A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1776: Return to the league

[Title: shaman journey 1770th chapters Return Coalition Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: live scorpion criminal psychology: sin and punishment Sheng Shifanghua entertainment teacher is also crazy undead mercenary to eat in Seoul one night, the chief president is too dangerous close agent to call...

The emptiness of the Netherstorm, Green's grand consciousness, will soon be summoned by all the singers of the spirits except the two-star sorcerer.

In the crack between several chaotic giants, a round of true spirit wizard, two rounds of true spirit wizard, a drop of true spirit wizard, a round of true spirit wizard, a true spirit wizard, magic doll, **** rain, inflammation The soul of the 10,000-headed bird, gathered around Green, still lacks the two-star true spirit wizard.

Everyone stared at the completely black king who was completely banned in the palm of the hand. The meaning of reverence was hard to say. Excited: Wishing a generation of witches to win. From then on, the rules of the ancestors will last forever, and the wizarding world will welcome Come to a new era of unification! ”

“桀桀桀桀” smiled, Green said: “Two stars, not yet showing up?”

Responding to Green is a true spirit wizard, the old witch smiled and said: "It is a stray master, known as the king of strange power of the higher life, is said to come from the world community of the Beast Alliance, at this time is suffering from the abyss world attack, two stars I don’t know if I’m not acquainted with the king of the blame. I’m going to be invited to travel to other world communities and support the Alliance of the Beasts.”

"Is this time? The hunter-dealing expedition is on the way... forget it, if it really takes time, then call it with the rules of fate leverage."

Green shook his head and sighed, knowing that the two-star true spirit wizard left, not only because of the invitation of the king of the blame, but also because of the embarrassing position of the sorcerer in the world of sorcerers. During the World War II period of the Alliance, the refining wizards were all dispatched, but the two-star real spirit wizard did not pay attention.

Although the root cause of the defeat of the refining wizard is not the two-star real spirit wizard, but it is inevitably subject to the abyss of the underground, which creates a lot of unpleasantness.

It’s an escape to want to come to the two-star real spirit wizard.

At the beginning, Green called for the two-star true spirit wizard, although it came, but it did not have too much overlap with Green, and there may be reasons for it.

"If this is the case, then return to the Alliance to hold the conference. It is time to start the Demon Hunting Expedition, and the Wizarding World will reach the glory and wash the shame of the ancients!"

Green dominated the glorious image dominated by the wizarding world, and shouted majesticly. After Green defeated the Black Witch King, the power had reached the peak of the wizarding world. From ancient times to now, no one can show it. At this moment, the ancient legend Antonio also It was pressed down.

"it is good!"

Many real spirit wizards have different forms, and they are centered on Green.

Because it is in the center of the chaotic void area, the surrounding super-empty giants are not stable. This narrow gap is slowly healing. It seems that within a few days, several empty giants will be in full contact and swallow each other.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Under the leadership of Green, many true spiritual wizards flew outside the chaotic void.

A few days later, under the guidance of a true spirit wizard, Green really saw a golden monkey with a metal stick, sitting in opposition to the two-star real spirit wizard, talking and laughing, tea, and many realities. After the arrival of the spiritual wizard, the golden monkey king has some warning meanings, and the two-star real spirit wizards indicate that they are not safe, and they take the initiative to get up with Green.

"This is a wandering lord of the distant world community of the Beasts Alliance. It is said that it is being invaded by the abyss world community and erupts, so I think..."

In the latter case, the two-star real spirit wizard did not continue to say it, but by just guessing, Green also knew what he meant.

"Well, I know, it’s good to walk outside. The league is in the development stage and needs a pioneer like you. If the alliance needs it, I will inform the six-ring true spirit wizard to use the fate lever to infinite time and space. Call back."

Green's words let the two-star real spirits sigh of relief, to this level of life, some words do not have to say much, most of them can understand the light and heavy, deep meaning.

Green's tri-color gaze also looked at the golden monkey king, as the king of wizards. At this moment, after a long battle, Green's deterrence has not fully converged, even if the breath of inadvertent excitement, the golden monkey king feels Infinite pressure, as if pressing a mountain on the shoulder, it is difficult to breathe, looking up at the indescribably terrible life, every cell, every hair is shaking.

"With regard to the World Community of the Beasts Alliance, I have a little understanding. The war between the Alliance of the Beasts and the World of the Evil Dragons also knows some. Even before, I accidentally met a ruler of the League in the illusory absurdity and cooperated briefly. The Abyss World is also an enemy of the Wizarding World. I believe that it will not be long before the Wizarding Alliance will cooperate with your Alliance to fight against the common enemy!"

Hearing the words of the evil dragon world group, Greenton's eyes became more unfathomable in the eyes of the golden monkey. The tall image could not be said, and most of them became a terrible old monster of countless years.

The Golden Monkey King nodded and said deeply: "Waiting for the great wizard king! If you can have the help of the Wizarding Alliance, plus other world communities that fight against the abyss world~www.novelmtl.com~ I don't think it will take long. This evil world group is bound to usher in failure and move toward destruction."

In a strange power, the golden monkey king, who is the king of the blameless power, has not experienced the battle between Green and the sorrowful mother, the ruined eye, but from the strength of the two stars and the sorcerer Judging from the strength of the mother's summoning, the king of the wizard was defeated by the real spirits, and the strength was almost unbelievable.

Especially the black witch king, the king of blame force personally participated in the conquest of the terrible master, witnessed its incredible strength, but it is only one of the real spirits of the wizard world, and now it is the wizard The king defeated.

All kinds of associations, the king of the blame is more and more afraid, and the king of the wizard has become more and more respected.

"Oh, well, then you and the two-star real spirit wizard are free. I have to deal with some things here, and I will return to the wizarding world first."

Green gave a speech and led many real spiritual wizards to "fly", "咻", "咻", and "咻" to fly beyond the chaotic void.

A month later.

Finally, I left this huge chaotic void domain, and the real wizards also retired from the protective cover defense. The thousands of attacks on the periphery of the chaotic virtual domain are nothing for these wizarding world elites.

Green's call to the six-ring true spirit wizard by the wizard's will, after half an hourglass time, the infinite time and space of colorful light came, Green was first summoned, the sound of "咻" disappeared, followed by one after another Other spiritual wizards were recalled.

Relying on destiny leverages time and space, if the non-Witch League conference is just around the corner, it is the first meeting of the king of Green as the wizard, and after the third civilization, the plunder has accumulated amazing wealth, and the true wizards will not This is a waste of resources. 166 novel reading network

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