A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1804: Adjacent to the esophagus

History will only remember the first year of the Demon Hunting Expedition in a hundred years, and who will know, really open the beginning of the Hunting Expedition?

The eyes of Greene are blessed with unparalleled power. From the left hand, the source of cellular vitality is continuously supplied. The ice age holy sorcerer Millie is alone in the world of the Sixth Ring.

The lush forest, the behemoth flying across the sky, and the vortex of the endless elemental energy gathering, the center of the vortex is a colorful plaque through the sky beam, running through the heavens and the earth.

There is no doubt that it is a six-ring true spirit wizard who is growing more and more terrible.

The elemental vortex caused by the six-ring sorcerer caused the concentration of the six-ring sacred world to be more than the average of the wizarding world. It has become a spectacle of the six-ring sacred world in recent years, and the unknown sorcerers are fortunate. It is believed that the elemental wizard will take it to the next level because of the six-ring true spirit wizard.

Because of Green's relationship with Millie, although Green did not say anything, but after a long time, Millie still knows from the inadvertent street description of Green that the true wizard may face the desperate forest.

call out! call out! call out!

In front of the Sixth Ring Santa, three holy tower messengers flew.

It is a three-pocket plant with a softer shape and a strong rule blessing in the six-ring world.

"Respected Ice Age St. Mark the Great Wizard, the great six-ring true spirit wizard, let us three here waiting for you, and the three of us will lead you directly to the vacuum laboratory."

The vacuum laboratory is the name of the private laboratory of the Six Rings Spiritual Witch. It seems to be named because the six-ring algae destroys all the rules, energy and material properties.

Millie's hand holds the absolute zero magic wand. The white frost is filled with overflowing, the silver is wrapped, the silvery white silk is elegant, and the diamond crystal in the center of the forehead is deep and calm.

"Then you bother the three messengers."

Millie said, under the leadership of three six-ring Santa messengers, walked into a welcome bus, the metal robot intelligent butler 鞠躬 phantom, "咔嚓", the passenger compartment door slowly closed.

With a bang, Airbus rushed forward and disappeared without a trace.

"poor guy."

This is what Milli thought after seeing the six-ring true spirit wizard, but it did not show it.

The power of too fast growth has made the six-ring true spirit wizards soaring. Although Millie does not see the occurrence of this truth in the essence of the truth, the general sorcerer will know that this kind of endless growth will continue. The six-ring true spirit wizard is like a balloon, and one day it will be completely exploded sooner or later.

It is not so much that the six-ring true spirit wizard takes the elemental energy nutrients, but rather the energy of these elements is squeezed into the six-ring true spirit wizard by an invisible hand!

"Respected six-ring true spirit wizard, I am the king of the wizard, I need to borrow the power of the lever of magical force to travel to the illusion of the world. Please show me the ultimate power, send me to the illusion, and everything that happens I am responsible for the dangerous consequences."

Millie respectfully bowed, the six-ring true spirit wizard in the vacuum lab stared at the fate lever magic wand, quietly staring at Millie, hoarsely said: "The wizard king will I have already received it. The ancient wizards will have this deepest exploration The illusory world is named after the streamer back. In fact, the creatures of the endless world prefer to call it the secondary esophagus, which is the digestive land of the endless world, the ultimate battlefield of the Dimensional War, and the final destination corresponding to the endless world origin."

After a pause, the Sixth Rings of the Real Spirit continued: "Three thousand years ago, the King of Wizards led many true spirits to the chaotic void to arrest the Black Witch King, and fought against the many worlds in the surrounding world. I also ordered the secret of the King of the Wizards. The second esophagus performs the task, even with my true spirit and the fate lever magic wand, the overwhelmingly powerful and unbelievable monsters in front of them are considered to be dead and dead, and they have completed the arrangement of the king of the wizard. task."

Recalling the hard battle experience, a sigh, the six-ring true spirit wizard reveals some embarrassment.

"Even the masters are still dead?"

Although Greene had some precautions, Millie heard the six-ring true spirit wizard so embarrassed, still took a deep breath, and nodded solemnly.

After such contact, the six-ring true spirit wizard also noticed the strength of Millie, especially the unknown power contained in his left hand, unheard of.

"Oh, it is worthy of being the sorcerer of the ice age of the same era as the king of the wizard. Although the secondary esophagus is dangerous, it is only for the true spiritual master who has the world of returning material energy. Remember, in the secondary esophagus must Don't show any clues that can return to the world of material energy, otherwise those desperate monsters trapped in the secondary esophagus will try their best to replace them. They will never give up any hope. They are the most terrible illusory world monsters in the endless world. The king of the wizards was one of these monsters."

Saying, the six-ring true spirit wizard whispered: "So, are you ready to go to the secondary esophagus?"

Millie firmly said: "Yes, I am ready!"


The colorful light shrouded Millie.

Gradually, in the eyes of Millie, the six-ring true spirit wizard tends to be transparent and illusory, turning into a smoky smoke disappeared, and Millie should have been in the vacuum laboratory, gradually adding some smoky twisted phantom creatures. The border injunction has also disappeared.

Millie knows that she has entered the shallow fantasy world and is no longer the world of wizards.

There have been several experiences of exploring illusion. The deeper the illusion is, the more dangerous it is, and the more likely it is to be lost. Therefore, exploring the illusory Millie several times is just a sneak peek, calming down, and the illusion that Milly experienced in the colorful light package. There is more and more absurdity. The time and space here are twisted and changed compared with the material energy world. However, Millie is still falling to a deeper illusion.

A layer of dark gray smoke, accompanied by a violent storm, "bang" fell on the hard object.

The colorful light of Millie's body is quickly consumed, and it seems that it will not be long before it is completely blown away by the violent storms around.

Hey, hey, hey!

At the foot is the gray-white sacral land, which has been hit by the storm all the year round. It is very flat. Millie can't hesitate. The zero-degree magic wand is swung. The bones under the feet are mined by Millie and thrown to the storm. These bones are flashed like a blade. The cracks of the time are chopped and swallowed.

With only the last remnants of the colorful light lingering around, Millie finally buried herself in this sacral land.

"Snoring, snoring, this is the streamer back to the secondary esophagus? If it is not the fate lever unlimited time and space protection, I am afraid that just after the arrival of this illusory time and space has fallen."

Under the sacral tibia, the small granules of the iliac crest continue to fall from the gap between the large tibia and bury the Millie a little.

I don't know how long it took~www.novelmtl.com~Mili was keenly aware that the storm on the top of the head had disappeared. After a little trial and confirmation, the sound of "嘭" broke out.


The heat wave rushed in and blew up Millie's silver and white hair.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The frost spreads under the feet, and the nearby bones are frozen and solid. Millie instinctively looks forward. The purple fire lizard, which is also looking at himself, squirts in a thick liquid fire and burns in the air. The sound of "吱", the six-level peak of biological atmosphere is fully exposed. If it was in the ancient times, it was only a terrible monster that only the holy world of the wizarding world could confront each other.

However, now Milly's state, there is Green's blessing, even the horrible creatures of the secondary esophagus can not be easily casually matched, so Millie is not afraid.

Hey! Hey! Oh...

At this time, near the bones of the bones, one monster after another broke out, so the change is that Millie is not surprised, here is a monster gathering place!

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