A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1817: Ice nail

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The tiny cracks in the beginning, which spread quickly, were as dense as a giant spider web, and the silver-white figure gradually emerged beneath the iceberg.


With the screaming sound of "嘭", the iceberg burst into a smashing piece of debris, and numerous tiny ice particles fluttered and scattered. The ice crystal phoenix wings that had been waiting for a long time at a high altitude slightly covered the head and protected the elementary body of Millie.


Silver-white figure is like a shuttle time and space, ignoring the time and space distance, and appearing behind the ice crystal Phoenix.

However, it has not yet been attacked, and the surface of the silver ancient warlock's illusion of luster has been covered with a layer of frost, and the ice cold gradually spread to its interior.

The silver ancient warlock turned a blind eye to this, the right fist of the spiral cone blasting was swung out, but the ice crystal phoenix element was inside the body. The magic of the necklace on Millie's chest fluctuated and disappeared silently. Millie was prepared for this. When the silver ancient warlock was blocked by a transparent protective cover, the ice crystal phoenix originally protected the two wings of the skull, accompanied by the ice crystal phoenix screaming and screaming, the silver ancient warlock fell out.

In the frontal confrontation, this ice crystal phoenix has an overwhelming advantage.

"Silver ancient secret type thirty-eighth, silver rain seal!"

嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭...

Unbeatable and powerful combat instinct, the sky is full of silver water volcanic to the ice crystal phoenix, the transparent protective cover under the rain-like intensive attack, the ice crystal phoenix element in the moment, the necklace of the necklace on the neck of Millie's neck is broken. opened.


At the same time that the silver ancient warlock was hit by the ice crystal phoenix, the long-tailed silver-white sci-fi texture of the acupuncture scorpion turned into a residual image, and after a strong impact of the "嘭", the ice was scattered, and at the same time the ice crystal The phoenix screamed in pain and fell with the silver sorcerer.

Compared with Millie's ice crystal phoenix more than 100 meters of real body, the silver ancient warlock 50 yuan real body is undoubtedly more concise.

"Hey, this guy! In the beginning, in order to cope with the battle of the third civilization, the heart cream necklace forged by the dominance, can only bear it twice attack, this is the power of the ultimate monster leader of the second esophagus! ”

Millie, who suffered from the trauma, flew out of the body, and the body of the ice crystal phoenix was also somewhat unstable. The huge wound traversed the body.

At the same time, with the ice crystal phoenix as the center, one after another, the monster shadows appearing, these are the monster images that were once silvered by the silver warlocks, but they are very rigid at the moment, just as a certain The appearance of a mixture of time and space, illusory rules and mysterious forces appeared, surrounded by Millie.

"Multiple regular nature of mixed seals?"

Surprisingly, it was always the wizard who applied seals to others. At this time, the role was reversed. A six-level sacred sorcerer was shown a seal by the enemy.

Under normal circumstances, when there is no life level difference between the two sides of the battle, the seal is always the ability of the inferior parties of the battle to display, and it is used to reverse the form of the battle. On the contrary, the advantage of the battle is rare to take the energy to counterattack. Risk to apply seals.

It seems that the seemingly evenly fighting battle is obviously a huge disadvantage for the silver warlocks who feel uncomfortable.

Although she suffered a new form of seal, Millie did not show any panic. After an ice lotus formed slowly in the palm of her hand, the center of the ice lotus was a red-red flame. This is clearly Millie's sister Mina. Body scent.

The two sisters are one and the other are close together. This witchcraft power is absolutely unusual, with some special rules.

This ice lotus was slowly set in the eyes of Millie.

At this moment, the silvery monster shadow locked by Millie's strange ice lotus witchcraft is a kind of existence similar to the cowhead snake. In the face of this amazing attack, this monster does not show any emotion, but instead "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" spurred dozens of silver silk threads, and connected with other silvery monsters as a whole.

"Oh, this is a bit tricky!"

Millie saw this scene, and had a relatively accurate estimate of the strength of the seal. He took a deep breath and muttered.


At the same time, the silver rain seals the silver and the ancient secret, but it is another scene.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Like the last breath of the dying person, the silver ancient warlock covered his mouth with one hand and the other hand supported on the ground of the sacral crumbs, half-squatting on the ground, "cough, cough, cough" and cough.

A moment later, a little restored silver sorcerer took the palm of his hand, but it was full of frozen ice.

The face was grim, and after the ancient warlocks opened the ice, the light looked at Millie, who had been locked by the silver plaque, and groaned with pain in his chest: "Even if the leader of the nearby gathering place is impossible to achieve such a degree, is it impossible? Is it a guy who has been exploring from a farther distance? It is almost close to the strength of my full life, incredible!"

The position of the silver ancient warrior in the chest is where the Millie ice nail is.

"Cough and cough..."

The silver ancient warlock who had just recovered was instantly touched by the ice nails that were faintly painful in the chest. Once again, he coughed up sharply. After seeing the silver plaque that was being sealed, he hoared and said: "There is this ice marrow foreign body in the body. I can't concentrate on completing the seal. I can only drag it for a while. I will use the hurricane to replace the sequelae. I have to remove this icy foreign body."

Said, the silver ancient warlocks actually fled into the hurricane wind wall, leaving the hurricane wind, no trace.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Even without the blessing of the silver warlock, Millie took a full few days to finally break the silver rain seal, the silver ancient secret style, the silver rain was dispelled by the frost, the ice crystal phoenix figure gradually emerged, dignified Looking around, guarding against the ancient warlock attack.


However, what Millie saw, it was the scene of this hurricane's eye that was constantly collapsing. The soldiers gathered in the silver powder in the storm were so weak that they had long since lost their fierce prestige. As for the ancient warlocks, they disappeared. But faint can feel a certain direction in this pocket space.

After a moment of inductiveness, Millie sighed with a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be the ice embroidered nails, and it was a rare witch that was created by Green. Even such a tyrannical monster has not been successfully ruled out for a long time~www.novelmtl .com~ Then there should be no chance for the next battle!"

In the heart, the king of the wizard who is behind him is very proud. The ice crystal phoenix sings and sings and sings in the direction of the silver sorcerer.

At the same time, the ice crystal phoenix head twisted and looked around, trying to perceive the situation of the golden giant, the double-headed jade, the parade of the seven-color rainbow elves, and the three wonderful treasures.

The breath of the double jade and the three wonderful treasure trees have completely disappeared. It should have left this space, and the battle between the golden giant and the seven-color rainbow elf has come to an end. It seems to be chasing one.

If nothing unexpected...


As the hurricane of the pocket space gradually collapsed, the ice crystal phoenix scorpion discovered that the black pool underneath was spreading rapidly, and the disguise of space rules could no longer hide the essence of it!


PS: Today is two more, everyone is April Fool's Day, today we are all fools!

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