A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1847: War insights

[Title: shaman first trip to the text Thousand eight hundred forty-seven war of ideas: a line of egrets on the sky]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: the teachers of entertainment are also crazy face-to-face destruction of the gods Shengshi Fanghua immortal mercenary to eat crimes in Seoul: sin and punishment a night of deep love, the chief president is too dangerous to live quietly silent, Andersi The screen was condensed and focused on the upgrade of Green's robe of appearance. @|

In this temporary space where Ansimo was smashed by the power of destruction, it took Green for three months to compile the original light of red, yellow and green. The root thread is entangled by Green like a ball of wool.

Holding a fishbone needle, a hand-held robe, the quiet Green is like a housewife, doing sewing work with needles, but this sewing thing is really amazing!

The initial light wire side is the outer shell of the optical perfect camouflage image composed of colorful neon light, and the hidden ability of the material transformation of material energy in the rules of Green Witch's true body!

The initial light is the first light source rule at the time of the birth of the world. It has the property of being compatible with all things. If Green is used as the perfect adhesive, it can really upgrade the appearance of the robe! .

"Teacher, these are only foreign objects, and the effect is greatly reduced in the application without the rune matching. From the perspective of the wizard, the utilization of these perfect materials is really low."

Andersimo couldn’t help but say.

It can be seen that Andersen has a perfect pursuit of things. Green does not carry out the rune blessing on the material. It is equivalent to the wizard not doing the rule lever, and the utilization rate of the material is really low.

And if it is to be replenished later, it will inevitably be damaged.

"If this is not the case, the Dimensional War will blame those sub-corps regiments who don't swallow us with only bones."

After Greencool’s humorous joke, he said with earnestness: “In the time when you were not there, the wizarding world has undergone earth-shaking changes, especially after the Vantage Quantum Technology, which incorporates the metal destroyer civilization, some of which are cutting-edge science fiction technology, now Many wizards are learning and doing some research for the teacher. Returning to the wizarding world, if the robes of the appearance use some of the materials science and technology, they can not make a perfect remedy, but they can make up for most of the losses."

After that, Green continued to sew seriously, and Anderse Seymour was full of eyes, looking forward to returning to the wizarding world earlier and seeing how the current wizarding world has changed.

Three months later.

Bang, boom, boom, boom...

Under the arrangement of Ansimo, the gap between time and space cracked a gap. Green and Anderse Seymour observed the situation of the two Dimensional Legion wars, not from the frequent and frequent "bang" and "bang" fluctuations. It is difficult to judge the depths of the distant sacral continent and the fierce competition between the two Dimensional Legion.

In the state of superconducting time, Green is sewing the robes of the appearance at an alarming speed. In the absence of a lot of time for the rune blessing, it will be completed in a few months.

"To be honest, every exile of the Cavaliers who stepped on the mainland of the cheeks would like to thank these card people, angels and all the war veterans. If there is no bones that they don't contribute, there is no energy blessing in this darkness. And with the constant dilution of their own energy, the storms are raging, even if those exiles can last for a long time?"

If the average person hears Green say this, it is only Green’s unintentional jokes, just listen, but Anderse Seymour, as a true spiritual wizard with great wisdom, is not the same as Green’s, but from his own Other concealed meanings were heard in the mentor's discourse.

The brows were slightly wrinkled, and Ansimo was low and said: "Why, is the mentor against the Wizarding World for the Dimensional War?"


Taking a deep breath, Anderse Seymour continued: "The cost of the Dimension War is huge, and the future is rampant, but it is the most direct way for the endless world to break through the dimension of the dimension and become the most direct way to the high-latitude dimension creatures. It is also worthwhile. Moreover, not all civilizations are trying to break through the dimension of the dimension, you should also know the mentor, and some are forced to do so..."

"Hey, the tutor certainly knows what you said, forget it, and one day, you can go that step and you will understand."

Green no longer speaks, Andsimo just nodded cautiously, and no longer speaks.

As time went by, a few months later, two small-scale Dimensional War Corps actually appeared in the time and space around Green and Anderse, and they killed each other.

Unexpectedly, the angelic army of Bright Heaven presents a disadvantage.

Bright tomorrow, although this biota has evolved into an extremely perfect and powerful cross-body, it is still only a group of material energy applications, and it seems that it has not found an effective way to combat the characteristics and ethnicity of the card team.

"It seems that this war of the second dimension should be the light of tomorrow to lose civilization."

Although Anse Seymour is talking to himself, he has consciously glanced at Green, hoping to find different answers from his own tutor and learn new insights.

However, after hearing the words of Andersen, Green was just indifferent and nodded.

“Unless it is another civilization with extremely rare capabilities~www.novelmtl.com~ or a civilization that achieves a very high degree of self-regulation and evolution for its own disadvantages, or a highly intelligent master who discovers the disadvantages of victory and defeat. Otherwise, it is difficult to defeat this victory and defeat civilization. At least for the civilization that the teacher has seen before, there is hardly any one that can match it, including the abyss world of the time and space of the wizarding world!"

Hearing the instructor’s evaluation of the victory and defeat of the civilization, Anderse Seymour expressed his deep approval.

However, Andersen Seymour added: "The wizard civilization has the existence of a wise scholar, and the characteristics of the radical evolution of the wizard civilization. If this victory and defeat is a battle, the future is at its peak. The wizarding civilization, I believe that they must fail!"

Regarding the smile of his own disciple, Green is undecided, just calmly said: "Have you forgotten what I said before?"

"Oh? Oh, oh, remember, the instructor does not want the wizarding civilization to be bound by the dimension of the dimension of the war in this dimension. Well, once I reach the height of the mentor one day, I must understand the meaning of the teacher's discourse and strive for the second generation. The king of the wizard will give orders to complete your will."

Such a clear boast, this guy finally saw Green after a long period of depression, was protected by Green, even the childish look, a bit like a small eight.

Greenway: "Oh, it seems that the war on the other side is almost the same. After waiting for these little guys to leave the empty space nearby, it is best to collect some angel specimens for the division. It is best to catch one or two specimens."

After Green’s account was over, he ignored all the outside and devoted himself to the final stage of the robe of appearance.

"Well, the instructor can rest assured."

Anse Seymour's look on my body was restored to stability. 166 novel reading network

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