A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1855: Tinibia

"Hey, as a mercenary of wizards, it’s time for your people to play their part, Saiya!"

Under the shadow of the darkness, behind the black witch king stood a black-haired, cold-looking female warrior, which was smashed by a pair of twins born by the king of Sai Sakarta and the Queen of Saia. The Witch King took the Princess of Tunisia, who was robbed and plundered, and the Saiyan royal family with a combat power of 17,500!

Today, the Princess of Saia, as a disciple of the Black Witch King, has an unparalleled strength and strength, combining wisdom and strength.

However, as a female Saiyan, if you want to maintain the ultimate fighting power forever, the inferiority of the essence of life is that you can never reproduce the offspring, otherwise it will sever its own potential and go to the end.

In the presence of the Dark Witch King, the Sakya Tower, the king of the Saiyan, and the six high-ranking Saiyan warriors, are powerful creatures with more than one million combat power.

After these high-level Saiyan people, a Saiyan warrior dressed in tights and wearing combat-detecting glasses stood in a staggered position, demonstrating strength and ambition. The powerful wild fighting atmosphere naturally spreads, and the tail is swaying. Nibia's younger brother is also among them, but compared to Tinibia, this younger brother is still only a second-class Saiyan warrior. Compared with Tinibia, it is not worth mentioning.

Unconcealed indifference, Tinibia hates his father, mother and brother.

It is the father and mother's preference for the younger brother who abandoned himself, only because he is a female Saiyan warrior, with birth defects, unable to inherit the throne of the king of Saia.

It was the younger brother who took the father and the mother's love for themselves. However, they got their whole-hearted brother, but they were just a waste, a waste of about a thousand battles, and a waste that could be easily crushed by one finger.

Under the guidance of the evil extreme will of the Black Witch King, Tunibia, who grew up in hatred, built a cruel evolutionary worldview and vowed that this life will never stop growing because of the reproduction, and that he will become an unprecedented female warrior of the Saiyan family. Let the father and mother who once abandoned themselves regret it and always fall into deep self-blame!

Even destroy this dirty group!

"Yes, the great Black Witch King, the employment contract signed by the Zythias and the Wizards Alliance, the Saiyan family will go all out to capture the dark world in the shortest time!"

Saqajita bowed his head and responded with a sigh of relief. How can there be a half-point of the king of Saiya?

Seeing this scene, Tinibia's mouth showed a touch of disdain, and felt shame for the blood of Saia in his body, deepening his dislike of the father.

In the hands of a skull of the Dark World Lord, the Black Witch King is skinny, slender, pale fingers, pointing to the rule of the dark world of the world that was hit by the stellar orbital gun, hoarse and hoarse: "I heard about the dark world." It is composed of the outer world group and the core world group. The target of your strategy can only be the core world group, otherwise you can only get half of the reward, go!"

Inadvertently, Saqajita clenched his fists by the shame of the Black Witch King, but still did not resist.

A calm and powerful "Yes", and then got up, Saqajita turned to look at thousands of Saiyan warriors who are attracted to their own attention. They believe in themselves and believe that they will lead this as the king of Saiyan. The bereaved family has returned to glory!

The great humiliation and the great suffering are only temporary experiences. As long as there is sufficient time, the fighting blood of the Saiyan family will make this fighting group once again igniting the brilliant light.

"Everyone listens to the order, and I am going to the front of the starry sky to capture the planets occupied by the lower garbage creatures and sell them to the wizards!"


Under a command, many Saiyan army groups shouted excitedly, wanting to follow the king of Sai Ya, and strive to become a more powerful warrior.

In Saqajita, it seems to be inadvertently turned back to see the cruelty and indifference of Tinibia's mouth, the darkness of the dark pupil suddenly condensed, and briefly confronted her daughter.

"Hey, aren't you going yet?"

Just as Sakajita slightly punishes his disrespectful daughter, the black witch figure stretches in front of Tinibia, sneer overlooking the king of Saia, the power of the vastness, this The king of Sai Ya is as small as an ant, trembled at the foot of the Black Witch King.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

A famous Saiyan warrior rushed to the depths of the dark world, and the black witch king sent a quiet voice from Tinibia.

"Guide, why did he dare to offend your majesty?"

Tinibia actually called his father directly, and Sacagita, the king of the Saiyan family, was his.

Disrespectful, if it is inside the Saiya ethnic group, I am afraid that the consequences will be catastrophic. However, beside the Black Witch King, the so-called Saiyan people are only the first generation of wizards for the experimental observation, while cultivating a hound. And was firmly bound by the black witch king chain.

"Of course your father does not dare to offend my majesty. He is fearing you. He is afraid of your potential, and you are deeply dissatisfied with the Saiyan people in your heart. You are destroying the rules of Saiya's blood. Cohesion, so in his eyesight, you are a heresy. The female Saiyan is in a low position in the Saiyan family, you should know this."

The Black Witch King stands in the void and is not under the jurisdiction of the hunter-deal expeditionary ranks. It is not bound by the Raiders Dark World plan, nor does it have the power to slay the Demon Sorcerer's Legion. Except for the sorcerer's sects, there is nothing, even the company. The black wizards of the Wizarding World are extinct.

This Saiyan army is one of the few subordinate forces in the hands of the Black Witch King.

After hearing the explanation of the Black Witch King, Tinibia was full of disgust: "He is not my father!"

"It is useless to talk about words. You are the blood of the Saiyan family. It is a fact. To become a qualified wizard, you must respect the facts and explore deeper mysteries based on the objective truth.~www.novelmtl .com~Mastering stronger power."

The Black Witch King, with Tinibia, was wrapped in boundless black smoke and slowly walked to the rule of the Dark World.

In the black scorpion squats, the endless hunter-hunter sorcerer regiment seems to be invading the virus, and is infecting a huge living body that still looks very strong but is no longer sound.

I don't know if the dark sacred ancestors took the path of evolution. It is right or wrong. It is precisely because of different ideology and thought that the endless world will be so beautiful and not monotonously monotonous. The wizards have not become metal. In general, robots only need to format education to launch a group of people who have no growth value.

"Go, follow the teacher to explore the mysterious power of the source of darkness inside. It is said that the long-time dark ancestor was a miraculous existence that flowed back to the world a long time ago, if it can and this level of life It’s a priceless treasure to exchange some information and even get a life information specimen. Hey, there is something that can’t wait for the teacher!”

Exclaimed, the black witch king's red tongue licked a circle of slightly dark lips, greedy.

"Teacher, I feel shame for the blood of Saia in my body. Is there no way to change my blood?"

However, the black witch king, the Saiyan female disciple, is more concerned about his own blood problems. This is also the sense of belonging that the Saiyan people can never get rid of, the blood of battle.

"Of course there is a way. If you can become a king of wizards, it is not difficult to change the blood, and even create some blood in accordance with your own consciousness. I heard that a martial artist and a true spiritual wizard are also in the fight. Study the secrets of the blood of the Saiyan battle, these things, you can ask for it in person later."

I am afraid, there is a mentor...

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