A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1756: Life and death


Deeply sucking a trace of life and death in the distance, Green Road: "Yellow Spring Nether River, the end of the legendary Yellow Springs, the endless source of life and death in the world, similar to the dimension of the Dimensional Esophagus. Only the dead creatures can realize the true meaning of life and death, and enter the other side of the Yellow River to explore."

It seems that due to the influence of the life and death of this Huangquan Nether River, some mood fluctuations in the seal of Green have recurred the turbulence of time and space.

As early as Green did not advance to the true spirit wizard, he used the annihilation of the mystery as a dimension gap seal medium. When it took a long time to imprint the dimensional gap runes, he discovered some extraordinary singularities. It seems that there is something high in illusory power. Guide yourself.

Affected by this, some of the slaves were implicated and sucked in.

Later, several times, self-sealing was unsealed, and Green had different feelings. It seems that this original seal is undergoing great changes.

The principle of Lafite's wonderful time seal is that Green uses Lafite as a medium to seal the true love emotion and part of the power of the heart. When it is needed, it breaks out the extraordinary strength and achieves the effect of reversing the situation.

Objectively speaking, self-sealing has advantages and disadvantages.

But in the case of Green, it is better than inferior. One of the wizard's combat attributes is to use their own strengths to attack enemy weaknesses.

"The life and death of the soul wedding dress is the life and death of its own reincarnation. The life and death of my soul are the long-term demise of the deceased, so the black witch king as the first world of the wizards Where is the origin of power? Well... the second layer of wild instinct, armed with ivory, open!"

In the end, Green was so sullen, and couldn't help but open the second layer of the wild instinct, and re-suppressed the invincible power of the inner body seal.

"One generation, is it okay?"

A true spirit wizard saw that Green suddenly opened two layers of wild instinct, and did not go to war. I don’t know why it was consumed for no reason. Other spiritual wizards also looked at Green.

"Nothing, hey, go!"

Green did not explain why, leading everyone to fly deep into the super void giant.

"The wild instinct is the third layer, the barbarian giant is real, open!"

"The fourth layer of wild instinct, the sun is true, open!"

"The fifth layer of wild instinct, the criminal giant is real, open..."

"The eighth layer of wild instinct, the true body of the Wuzu, open!"

As the increasingly rich Huangquan Ninghe River and the death of the righteousness rushed to the face, Green can only continue to suppress the body's violent self-sealing power with a higher level, and see the black and white with the three-color light. In the long and narrow cracks, the sound of "嗡", Green even turned the eighth layer of wild instinct, the true body of the wizard is also opened!


Even so, the shadow of the dark source at the foot of Green did not completely converge back.

Even in the time and space around Green, there is a sudden crack in the cracks, which is exactly the same as the feeling of crossing the slaves in the secret dimension of the annihilation tower.

It’s just that these forces have strengthened the lock on Green, and they don’t even hide what they hide.

"The other side of the Yellow Springs!?"

Compared with the black and white of the cracks in the cracks, the two rounds of the real wizards, after perceiving the cracks around the body of the Green Witch, changed their faces and exclaimed.

Calculated, the soul of Hessian's soul, the sacred sorcerer, is the second true existence of the sorcerer's world.

At this time, other true spiritual wizards were attracted by Green's anomaly. The two-round true spirit witches wondered: "The Yellow River Nether River flows in the fascinating mother-in-law, and it is fascinating with the awakening light. Why can it affect this place? And only a generation of witches are affected?"

The crack that spreads to the end in the distance is a crack in the mother of the ecstasy!

The black and white fluctuations are constantly, the Huangquan Nether River and the awakening of the light confrontation, it seems that the ambiguous mother-in-law after the discovery of Green and his party, the last fight against the Black Witch King, this 蜃Although the imaginary mother-in-law is also extremely tyrannical, but in the battle with the black witch king in the body, the appearance seems to have fallen into the wrong.

The black witch king is in the body, and it is a last resort for the fascinating mother.

Beside the imaginary mother, the six masters are staring nervously at the group of people. Although the six masters are extremely strong, the outside masters have fallen and fled to escape the information, already with the king of the wizard. According to Wei Ming, these six masters do not think that they will be stronger than those who have fallen and fled.

"It is the strength of my body that can no longer be suppressed, um... Lafite's wonderful time self-sealing, open!"


On the one hand, the body of the Green Wanmi witch is rapidly condensing, and every inch of concentration is the sublimation of absolute strength.

On the other hand, it is the source of darkness under the feet. After the shadows of the silk are lost, they are inflated and swelled. In a short moment, they will expand to the end of the horizon. The ripples of power visible in the eye can be spread.

The dark red arrogant eyes are slowly spread out in the darkness of the billions of roots that extend to the end of the sky!


Affected by the violent power of Green's turbulence, the powers of the lords around the cracks of the mother-in-law are raging, resisting the influence of Green's unparalleled grandeur and energy fluctuations. The people who have been frightened and trembled can't help but gaze at each other. I have already seen the fear from the other side's eyes, and I have retired, and I don't even want to do it again.

"Open your self-sealing now!?"

Green is behind everyone~www.novelmtl.com~ I really can't understand Green's fighting style at the moment, but I see Green's sulking, as if from the depths of my throat, the low-pitched: "They are handed over to you!"

Instructed by Green will, the magic dolls and wizards spurred the past to dominate the "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻".

The six masters fled without fighting, and they left!

"Teacher, the other side of Huangquan is the essence of life and death, but people can't resurrect, just like I am no longer a soul-dressing sorcerer, I hope you can gain something."

After that, the two rounds of the true spirit wizard Hessian also excited + shot away.

Every breath is accompanied by a huge and incredible power turmoil. Green feels that he has no endless time and space in the world. He has a reality and an illusion. He can't bind himself to the endless void, and he can crush the super monster that destroys one world. It is close to Pumirosius's unparalleled repressive power.

But this is not the vision of the ninth-level creatures, nor the power of Green to let Pumirosius retreat without fighting!

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