A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1827: Dimension War (6)

Under the door of the secondary esophagus, scattered and shadowed, bathed in the pale golden glory, the rules of the material energy world are more and more fluctuating. Fastest update

The endless monsters trapped in the second esophagus know that the Dimension is coming soon!

Under the door, some of the monsters gathered here are killing each other, some are waiting silently, some are rushing through the door through the times, and some are brighter and brighter on the top of the head. In the midst of the volatility, the instinct flies slowly and escapes, and the region that is covered with golden light is gradually disappearing at the end of the bones.

Hey! Hey!

Suddenly, from the whirlpool of the gray and gold entangled, two blackened bodies burning with a pale golden flame fell.

"唿", "唿" two sounds, like two fireball stars, gray misty mist was opened, leaving behind the trailing smoke trails, followed by "bang", "bang" two sounds, two crater shock waves Wandering.

One by one, they quickly rushed toward the two pits and gathered together.

In the atmosphere of silence before the end of the last day, the depression was terrible. Some of the exiles briefly confirmed the corpse and then left, rushing toward the other body. The stronger people who came later would naturally gather in front. The weak are driven away and hope that valuable information will be obtained from the two bodies.

"Forgetting the atmosphere of the world is the master of the forgotten world. After the omnipotent soul is exhausted, it is divided into two segments. They have arrived in the forgotten world."

The hoarse voice muttered, needless to say, in the mouth of the monster they naturally refer to the Dimension Army.

The world that Green is connected to is the world that is forgotten.

The so-called forgotten world is the illusory world in which the thousands of forgotten failures are gathered before every successful person receives the unknown songs. The vast world is the memory world, and the memory world is above. It is the media world. It can be said that the forgotten world is very close to the edge of the dimension of the esophagus!

That being said, because the world of forgotten is too deep and illusory, Green's true exploration of the forgotten world is not too much.

It is unbelievable that the exogenous esophageal crystal can be exiled in such a short time, through the corpse remnants to identify the guy who dominates the source.

"This corpse was killed in a **** life. It is accurate to say that it was unable to resist the killing after struggling with the blood of 0.63. Forgotten the world is the big world of illusion, as the master, the legion It must be extremely abundant, but it can only support the blood of the zero point 6.3. It should be the pressure of the crushing force."

Under the dark shadow of the snail shell, there are a pair of dark red eyes, and the tentacles float. This unknown monster gradually disappears into the sacral continent and disappears.

It’s awkward!

At this moment, the whirlpool of gray clouds shook the thunder and the pure gold arc descended from the sky.

"Bang", the arc easily penetrated a part of the mainland of the cheekbone, instantly erased everything in its range, and several monsters with golden flames screamed, only after a few sucking time, Without exception, all were burnt out by the golden flame.

Hey! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

At this moment, the bodies of the golden flames burning in the sky, as if the meteor showers have fallen, more and more, from the faint gold and dark gray whirlpools, from the original hundreds of thousands, in a blink of an eye There are millions and tens of millions of falls.

It is not only the bodies of the monsters of the Unreal World, but also some heights of three meters to five meters. The body of the powerful creatures with different numbers of white wings behind them will soon fill the sacral vacancies of the bones that had been opened by the golden arc. And formed a mountain of higher and higher bones.

"The Dimension Army is about to come!"

More and more Dimensional Esophageal Monsters have begun to retreat, hiding in the deeper space, and there are fewer and fewer shadows under the door.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

Oh la la!

The scented sweat began to flow down just like a leak of water, and the experienced ectopic monsters naturally knew what it meant, but then it was like a flood of water.

That is the proliferation of rules that forget the world.

If in general, the diffusion of rules in such other illusory worlds is often the most dangerous time for the secondary esophagus, but at this moment, this crisis is insignificant compared to the upcoming Dimensional War.


In the sound of the "咻", "咻", "咻", and "咻" that burned the golden flame body all over the sky, it fell like a rain, and when the forgotten sweat seemed to spread and spread, the flood suddenly disappeared. The hysterical screams of the hoarse old man came.

"嘭", this old phantom with thick and forgotten sweat in the whole body sticks out of the whirlpool like a paw, and the pale gold and dark gray vortex in the light and dark, mapping this old face, burning with raging The pale golden flame, the sorrowful sorrow has just been issued half, oh, a golden cross sword slipped.

The old man stopped mourning, and his stiff head rolled down from the vortex, and with the endless corpse, became part of the mountain of the bones.

"The Dimensional War Corps, come!"

I don't know which monster's snoring, accompanied by the golden sword recovered from the center of the vortex, a huge skull phantom gradually emerges, like a high-spirited god, across the last layer of space-time film, overlooking the bone under the door.皑皑Dimension Esophagus World!

"乞力耶, are we here?"

The sound of screaming came out in the hoarse voice, and it was impossible to imagine what kind of tragic war had occurred in the illusory world above the second esophagus. What did the bio-ethnics of the material world in order to break through the dimension of the dimension?

The huge face in the vortex, slightly swept the monsters gathered below.

This huge face seems to have been remotely sensed by the same time and space, I don’t know which world community from the endless world, and the time and space of the age-historic creatures. The low direction: "Oh, this should be the secondary esophagus, we are about to The end of the breakthrough dimension."

After a pause, 乞力耶 throat deep in the unclear "哼哼哼哼" hoarse smile: "As long as it breaks through here, our angels can go to higher latitudes to conquer those higher latitude creatures. Get true freedom and get rid of the Lord's redemption cage!"

"Great, praise the Lord!"

"With the unprecedented war angel army formed by us, no one can stop our will, no, absolutely no ~www.novelmtl.com~ The Lord said that we will all be redeemed for self-dedication..."

One after another, in the sound of joy, gradually, the vortex is like a balloon that is about to explode, highlighting the faces of thousands of angels. These angels are all exposed to break through this layer of time and space.

Only the last layer of film blocking, will break through to the era of the esophagus world!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

Rumble and rumble!

"how is this possible!?"

However, at this time, the violent spatiotemporal fluctuations from the other end of the digestive esophagus came from far and near, and the higher angels outside the secondary esophagus seemed to be aware of it. They couldn’t help but scream, and they all had an incredible look. .

The unknown World Dimension War Corps, which is about to confront the angels, went to the second esophagus one step ahead of the angels and quickly spread.


It was affected by such unexpected events, especially at the critical moment of such glorious moments. The twelve-winged angel, Wang Lili, gave a cry of anger and coldness, dyed the vulture of the Lord’s blood donation, and held the left hand. After careful removal, the single-handed sword was changed to hold the cross sword with both hands, and the squatting to the secondary esophagus time and space barrier collapsed!


However, it is incredible that the time and space barriers under the squeeze of the Dimensional War were incredibly heavy, and Li Liye was not able to open a sword.

How did the biocun with the angelic family launching the second war?

Under the grim situation, these originally confident angels also felt a bit suppressed. Rw

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