A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1849: End of dimension

[Title: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1840th dimension at the end of nine chapters: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: the teachers who devote themselves to the unruly mercenary entertainment are also crazy to eat in Seoul for a night of enthusiasm. The chief executive is too dangerous criminal psychology: sin and punishment live for decades.

A massacre, any creature in the esophagus, unless it has a dominant creature that is close to the hiding power of the robes of the appearance, under the guidance of the rules of life manifestation of the eclipse of the second eclipse, the card corps surrounded by all sides will be killed one by one. The blood infects the gray sky of the secondary esophagus, dyes it into a bright red, and is extremely repressed.

The storms stopped, including the vast turbulent storms that existed in front of the gates of the Dimension.

"The door of the dimension is the **** of the endless world dimension. You guys who violate the endless world dimension and the rules and regulations of the ambitions want to conquer higher latitude creatures? Ignorance is fearless, and the endless world dimension dimension protection is lost. You are nothing but A little bit of imaginary consciousness in nothingness will be destroyed by their thoughts infinitely. You don’t even know the terrible face to face, you are looking for a dead end!"

In front of the Dimension, there are thousands of guardians of the Dimensions, and their forms are different.

These guardians have unparalleled strength, and they have the power of the ecstasy of the eclipse of the eclipse. The top guardian is only enough to face the weak and other masters. However, at this moment, the winner of the Dimensional War is the civilized card player. Before the legion, it was so small and humble.

Behind the guardians of these dimensions, there is an infinite huge crack, but it is tightly closed. It is the door of the dimension of the endless world dimension rumored for a long time!

At the moment, the door of the dimension, it seems that there is still some lack of stimulation, and it is not open like a rumor.

"All who are in front of the civilized army of victory and defeat are enemies and kill them!"

The low and quiet voice of a card king seems to be the trial of these guardians, and the hundreds of millions of card-management regimens have surpassed them. These have defeated the strange civilization of the Angels of the Bright Heaven, and it is easy to take the front of the Dimension. The last blocker killed.

Three days later.

"Commander, can't open the door of the Dimension!"

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

In the cloud of clouds, a dark red arc that is close to the darkness flashes away, and the squeaking sounds, the air seems to be rubbed by this unstoppable high-frequency shock, behind the unknown light, the road The squeaking of the arc is like the sinister laughter of higher latitude creatures, ridiculing these ignorant low-latitude biological corps that dare to challenge their majesty.

The pressure of the entire dimensional dimension is concentrated here!

The winners and losers of the civilized card kings, they have noticed the sinister laughter of the higher latitude creatures. For these arrogant high latitude creatures, the card kings are inexhaustible, but as the standing dimension After the pride of the civilized masters, these card kings are relentless, and their infinite ambitions support their inner beliefs. They must conquer the arrogant high-latitude creatures with the invincible army of card players!

"Sure enough, like the legend, you must kill most of the creatures in the secondary esophagus before you can stimulate the opening of the dimension. Oh, then they will bring them up."

The card king refers to them, the chief knows who it is.


After half an hour of hourglass, tens of thousands of people who had been bombarded by the card corps were captured and trapped in the esophageal exiles. They were piled up in front of the Dimension.

These exiles are too weak to fight and can only be left to these card players.

"On the way to the dimension of our conquest, we don't need these prisoners. According to the United Kingdom's alliance treaty, we can't do it."

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The blood fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the rules in the secondary esophagus are becoming more and more smooth.

With the squeezing force of the surrounding time and space surpassing the several times of the gravitational squeeze of the former world, the second esophagus gate is open, and the blood sacrifice is finally over!

"Crash in and conquer everything outside!"

Surging and victorious, the civilized card player army of the victory and defeat followed the subordinate esophageal pressure, rushed into the door of the Dimension, embarked on the road of conquering higher latitudes, but like other in history. Those civilized, card divisions who stepped into the door of the Dimension did not appear.


Green and Anse Seymour were relieved at the same time.

Ansimo was slightly excited: "It is finally over, the mentor, we actually experienced a war of the Yuan Dynasty, and there are only a few people who have survived this experience in the endless world."

It’s unbelievable, but in fact, Green and Antisimo are just mice in the Dimensional War. They have only tried their best to hide them for decades. There is no such thing as any situation on the two sides of the Dimensional War. There is really nothing. It is worth boasting.

"This is the Dimensional War, the most dangerous disaster in the endless world. You have also seen that we have even a long way to go before the core leaders of the Second Yuan Army have seen it, and the Wizarding World has a long way to go."

As he said, Green gradually retracted the robe of the appearance of Ansimo, and continued: "Now the Dimensional War, the exiles in the secondary esophagus were clearly clear, and even if the Dark Portal penetrated into the Digestive Esophagus in a short time, the darkness was promoted. The rules of the door can not form a strong army of exiles. We have enough time to look for it and seal it."

"it is good!"

call out! call out!

The two men crossed the dark void area and quickly flew in the direction of the sacral continent. ~www.novelmtl.com~嘭", "嘭" two sounds, after the two continents were smashed by two true spirit wizards, the skeletons flew. The two figures stood in midair and did not notice any signs of life around them. Even the repressed silence of the second-order esophagus had completely disappeared, leaving only an unspeakable empty space.

"Sucking... Mentor, even after the Second War, the air was fresh."

Anderse Seymour made a deep inspiration.

The **** clouds in the sky have completely disappeared, and they are clear and transparent. It seems that all of them have followed the victory and defeat of the Dimensional War Corps, and they have been exhausted by the door of the dimension to the endless world dimension.

"It is only the pessimism that the exiles naturally exudes to render the oppressive force."

Under the face of Green Truth, looking at the three-color ray of light, through the observation of the most detailed micro-material energy fluctuations around the world, the life of this eclipse has just ended, the life is absolutely no, the rules are quiet, and any nuances of micro-energy change may be Green's search for the darkness. Important clues.

After a few moments, the three colors of the green color were slightly wrinkled.

"A total of seven energy fluctuations were found, and one of them was constantly moving. It seems that in addition to some of the lucky guys who survived, we ignored them and ruled out the legacy of the civilized war. There are still three left. It is concluded that the three energy fluctuations will be thoroughly investigated."

In the words of Green, let Ansimo Khan, with his ability to perceive, discovered three energy fluctuations.

As for the more detailed information on these three energy fluctuations, it is even more blank.

Of course, Green's so-called seven places are only centered on the location of the two people, and the discovery within the scope is too large. Even if the Dimensional War has just passed, it is impossible to have only seven energy fluctuations.

The time and space fluctuated and the two disappeared. 166 novel reading network

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