A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1791: Union Assembly (11)

Three months later.

From the beginning of the full glory, to the later boring, and then to the final irritability and boring, the Alliance Assembly tens of thousands of true spirits, holy marks wizards, the world's masters, experienced a complex psychological process.

It is a true spirit wizard, from the very beginning of the public pride, to the boring existence of everyone, just hope to finish those **** proposals earlier, to end such a boring vote.

From the perspective of the Lord of the World, what is the interest of others in the world?

"Proposal: The Universe Great World is regarded as the Wushu Alliance Heavy Industry Technology R&D Center. It transports the core talents of Skynet Wizards and Mechanical Wizards, and vigorously develops and builds during the Demon Expedition. After the successful expedition, the Wizard World returns to the location of the Ancient Wizards World Community. The universe of the universe will be governed by the will of the wizard in this world community."

This proposal has some meanings. The level of vision involved is far from being comparable to the general proposal. It has extended its vision to the expedition.

Inadvertently, the real wizards silently glanced at each other, and some of the true spirit wizards did not evade the private will exchange, and even turned their attention to the light of Vantage Quantum.

Next to the magical dolls with strong black smoke, in the light group, the cute little emperor turned his eyes on the eyes and shouted: "Hey, hello, what do you mean, isn’t it good to be anonymous? Looking at the little emperor? The little emperor can swear that this proposal is not a small emperor!"

"Oh, no, the king of the wizard is really a rational creature. This proposal is for me."

Next to the little emperor, the devil's half body is sneer and sneering.

"Yeah! You! You... no loss is the good buddy of the little emperor, you are so thinking about the little emperor, the little emperor is so moved! Hey, the brother is not there, you are the best for the little emperor."

The little emperor wiped his tears in the soft light of the sci-fi, a very moving look.

Speaking of it, looking at the appearance of the appearance, the two little guys stand together quite well. They are all a small form, and they also have unparalleled supernormal power.

The interlocuting of the two little guys gradually turned into private communication, and the members of the Alliance Assembly began voting again.


at the same time.

Among the thousands of members of this Union Assembly, an unremarkable Sun and Moon Spider King, the world's lord, was disguised by Green.

With the experience of several eras of the esophagus, even if it is a self-sealing outbreak, Green can achieve absolute control of 100% of power, and even can suspend accumulation during the accumulation of self-sealing, and play 100%. strength.

However, the guardian of the night as the guardian of the dual rule of the wizarding world, especially after the witch's will infusion of the black witch king, Green's control over the rules of day and night has become weaker, and now he has to borrow the sun and moon spider to camouflage. I have deceived most of the true spirits and secretly participated in the meeting.

Green also knows that such behaviors are deceiving the perception of the Four Seasons Guardians.

However, it does not matter.

"Ideal good, realistic skin, more than 90% of these days' proposals are irrelevant, only related to the small interests of individual world owners. It is almost equivalent to nothing for the construction of the alliance law."

The sun and moon spiders are black and white, and the sun and the moon are densely packed. The body only accounts for a small part of the insignificant. The six legs are surprisingly long and full of more than 100 meters. It looks ugly and full of oppression.

In the dull and boring, Green muttered to himself.

Next to it is a thunder that is constantly popping up with thunder, and the blue-violet arc intersects, but as a fourth-class creature in the green sun camouflage of the sun and moon spider king five creatures, it is somewhat uncomfortable, is boring bubble , occasionally will vote.

On the other side of the Sun and Moon Spider King is a red-bearded elemental wizard. The dark sorcerer's cloak can't cover his explosive red hair. The **** is holding the pop songs created by the Dawn Wisdom Wizard. The lyrics are probably the glory of the singer's expedition, and now it has become completely popular in the wizarding world.

A red and green parrot, sneaky, pretending to fly from the bubble of the Thunder, and fell to the side of the Sun and Moon.

"Hey, Green Beast, are you really going to hide here?"

Four pairs of complex eyes smashed the eyes of the little one, Green complained: "Go away, don't be discovered, you tell Jinyun and Xiaowei, after the League Assembly, follow a ring of true spirit wizards to confirm the lost coordinates of the ruins of the sacred domain as soon as possible. And strive to advance to the true spirit before the final battle."

"Oh, I know you know! Yes, you said that Baye I propose to build a statue of ours in the heart of the world, juxtaposed with Antonio, will the vote be passed?"

Green didn't pay attention to Xiao Ba, this guy was bored and slowly flew away.

Seven days later.

Finally, after a round of real wizards got the proposal from the red-haired ugly monkey, the red-haired ugly monkey nightmare creature snorted a few times. After a brief sigh, he let out a sigh of relief: "Oh? Oh, the last proposal."

Opening the proposal, a round of true spirits swept a few eyes and said: "Proposal: The exchange rate between the witch coin and the witch essence adopts a fixed promotion mode, and the frequent depreciation of the witch currency will result in the loss of accumulated wealth and gradually lose the general equivalent property."

The financial rules are the valuable wealth of knowledge left by the last two-ring true spirit wizard!

By manipulating the exchange rate, grasping the information of the financial lifeline, and using resources to drive the Alliance Legion, after several centuries of accumulation, the means of the Dawn Wisdom Wizards who played with the financial rules to steal the resources of plunder have almost reached an incredible level.

The wizards have mastered such an important means of plunder, enjoying the ease and convenience of plundering resources with knowledge. It is far faster and more cruel than incapable plunder. How can it tolerate others' interests?

There is no doubt that even the sacred sorcerers who have not studied the financial rules have chosen the veto unanimously!

During the statistical voting period, the black whirlpool in front of the Yuanzheng spirit sorcerer gradually recovered, and the old witch forcibly dispelled the fatigue in the eyes. He smiled and said: "It lasted for more than three months, and the second law of the Union Assembly formulated the project. With the joint efforts, there has been initial progress, and this is also the expectation of the king of the great early wizards."


Intensive applause, overwhelming, I do not know whether these world leaders are celebrating the progress of the alliance law, or celebrating the end of this boring project, in short, no longer have to listen to the monologous boring words of this real wizard.

The construction of the Union Law is not so easy.

"The following is the third item of the Alliance Conference ~www.novelmtl.com~ by the true spirit wizard as a mediator, to resolve the contradictions of you! I hope that in a fair, just and open situation, harmonious coexistence, resolve the internal contradictions of the alliance, there are What problems are said, there is nothing that can't be solved by communication! If there is no problem, you can disperse yourself, return to the motherland to prepare the army, and wait for the alliance to hunter and expedition."

According to the previous Union Assembly, if the second law is boring, then the real wizards as intermediate mediators resolve the contradictions within the alliance, which is the time to truly test the true spirit wizard.

For the insignificant interests of the real wizards, perhaps it is the grace and grievances of several small and medium-sized worlds.

Since the third civilized war, the inside of the league has also experienced a fairly long period of rest and recuperation. The number of biomes in each world has also been greatly developed, enough to support the foundation of the Witch Alliance to carry out a civilized war.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

The Alliance's many world lords and sacred sorcerers have dispersed. The celestial moon and the phoenix king, among them, are among the unremarkable ones, and they have left the elemental space temporarily supported by this destiny lever magic wand.

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