A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1748: Starry roar


I have already grasped the amazing power of the king of the famous wizard. Although I don’t know why the king of the wizard did not choose to take the initiative to fight but to leave, but the master of the empty mustard can intuitively realize that he The gap between the king of the wizard and the king of the wizard is like a gap between heaven and earth.

The terrible dominating body that was born in the deepest part of the wizarding world community, only those who stand in the top of the world community, the highest level of the civilized system, walk between the real and the illusory, the incomparable special life, can be confronted with it. Now!

It’s awkward!

When the thrilling thunder blasted again, the light and dark black arc spurted out, and the empty rot was locked by the mighty king of the wizard, as if from the darkest horrible existence of the darkness. The ruler of the empty tortoise felt like a sailless boat, and was overwhelmed by the tsunami waves.

resistance! ?

This kind of random attack will surpass more than 20 million annihilation rules of nature attack, but not any master can form courage to confront!

What's more, this growth is dominated by the big world of water and land, and the strength is not derived from positive confrontation.

"Starry Sky, save me!"

I saw this flat, almost perfect, hidden in the force of the void, the whole body is covered with a layer of smooth black gray skin, a small insignificant tentacles sticking out of the forehead, separated by a long empty space, and even stranger to the distant Consciousness is summoned in time and space.

Immediately after his slender tail was swept away, he still summoned another famous master like the eye of the slain.

Bizarre feeling!

This is good at concealing sneak attacks, which is like giving people a feeling of facing the small eight. The positive confrontation with their own strength is common, but they can have some wonderful power, especially for time and space summoning.

The difference is that the small eight summoned out the Green, and the one who is summoned by the ruler of the empty tortoise is the master of many fame.


At the moment of the moment, the front of the empty beard cracked open a black crevice, and the smashing arc of the twisted claws of the green teeth was swallowed by the crack of time and space in front of the empty rot.

Even if the rules of fate leverage are affected by the unformed chaotic rules of the chaotic void domain, it is impossible to separate the virtual giants so that they can easily intervene, and the ruler of the empty mustard seems to be so good, but here is more able to play its own All power can be regarded as the magical creation of the endless world.

"Void roar blame!?"

The power of annihilation was blocked, and Green felt the depth of the crack in front of the empty rot, the deep unconsciousness of the rule and the grandeur of the conventional cognition. He couldn’t help but take a deep breath and knew that it was quite tricky. Guy.


Under the influence of Green's annihilation arc attack, the empty space at the other end of the crack in the space and time roared, and shouted with earth-shattering, shocking!

"The empty rot, you first summoned the eye of destruction, we have already faced the black witch king, and now we have to disturb my consciousness, you want the black witch king to really turn this into a Slaughterhouse! Also, what happened to the flower thunder Zhan, why did it fall?"

Originally, the unique rules of the eyes of destruction have been suppressed. Even if many powerful masters who are called by the imaginary mother-in-law are unable to make concerted efforts, the black witch king who is alone should be more than able to suppress it, and it will cost a few dozens of hundred. In the year, the Black Witch King will inevitably face the desperate situation.

However, at a critical time, this empty mustard with unique time and space ability will summon the eyes of destruction to leave.

Once, the special time-space summoning ability of the empty rot was to contact one of the key nodes that dominated the Black Witch King, breaking the plan of the Black Witch King one after another. After finally forming a complete encirclement, the empty rot is not good at confrontation, so it was dispatched to the edge of the chaotic emptiness domain. In fact, it is to confuse the ambiguous mother-in-law to promise.

Now this guy is only going to fight against the most important master of the Black Witch King, so that the strength of the Black Witch King will be fully exerted. It is really empty and corrupt, and the defeat is also empty.

"Starry and weird, the intelligence is wrong! The Black Witch King has not been rejected by the Wizarding World. From the world community, there is an equally terrible Witch King, and several famous wizards follow! As for the flower thunder, Zhan Yu Wang I don't know, most of them are harmed by these rescue wizards!"

I heard this explanation, "咔吧", like the glass friction in the depths of the cave, this crack that was hundreds of thousands of meters long, was suddenly expanded by the empty roaring screaming that wants to cross the time and space. three times.

Immediately after a giant palm consisting entirely of light green stars, a "squeaky" sound came out of the crack.

This star-studded giant palm, which is comparable to a small continent, reveals a big mouth, which is bound to the light of the billions of empty worlds, and the unknown to the deepest starry sky.

"Not a ring?"

After the big mouth locked Green, there was such a sentence.

The starry sky roars, and if this mission is not touched, Green has little to hear about the ruler.

However, its name is the other side of the chaotic world community away from the wizarding world, but it is the Megatron, known as the star devourer~www.novelmtl.com~ once in the battle with the cross-domain dominance, continually smash several small The world finally forced the cross-domain master to escape into the absurd depth and avoid confrontation with the super monsters whose evolution of the material energy world.

The mixed world community, the dark world, and the mussel world group have been suppressed by the wizarding world for too long, or have been suppressed by the fate of any ring witch in the ring for too long. It should have been every few thousand years. The chaotic storm and natural disasters of several eras have become powerful weapons in the wizarding world and consciously destroy the communities around the world.

The hatred of the surrounding world community for the wizarding world is not that great.

The name of a true spiritual wizard has long been circulated in several world communities before the war of civilization. The starry roar is even more likely to have confronted a true spiritual wizard. .

"Also! The black witch king is really tricky, and they are first handed over to them. I will solve the little wizard here, and wait for the eye of destruction to return to solve the black witch king!"

First of all, from the weak and small fish began to suppress and kill, the starry roaring monster chose to leave the black witch king, first cleaned from the surrounding unimportant units.


Then, the starry sky in the central part of the giant palm, "banging rumbling", the center of the billions of Guanghua gathering center, a star cannon that rivals the annihilation of the arc attack intensity, and even surpassed, to millions of meters apart. Covering dozens of kilometers, it is swept toward Green.

"Let me see, you also claim to be the Witch King, there is a bit of strength in the black witch king!"

If it is to deal with the general weak master, this kind of attack intensity is enough to deal with it.

However, the starry sky roaring blame is also known by the annihilation of the arc. Green is by no means the so-called general ruler, and is squeezing all his body from time and space cracks.

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