A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1758: Dimensional force


Green in the eruption of self-sealing, staring at the magnificent awakening of the sun under the stamping, a roar of earth-shattering.

The balance of truth, the magic wand, the holy milky brilliance, the dimensional dimension of the caddy head, the perpetual motion machine, the bug, the rotation of the war, the near and the ambiguous, with the earth’s screaming, the endless dark shadows of the feet seem to have survived and extended to I want to be in the depths of the mother-in-law, and the light in the hands of the balance is a slap in the air. The truth balances the balance of the magic wand head dimension and the awakening light of the core of the fascinating mother. It is.



Unparalleled energy ripples roared, and the rules and rules did not allow each other to violently conflict, bursting out shocking shocks.

"Hey, hey..."

Green, which should have been repelled by the recoil, but because of the most powerful strength of self-sealing, the inexhaustible power of the deepest part of the body erupted, and the power of layers of layers almost condensed into solids spread.

Green is relying on brute force to fight against the awakening of light, and never take a step back.

The source of the darkness that spreads out of Green's feet is the strongest land. Half of it goes deep into the fascinating mother, and the other half extends to the outside of the super-empty creature, providing a support for Green.

squeak! squeak! squeak! squeak! squeak! squeak……

A strip of life and death is filled with cracks in the sense of ignorance. It seems that Lafite, the source of darkness at the foot of Green, has a conscious behavior. The dark red and proud scorpion are even colder and arrogant, as if they were one with Greene!

Affected by this, the blood and rain that was originally lurking at the foot of Green was actually squeezed out, followed by the influence of Green and the ambiguous mother-in-law, and provoked all the strength to resist the horrible energy storm.

One of the masters, even the shock aftermath must be fully resisted, and the collision strength between Green and the imaginary mother can be imagined.


The sound of the unspeakable cracks, but in the ears of the two people who are fully opposed, it is so harsh, is it from the Green dimension dimension ball club head or the awakening light sun?


The painful will 呻 吟 吟 , , 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎 似乎The core of the illusory world has exploded.

The entire illusory world of ambiguity is violently turbulent.

In the process of dimming the light of awakening, it was swallowed up by the ghosts of the Yellow River and the torrent of darkness. The advantage of the darkness of the light was greater. Together with the invasion of the dark source at the foot of Green, it should have been a wonderful meeting of the hypnotic dream. The rules have been completely overwhelmed.

After the awakening of the sun was slammed by Green, the Green during the eruption of the self-sealing technique did not mean to chase after it. It was just a slap in the face of sneer and sneer, and the face of truth turned to the tri-color. The black witch king of Huangquan’s Nether River, the cruelty of the mouth is even worse, and a low voice.

"The truth is righteous, the source of annihilation is called."

Centered on Green's ontology, it is divided into three, followed by two avatars and two divided into four. After four sources of annihilation, they realized that they were in a fighting situation, and they took a breath of cold, and they dared to hesitate. In the first time, the eighth layer of wild instinct was opened, and the body was assisted by the strongest form of the true body of the Wuzu.




The black flames skyrocketed, and the flaming souls of the 10,000 birds swelled at an alarming rate. One black flame head stretched out, and the cockroaches were incomparable, and the fangs were gradually exposed, and gradually opened more than 100,000 meters in the illusory world. The bird is still expanding, and after fully revealing the true body, this is really a huge giant.

"You are responsible for several assistants!"

In the face of the Nether River of the Black Witch King Huang Quan, the Lower Biology Legion is hard to play its role. With the desperate power of the Black Witch King, it supports the "Life and Death", and it is not the low-level biological army that can afford to lose its roots for a short time. Like Green's dimensional gap seal, Green has not used the technique of nothing.





The source of annihilation, the ancestors of the ancestors, the blood and the rain, the flaming souls of the 10,000 birds responded, and Green Truth balanced the magic wand heads, "the light is smashing," the light and the dark are interlaced, the black arc is lingering, and the high-vibration sound waves give people layers of ignorance. After taking a deep breath, Green whispered: "Offensive!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Green's ontology took the lead and rushed toward the black witch king of the three incomparable giants. The rules of awakening in all directions seemed to be ruthlessly torn apart by the mysterious power of the dark source under the feet, and went straight to the black witch king.

Oh la la...

Huangquan’s Nether River is roaring and roaring. The black hanging river is the source of the life and death of Huangquan. It brings the consciousness of life to the endless world dimension, and brings the death consciousness out of the endless world. I don’t know why those high-latitude creatures want this. General design.

With Green's understanding of the power of dimensional dimension rules, if "Endless World" is also a higher biological design, then no matter what its carrier is, there is no doubt about which direction to understand, even from the rationality of the structural framework. Sexually, "Endless World" is much stronger than "Fairy Tale" and more perfect.


Even in the face of Huangquan Nether River Green did not stop, the shadow of the dark source under the feet filled, Green like this heading into the head, the Wuzu real body changed the rule unit, one centimeter is one kilometer, 100,000 times cross-service!

Oh la la...

A piece of "Fairy Tale" paper flies out from the balance of magic wands ~www.novelmtl.com~ more and more, the same is the power of the dimensional rules, not only gradually push the Yellow Spring Nether River around Green, more Struggling against the Yellow River Nether River Chamber.

This is the power of the rule that makes Pumirosius unresolved!

As for the **** rain, the flaming souls, and the ancestors, it seems to be falling into the water, but the strange thing is that the performance of several ancestral ancestors is much better than the flamingo, the **** rain. .

call out! call out! call out! call out!

When a source of darkness travels through the Yellow River and is linked to the **** rain, the soul of the 10,000 birds, and the ancestors, these "falling into the water" seem to suddenly have the swimming skills, flexibility and speed. Compared with before, it is obviously no longer the same grade.

After the ancestors of the people, the black witch king saw this behind the scenes, suddenly "squatting" and laughing: "Then add some toys to accompany you to play."


A creature that once died in the Nying River of Huangquan, the soul energy was bound by the imprisonment. Now even if it dies, it becomes a slave under the will of the Black Witch King, and is driven by the demolition of the Black Witch King.

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