A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1858: 1 round play


Focusing on the black cord shoulder purgatory furnace, the dark flame spreads out of a circle of light. ?

In an instant, the surrounding time and space were cleaned up by the dark flames. Some of the queens of the dark world, ignited by the dark flames, were dragged into the unknown time and space by the dark flame during the defense.


A drop of lacquer black slurry, dripping from the furnace, "Zi", in the blink of an eye, the earth's bones and ruins will be burned by the black flame.

On the top of the dark flame, a weeping grim face twisted and struggled, and a small hand extended in the direction of the Purgatory Furnace seemed to be craving for something.

"The furnace? Don't pretend to be in front of me!"

The dark bee king Shengzu steel metal wing fanned at a high frequency, creaking, almost transparent, can not see clearly, condescending to overlook the two rounds of the real wizard black rope.

"That weapon is not your strength at all. You are just using it to hold the extra attributes. You are not worthy of showing weakness in front of me. The real wizard, this time you will appreciate the true source of darkness!"

The black-skinned look gradually converges. This bee-king ancestor is really extraordinary. He has already seen some of his deeper things.


"Hey, you finally showed up, let me come! The ruling of the weapon!"

Unexpectedly, in the dark shadows of the darkness, the true spirit wizard who was fighting against another holy ancestors ran away.

The tri-color elf sneaked away, never seeing the soft and cute look before, like a fighting soldier armed only to the teeth, actually attached a layer of metallic color in the tri-color body.

澎湃 澎湃 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The bee prince.

"Hess, I personally cook this bee king, you have to deal with the hurricane for the time being, this time you must win this nest!"

I have never seen a true spirit wizard so violent, almost crazy.

Although it is relative to the king of wizards, a black witch king, Pumirosius, and a round of true spiritual wizards, the old witch is still far away, but as the originator of the nightmare witch, he is promoted to the eighth-class eternal soul. Hessian still knows that there is an essential gap between himself and the old witch, and he does not say much. The black cable that was originally waiting for the turn of the furnace turned away.

"Where to run!"

The dark hurricane that confronts a true spirit wizard is also a gap opened by a true spiritual wizard. He almost recovered in an instant. When he saw a true spirit wizard, he gave up fighting with himself and turned to the hive. The rule of the world is rooted in the dark bee king, the king of the dark hurricane, roaring, and thousands of tricolor elves are rolled in during the chase.


Several space fortresses responsible for the interception released a dark red ruined light beam, and the black hurricane dyed some red light, but only so.

The hurricane was still spinning high, and tens of thousands of slave monsters, metal robots, and hunters were entangled in it. After a long scream, the screams gradually disappeared.

"Alarm! Alarm! The fortress is shifting in orbit, the reactor energy reserve is declining, and it is expected to collide after 70 seconds. Please guard the guards and pay attention to the safety of the fortress."

A space fortress affected by the dark hurricane is like a sailboat caught in a whirlpool, trying to break free and counterattacking the horrible monster that caused the vortex, but to no avail.


In the end, the space fortress was still involved in the dark hurricane.

During the last time of the Space Fortress, some of the demon sorcerers died and the space fortress coexisted. Some of the demon wizards tried to escape. The anti-gravity advancement system of the space fortress had completely failed. After a few laps around the black hurricane, the bang "After falling to the ground, the violent fire skyrocketed.

"You must have a real wizard to stop it!"

The wizard's robe is shaking, and the four-level sorcerer who is trying to fight against the dark hurricane is trying to rescue the sorcerers affected by the hurricane. However, it has little effect, just a few space that will be sucked away by the hurricane. The airship was rescued.


At this moment, a ray of lightning came from far away!

Obviously, this energy attack has a completely different qualitative change than the previous zero-scattering counterattack. When the ray attack rushes into the interior of the hurricane, a hole of "噗" is pierced, and a loud bang is heard. , exploding in the distant horizon.


Attacked by this sudden ray, I was caught off guard, and the dark hurricane ancestors screamed with pain and apparently suffered some injuries.

The silver-gray metal figure in the far side was once again hidden in the darkness. The battles of "Bang" and "Bang" were one after another, and it was supported by the metal destroyers who were incarnate by the three gods.

This kind of delay, the giant element burning in the dark flame is also rushing in the melting pot of the purgatory, and a circle of true spirit wizards crossed, greeted the dark hurricane ancestors.

"I will solve it as soon as possible."

A round of true spirit wizard said this, Hessou nodded silently.

The battle between the seven-level creature and the eight-level creature is basically a chronic suicide. Now, I have to expect that a true spirit wizard will solve the opponent earlier and let himself be freed.

"嗡", the black rope that opened the elemental body jumped up, almost infiltrated into a dark sun in the dark world of the dark beehive, the high darkness of the purgatory furnace bloomed with no power, dull and powerful snoring, dark black purgatory furnace Break through time and space, and slam!

"I just want to stop me?"

With this preparation, the Dark Hurricane Sanzu as an eight-level creature ~www.novelmtl.com~ will not evade a seven-level true spirit wizard, in the roaring sound, the overwhelming wind elf flies out from the hurricane vortex center, The power of the Purgatory Furnace is getting slower and slower and slower.

It seems that Hessian will inevitably fall into a disadvantaged situation.

the other side.

"The stumbling block on the way to the Demon Hunt, I will send you a hand today!"

When the old witch came up, it was the hysteria of hysteria.

As the eponymous evolutionary creature of the dark bee king, the ancestors are extremely fast, in their own motherhood and have the will and rules blessing, coupled with the bee colony in the queen's nest, which seems to be emerging, it seems that the dark bee king Even if he was not afraid of the last round of the true spirit wizard, he was far more comfortable than Hessian.

Call, call, call, call, call, call, call...

Suddenly, thousands of red hairs emerged from nothingness. There was no lightness in the light wind. It made the people who experienced it feel cold and trembled. In an unspeakable strangeness, the world in the eyes gradually grew. Change.


The grotesque ugly monkey screams, the low-level soldiers who are affected by such strange changes constantly hold their own itchy body, the bones are scratched, the skin falls off, but the muscles hidden under the skin are not muscle blood. It is a dense dark red hair, and a faint pattern on the hair reveals a face of a crying face.

"What is this? I, I, ah..."

The ugly monkey broke out and blasted the host.

After the ugly monkey was confused and looked around the environment, he looked at the tri-color elf and scratched his ears.

In this way, a true spirit wizard and the dark bee king Sheng Zu chasing and fleeing, in the process of getting closer and closer, the horrifying scene of the shocking and horrifying scene is presented.


Ps: The second is at nine o'clock! 8

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