A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1813: Forced intrusion

Ten days later.

The Golden Giant has retired all the color camouflage, standing behind Millie: "I can't wait to see the scene where the evil goblin was struggling with my palms. The Ice Age Wizard, what time to wait!"

"I have already had an insight into the nature of its life. Every time it sacrifices its sacrifice, its strength will be stronger, and when self-sacrifice is over, it will be the weakest time. Our chances are even greater. Since I The pharmacy has been contaminated on it, as long as it has not left the secondary esophagus time and space, it will not escape my tracking, waiting for him to complete the dedication."

Millie's self-confidence, the Golden Giant slightly dispelled some concerns.

Ten days later, the silvered exiles have all disappeared in the secondary esophagus. The unchecked exiles have great expectations in disappointment, hoping that the next time they will become the lucky one, and gradually begin to disperse.

In the dark fog that hovered in the sky, the silver warlocks disappeared after they silvered Nirvana for these exiles.

Just like when it happened, the ancient warlocks appeared from nothingness and returned to nothingness. For hundreds of thousands of years, only a short period of survival in the world, only for the last dimension of the esophagus to dominate the real body!

On the ground, Millie, who witnessed the scene, lifted the absolute zero-degree magic wand and turned away. The ground left a series of frosty footprints. He said: "Yes."

The gold giant's mouth appeared a little nervous expectation, followed Millie down the abyss.


The wizard's laboratory, test bench and altar are the most basic conventional props. Even if it is only the ice age sorcerer who is temporarily stationed in the silver chaos of the second-generation esophagus, it is also well-equipped in the laboratory.

The laboratory was built after Millie occupied a ruin of a metal battleship. The altar was more than a hundred meters in diameter. With Millie installing a piece of energy spar on the altar, one after another millions of azure runes gradually The bright, milky white mist overflowed, and the figure of Millie standing on the altar was gradually shrouded in cold fog, gradually blurred.

Following the gold giant who returned to the lab with Millie, I saw Millie taking out a piece of energy spar, and squatting under the eye socket, the eyes are coming out!

In the secondary esophagus, the attribute nature of the energy spar is almost invaluable.

The number of energy spar inlaid in this hundred-meter altar is not only achieved by the accumulation of luck in the second-generation esophagus.

For a time, in the eyes of the Golden Giant, Millie had a seemingly clear image after hundreds of years, and instantly collapsed.

As if in the elegant and flamboyant phoenix body, an unparalleled and terrifying monster image is gradually emerging.


The pungent **** smell made the gold giant look back. I saw that Milli had a few bottles of test tubes filled with different colors of liquid. All the tubes were shaken by Millie and observed under the sedimentation properties. , explained: "This is the essence of several space-exciting exiles I collected in the second esophagus. Although it is far from enough to get rid of the secondary esophagus, it is enough if you open a secondary esophageal space."

Millie woven a lie, and then sighed: "Unfortunately, for the essence of these space-powered exiles, I have accumulated two full eras, but now I have to consume it here. Forget it, if you can get silver The mystery of the ancient warlocks, everything is worth it."

After that, Millie poured all the essences of these time and space in the test tube onto the altar.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

These essence liquids reacted violently with the altar of time and space. After being frozen into several icicles in the air, they suddenly burst into smashing into the sky, and the colorful ice fog shrouded Millie.

As Millie lifted the absolute zero magic wand and flicked it, the ice was attracted by the absolute zero magic wand, which gradually formed a whirlpool.

Such a strange sight is something that the Golden Giant never thought of.

Because according to the gold giant's previous guess, Millie is through the space-time node to penetrate the space and space, to go to the silver space, but to see Millie's current situation, it seems to be through violence, forcibly break through to the attached space.


Millie snorted and the left hand of Green Eye's eyes was turned into a shadow and inserted into the center of the vortex.

I only heard a slamming shock, followed by a variety of whimsical atmospheres in the center of the vortex, and faintly heard a variety of strange sounds, most likely the rule of other illusory worlds.

The gold giant who witnessed this scene took a sigh of coolness. The unknown knowledge of this high-level space-time knowledge made it feel confused and extremely fearful.

A little pause in the whirlpool of time and space, like exploring the big fish underwater. After a short moment, Millie in the center of the altar is bright, it seems to be a harvest, the corner of the mouth is a surprise arc, and the left hand that reaches the vortex What happened? After the "bang" sullenly fluctuated in time and space, the vortex gradually expanded.

Slowly, the silvery white luster on the other end of the vortex channel is emerging.

"Found, the silver ancient warlock attached space!"

After that, Millie was not as cautious as the gold giant once thought and tried. It was like a treasure that was discovered in the world. It was a crazy surprise that could not wait, and no matter what the golden giant behind him, it would open the ice crystal phoenix directly. The element is real, and the sound of "喳" sings and sings, and then he goes in desperately.

"Hurry up, this is just a temporary altar. Although it takes less energy to come to the ancillary space, it can't last too long with our true strength."

When Millie spoke, the figure on the altar had completely disappeared, leaving only the last few feathers on the tail.


The Golden Giant did not dare to stop more, followed the cold space-time passage left by the ice crystal phoenix in front, crawling forward a little bit, and endured the squeeze of more and more narrow space.

The surrounding space-time tunnels are becoming more and more narrow and crowded, and are slowly closing, while the azure blue tail in front has completely left the passage, and the silver-white spot is unblocked, which is reflected in the eyes of the Golden Giant.


The golden giant's struggling roar from the passage into the ancillary space, under the support of its unbeatable and sturdy arms, the channel that is constantly contracting is once again stretched out, and the upper body takes this opportunity to completely squeeze into the passage.

call out!

The radiance of seven colors quickly moved from far to near.

The little things in the radiance of the seven colors glimpsed a little after seeing the azure ice crystal phoenix flying high in the sky, but then, as the gold giant stuck in the crack was seen, the small-colored rainbow elf's small body shook. Screamed: "You dare to come back, even broke into the silver space!?"

"No one can stop my revenge, evil demon, I will digest you personally before the endless world digests you!"

The golden giant supported the cracks around his cracks and was trying to get his lower body to squeeze in. The seven-color rainbow elf saw this scene and found that the ice crystal phoenix was completely ignorant of himself, as if the bee's small body was hesitating a little. Desperate to the gold giant in the crack at the end of the card ~www.novelmtl.com~ rumbling!

After a short moment, the wonderful light accompanied by the ripples of power, the layers spread out, and the seven-color rainbow elf flew out. The transparent wings behind it were completely burned out, and the corners of the mouth flowed out of the seven-color blood, incredulously watching that it had completely fallen. Gold giant.

"Impossible! My injury has healed and I have completely recovered to the top power, why..."

“Why is this so strong?”

The gold giant took the lead to say the elf's words, calm and terrible, one word and one sentence: "Although you have dragged into the secondary esophagus, it seems that you have not really understood the rule power of the world! Here is the garbage of the endless world. The gathering place is a zone outside the endless world self-circulation system. The monsters here, as long as they are not digested by the endless world, will become bigger and bigger like the endless world gallstones, and they will become stronger and stronger! Under the rule of the silver ancient warlocks, it is impossible to really absorb the rules of the secondary esophagus. So, not that you are weakened, but that I am stronger!"

Like a golden watering giant, the body is inflated a little, and the shadow gradually envelopes the seven-color rainbow elf.

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