A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1789: Alliance Conference (9)


"The first item of the Wizarding Conference, the strategic planning of the Demonstration Expedition has been basically established, and will become the most basic policy of the future of the Alliance. Everything needs to be carried out on this premise. Then the second item of the Alliance Assembly will be started. ”

Pumirosius made a final decision. After a short pause, he continued: "And according to the proposal of the king of the early wizards, the second alliance law proposal of the Alliance Assembly will be hosted by the Wizarding World, and everyone is welcome."


A warm applause, a true spirit wizard also expected this, after the fall of Pumirosius in the crystal cymbal, the three-color tooth fairy elves ruled in the circle, the true spirit of the wizard is solemn and elegant. Come out, satisfied with the millions of world leaders, holy marks wizards, and true spirits.

The Demon Hunting Expedition is a matter of resolution in the Wizarding World. Whoever opposes the Demon Expedition is an enemy of the Wizarding World. Plus, such a grand strategic plan is indeed not the participation of the general world, and only a few The spiritual masters are aware of the stakes, so the progress of the meeting is extremely fast.

Pemirosius appeared a little, and let the members of the league know something about this mysterious wizard.

One after another, the three-colored elf tooth fairy flies, interspersed among the masters of the world of many sacred sorcerers. Every world lord and sacred sorcerer have stayed in front of them. A true spirit wizard smiled and said: The King of the Great Wizards trusts that the second body of the General Assembly will preside over the second Union law of the General Assembly. In the spirit of fairness, justice, unity and harmony established by the King of the Wizards, the Alliance Law is a proposal of every member of the Assembly. Together, we can give the proposals to the elves in front of them. I will take an anonymous approach and read out the proposals. The meeting will discuss whether the vote will be passed."

When many masters of the true spirit, the holy sorcerer, and the world's masters acted, the true spirit wizard said: "But before that, we must first determine the rules of the ancestors."

The old witch solemnly took out a handwritten note, and after seeing it for a while, it seemed to have been silently remembered in the heart, and nodded with expectation.

"According to the rules of the Witchcraft, the definition of the king of the wizard is the violent executor who maintains the authority of the alliance law, the supreme ruler of the alliance, the strategic planner of civilization development, and the protagonist of the era recognized by the wizards of the wizarding world. The law is responsible for any violation of the law of the Union Law, will be severely pursued by the coalition violent organs headed by the King of Wizards, severely punish and not lend, thus achieving unity, prosperity, fairness, justice, harmony and upward within the alliance. !"

The new rules model of the Wizarding Alliance, the interpretation of the status of the wizard king, the opening of a true spiritual wizard seems to describe a fair and beautiful future community community harmonious coexistence rules for all.

A true spirit wizard seems to have seen the effect from the members of the Alliance Assembly, and can not help but be more satisfied with the rules of the Witch ruled by Green.

"The rule of the Witch rule stipulates that the king of the wizard is served by the protagonist of the era. Every four eras carries out an epochal election. If a civilized battle is carried out within four eras, it is necessary to conduct an election of the times after the war of civilization to criticize the war. Or to judge the character, if the war of civilization is more than four epochs, the election of the King of the Wizards is postponed until after the war to maintain the continuity of the strategy. The king of each generation of wizards is re-elected for two periods, and the candidates are not allowed to separate. On behalf of the election."

Replacement of the electoral system?

Unheard of rules!

It was the real spirits who were present to hear Green's rules of the Witchcraft, and even set such conditions, and it was not surprising for Green's whimsy and talents.

After all, this represents the electoral system. It is by no means the right that the general powers are willing to give up. Even if the term of office is not more than eight years, only a very special war of civilization can be postponed to maintain the continuity of the rules.

"The King of the Wizards has three terms of discharge."

A true spirit wizard extended three fingers.

"The first is the failure of the war of civilization, the alliance is facing the crisis of destruction, the king of the wizard must be responsible for the rule of the alliance! The second is the chaos of the wizard world, the collapse of the world rules, the extinction of the ecology, the loss of inheritance, the wizard The king will be responsible for this! The third is that the alliance law collapses, the king of the wizard can no longer maintain the dignity of the alliance law, and will unconditionally resign from the zen position. If there is no suitable era leader, the alliance will establish a six-member joint management association, by element , machinery, underground abyss, nightmare, Skynet, and foreign lords each composed of one person."

There are many people talking about it, and Samsung’s true spirit wizard Ashura is one of them.

"Well? The rules of the Witches seem to be deliberately limiting the rights of the king of the wizard. What does Green mean?"

Beside the Samsung Real Spirit Wizard, a star of the real wizard did not know why, the left eye actually put on a blindfold, the entire left body seems to be severely burnt, but did not use the meaning of the soul of the Almighty, but for his Like pride.

One star of the true spirit wizard silently said: "He wants historical evaluation, not the right during his tenure."

"Oh? If you say that, it's really interesting! Hey, with his strength and prestige, the status of the king of the early wizards is unquestionable, but if it is the king of the second generation wizard..."

Samsung's true spirit wizard seems to have seen some good things.

On the other hand, Lulian’s shoulders were eight or two small wings holding their heads, their mouths were wide open, their eyes were waiting for them, and they were going crazy.

"Scorpio, crazy, crazy, green beast, he is crazy? What to do! When I said that everything is for the king of the wizard, I will be the dictator of the alliance, who will not be obedient The dictator! Now, this guy is doing something!"

Instead, the lotus roots and the leaves are calmer. Lulian said: "Green has his own plan. At the height of his standing, the current wizarding world is afraid that only the Black Witch King can truly understand him."

"Oh, it’s still Green’s courage. The Wizarding World is about to go through the expedition. The frequency of civilization will be amazing, and who is the king of the second generation?”

The leaves are full of murmurs.

Several sorcerer world guardians can't help but look at each other at the moment, and some of Green's witchcraft rules are unexpected.

In the Ice Age, the great sorcerer Millie did not participate in the Alliance Conference~www.novelmtl.com~The guardian of the summer, Mina, had one less object, and she could only talk to the old guardian of the spring.

"Hahaha, this guy still has some meaning. It seems that he has made up his mind to make a name for himself. When he is degraded, the future Wizards of the Wizarding World will be embarrassed if they don't shape his statue in the heart of the wizarding world. ”

The guardian of the spring cooperated: "From the enlightenment school, you can also see that the Wuzu has a road to the path, the truth is nowhere to make a boat, and it is not to correspond to Antonio."

With so many arguments, but without interrupting the enthusiasm of a true spirit wizard, a true spiritual wizard has become the undisputed focus of the league conference.

"Finally, the rules of the Wuzu rule stipulate that the law of the wizarding alliance guarded by the king of the wizard, the right to enact law belongs to all members of the alliance, and each member of the alliance votes on the proposal of the alliance law according to different levels and different points! In the development of the times, the law will gradually replace the traditional spiritual contradictions of the alliance, and the rights of the wizarding alliance belong to all members of the alliance!"


The high cheers are completely boiling.

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