningless ancestor is unable to resist the hunting demon. The Expeditionary Corps, time and destiny are on our side."

Anderse Seymour is also not affected by the dark kingship of the beginning of darkness!

The chaotic wave of time and space fluctuates. It is the moment before the destruction of the material energy world. After condensing, shrinking and collapsing the ruins of a long period of time, it releases a shock wave that can penetrate the world of energy and the world of the illusory world. Destroy yourself and spread new hopes to the new Void creatures.

And it is the Ansimo, who controls this ruined rule, not only without the fear of the dark door of the dark ancestors, but also the mysterious power of the source of darkness!

The beginning of the dark sacred ancestors also noticed that Green is the one who controls the extraordinary rules of the sorcerer.


Suddenly, a beam of light descends out of nowhere, and it falls to the top of Ansimo’s head. Everything comes too fast. Even if it is not the mysterious power contained in it, it is calculated by the degree of attack of the material energy world. I am afraid it has already surpassed it. 18 million degrees!


The milky white glow is like a giant sword, inserted into the sky.

The sudden dark light column waved with the truth balance magic wand in the hands of Green, and the eternal motives of the head dimension of the sacred heads flickered in the glory. The sound of "嗡", the incredible vast energy fluctuations, the dark light column was balanced by the truth. The magic wand is opened.

"Instructor, I am going!"

With a cry, Anderse Simo rose to the sky.

It is a field of uncertainty and confusion. Just like the last shock wave before the destruction of the world, anything can happen. At this moment, in the process of rising, Anderse Seymour shouted: "Guide, lend you The ancestral body ability is used! The wild instinct seventh floor ancestors are real, open!"


In the stunned green, Millie, and small eight eyes, Andersi Seymour actually turned out to be the wild instinct of the seventh layer of ancestors in a short period of mad expansion, the body of the body is like a mountain body, the human body is in the hands of the body The power of "嗡" and "嗡" has transformed a temple as a weapon.

this is?

If Green knows it, is it the history that he experienced before copying the destruction of the world?

Although I don't know the specific limitations and burdens of such capabilities, even if I only look at such attributes, it is enough for Green to think of countless possibilities. Such a tough rule is only as good as its own annihilation rule.

The "bang" sounds, the earthquakes are undulating, and Green will rely on the protection of Millie next to him. The gray face of the head is raised, and the three-color light looks up at the two of the shock waves, and the gloss flashes.

"Oh, it’s my favorite disciple. Time will eventually temper the most outstanding genius. It seems that if I can go further, it can be called the best candidate for the future king of the second generation of wizards..."

In this way, 噼 啪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In the accurate judgment of the ground Green, it is enough to deal with it~www.novelmtl.com~ That is because Green is the master's posture, more clearly understand the situation on the battlefield, and has absolute confidence in himself to support Anderse, but as and without Andce Seymour, who was the initiator of the dark ancestors, was another situation.

Like a juggler walking on a wire, it seems to be steady, but it may fall into the abyss at any time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

From time to time, and sometimes from time to time, Anderse Seymour only felt that he was wrapped up in endless pressure, almost in the same way as the beginning of the Dark Prophet, and could not see the hope of victory.

A little bit past, Anderse Seymour, with the constant support of Green, had a heartbeat of 37,416,960, and three times, and the sacred ancestors could no longer endure such a meaningless battle. .

Yes, time and destiny stand on the side of the wizard, and Green as the behind-the-scenes black hand is in charge of leading this happening!

"The source of darkness, the source of darkness!"

The "Zizi" sound clearly can't be perceived by anyone, but it can be sensed in Ann's sensation of grinding, and one of his own lifelines is held in the hands of the beginning of the dark ancestors.

This is an unknown attack that he can't understand.


PS: After the third and eleven o'clock.

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