A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1788: Alliance Conference (7)

[Title: Journey text shaman 1780th eight chapters Union Assembly (seven) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: undead mercenaries eat in Seoul entertainment teachers are also crazy Sheng Shifanghua one night, the chief president is too dangerous criminal psychology: crime and punishment live 枭 枭 close agent!

As the light curtain projector in front of Pumirosius bloomed out of the light, in the meantime, Pumirosius formed a map of the world group in front of him, which is the territory map of the Wizarding Union.

The Wizards' Territory map, in general, is a spiral vortex formed by many large worlds. Many small spiral micro-world groups gather into a large world community. Among them, the wizard world is more spiral vortex because of the heart of the Taiji magnet world. obvious.

This so-called vortex does not refer to the world that is completely bound by the wizard's world rules in the world of more than a hundred small and medium-sized worlds around the wizarding world, but refers to the world in which the virtual trajectory is affected, and the small and medium-sized ones affected by the wizarding world. There are three or four thousand in the world, and the number is amazing. It also indirectly shows the unparalleled quality of time in the wizarding world!

"First of all, I would like to announce on behalf of all members of the Wizarding Alliance that the Wizarding Alliance is a unified group of world community alliances. We are united, strong, rich and proud. Any attempt to undermine the unity, strength, wealth and pride of the alliance will suffer. Unanimous opposition to all members of the Alliance will be the enemy of the Alliance!"


Noisy and stunned, after only a small moment, with the changes of the light curtain projector, the map of the wizarding alliance is gradually shrinking, and the dark areas around the world community are expanding and expanding. After a long and expansive extension, gradually, three The edge of the world community emerges.

Dark world, chaotic world group, mussel world group!

The basic form of each world community is different. The dark world is a super-large sphere, as if it is a complete world.

The chaotic world group is the core of the chaotic world. The chaotic world is a semi-illusive world. There are countless numbers of horror creatures that can only exert extreme tyrannical strength within the scope of chaos. Chaos storm turbulence will erupt once, and during this chaotic storm turbulence, chaotic creatures will follow the emptiness of the void, destroying the rules of biological energy establishment along the way.

In contrast, the mussel world community is like a spatio-temporal crack, with no specific form, and the mussel world main body is hidden in illusion. By engulfing a dream of living creatures, only a handful of creatures are free to enter and exit.

In addition to these three large world groups, there are some similar micro-world communities in the world of wizards. The natural dangers of chaotic voids are not limited to this.

Then, as the endless star-and-sky coordinates centered on the wizarding world community continues to magnify, the vain voids outside the four world communities continue to increase, and there are several world communities like the ancestral world group. However, the clarity of these world communities is already different from that of the wizarding world. It is just a vague world group labeling.

The projection light curtain stopped zooming, and the endless void map centered on the wizard's territory map was fixed. In the crystal cymbal, Pemirosius interrupted the engrossed, silent and silent people.

"In the world of the wizarding world, there are three large world communities: the dark world group, the chaotic world group, and the mussel world group. The hunting demon expedition target is the ancient wizarding world community. According to the virtual space coordinates in the ancient memory, these three The world community is not in the exact coordinate direction, so in theory, which world community can be used as a hunter expedition."

After a pause, the crystal 棺 普 普 普 普 普 环 环 环 环 环 环 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普The route is set to... the dark world group!"


Once again, the discussion and discussion of the voices, and the endless stream, have been discussed privately.

Of course, apart from the master of the real spirit and the few masters of the world, the sacred sorcerer, most of the world's lords and sacred sorcerers are confused about the world of the sorcerer's world. The Lord of the World has the courage, courage, and opportunity to try it out.

It is precisely because of this that most of the world’s masters and sacred sorcerers are ignorant and understand the state. There is no clear understanding of the planning of the hunter’s expedition, and there is no requirement for it. Just follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit Wizard. It is.

The only masters of the world, the sacred sorcerer, and the true spiritual masters will inevitably have different doubts, but the sorcerer’s will has ruled the alliance for a long time. Because the wizard’s willpower is powerful, no one dares to speak first. The two-round true spirit wizard Hessian became the chess piece of Green.

"Since the chaotic world group, the mussel world group, and the dark world group are not in the main line of the hunter-destroy expedition, as far as I know, in the absence of a chaotic storm, the Diablo World is the most powerful of the three world communities. Strong, why choose this world community?"

Hessian black hooded in flames, and his body shoulders resisted the purgatory furnace. The sullen and fierce words said that the sound was almost squeezed out from the deepest part of the throat, and a pair of sorcerers in the world of the sorcerer’s world

Although it is a performance, the image is also in place.

Unyielding, Hessian direct Pumirosius said: "哼~www.novelmtl.com~ The purpose of the Demon Hunting Expedition is to save the wizarding world, and to be the inheritance of the wizarding world, even if the king of the early wizards is mine. The tutor is the material of the world of the wizarding world. I also want to ask clearly and clearly. Why not choose to complete the weak enemy of the Demon Expedition earlier, but choose the strongest enemy to attack!?"

Seeing that Hessau is so hard to perform, the crystal 棺 普 普 普 普 普 普 满意 满意 满意 满意 满意 满意 满意 满意 满意 满意 满意 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普 普After the ancient ten-ring true spirit wizard Antonio incited the wizard world to come to this world community, the wizard world returned to the original ancient wizard community revenge plan, which is a long and arduous counter-attack process, so the stable rear is the prerequisite for success. ""

After a pause, Pumirosius said in one sentence: "Therefore, a stable rear is the foundation, we can not let a team wizard world have such a deterrent power behind the enemy!"

Elemental space fell into a short silence, and Hessie silently retired.

"I am a staunch supporter of the Wizarding League. I heard that the Wizarding World has finally produced an absolute ruler of the ancient world, and as the leader of the Alliance, giving the Wizards Union a fair and peaceful, excited and uncomfortable! But I want to know why the king of the great early wizards did not show up?"

Suddenly, a five-level world plant elf Lord asked the ripples of the will, even if it was dominated by many world masters and true spirits, there was still no retreat, and a king of great wizards fell into a fanaticism.

"Hey, it seems that I need to tell you that the wizarding world is not only a king. In the case of a double king, only one person is enough, hehe..."

Suddenly, the black witch Wang Yinsen violently laughed back. 166 novel reading network

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