A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1728: Hard to resist

"just occupy 23.57% of the main body."

In the emptiness, the three-color light under the face of Green Truth has obtained such a result through analysis of huge information data.

Obviously, the body of the eternal sky of Pumirosius did not really leave the world of the wizard. The meaning of the real contest with Green is exactly what it said in the mouth, and Green has a little bit.

Such a huge and horrible monster, the energy consumed every minute and every second is hard to estimate. If it is counted again, Pumirosius relies only on the seal of the ancient wizards to solve the main part, there are many many branches. The ability has not been opened, and how much combat power this miracle robot designed according to the wizarding world is playing is still unknown.


It was also the ancestor of a wizard who was locked in the palm of the sky.

Although the ancestors of the wizards have the ability to change the nature of the rules, but these avatars only have the attributes of copying the Green physique, because there is no spiritual change, and there is no magic resonance, so it is impossible to perform witchcraft, and there is no rule blessing. The ability to change the nature of the rules is just a little bit of work.

However, compared to the hard-hitting choice of the ancestors of the previous wizard, this ancestor's ancestors screamed and chose to change the rules of the eternal sky city material, but it changed a lot.


With the emptiness of the sky and the sky, dozens of sorcerer tower fingers are closed, obviously a thick and solid metal giant, but the ancestors of this wizard are about to be crushed by giant hands, the wizard The surface of the metal structure of the eternal sky city touched by the ancestors of the ancestors became the general liquid rule of the water flow, and “噗通” slammed into it and disappeared.

"Hey? Green Beast, this method is good, if we can sneak into..."

When Xiao Ba’s words were just halfway through, they sensed something through Green, and they closed their mouths.


In the center of the metal giant who opened again, a crystal cymbal gradually emerged. The unknown element of purple and black penetrated the chest of the ancestors of the wizard. This self-sealed ancient sorcerer was sinister and brutal, and it was gray and white, without pupils. Full of dead and gray, hoarse: "The king of a generation of wizards, this area is my responsibility, forbidden to pass."

Green did not see the seal wizard at the round table, but it is not difficult to find out from Green's keen perception that the seal wizard's strength is in the one-on-one situation, and it is not allowed to ignore Green at this moment!

As an ancient wizard of the same generation as Antonio and Pumirosius, it was able to stand out from the ignorant years of the genius, stationed in the deepest part of the eternal sky city, and did not appear at the round table. This ancient seal wizard is not simple!


As one and one metal arm protruded from the wizarding world, the other two ancestors of the sorcerer’s ancestors also encountered unexpected events. In the face of the miracle accumulated by a civilized group for a long time, the ancestors of the sorcerer were like dolls. Unbearable.

The ancestors of Green's ancestors left the right and left, but they have not yet competed positively with the realm of the eternal sky of Pumirosius, but kept using the face of truth to collect the other party's information as much as possible, but in the eternal sky. In front of the massive amount of information data of the city, even Green, I feel that I am too small.

What Green is not against Pemirosius is the wisdom sweat that has been condensed by the billions of wizards since the long-term epoch, and Green is in the will to rule with the wizarding world.

"Ha ha ha, the king of a generation of wizards, how about my soul partners?"

Pumirosius will laugh and be happy.

Soul partners! ?

Greene Pumirosius said this, fierce reaction to what, a moment of horror can not be said to speak, Xiaoba is silly stupid: "What situation, Mi old man, where is your soul partner? ?"

"Stupid, his soul partner, these ancient seal wizards in his body!"

Green's explanation made Xiaoba stunned. The first sentence was: "Wow, how is it possible, and the wizard's soul is common, how can he have so many soul partners?"

The mystery of truth, Green does not know, can be regarded as the unique ability of Pmyrosius.

This kind of retreat is not the way. The ancestors of the four wizards have been pinched by Pumirosius. Those virtual robotic corps are insignificant in the face of such battles and have been ignored by both sides.




The black flame of the 10,000-headed bird in the head of the green spurt emits an energy shock wave. The attack ranges from thousands to hundreds of thousands of degrees. The frequency is extremely high. "Boom", "bang", "bang" Falling on the metal arm that was impacted on the front side, due to the sufficient energy cover protection on the surface, even the smallest hole in the city of Eternal Sky did not appear!

It’s awkward!

The black arc flutters with the truth balance magic wand in the hands of the human ancestors, twisting all the light and darkness gathered in all directions, and the high-frequency shock wave that is fearful is like a thunderstorm, and annihilates the arc and shoots out. After stacking the energy protection cover on the metal palm layer, it will cause some damage. Suddenly, the center of the metal palm once again reveals a crystal enamel.

After witnessing the seal sorcerer's face in this crystal cymbal, the trio of Green's tri-color suddenly collapsed!

This turned out to be... the second ring of the real spirit wizard!

In the crystal cymbal, the two-ring true spirit sorcerer looked up at the annihilation arc that swooped over and smashed through the layers of energy hoods. This annihilation arc was at most a small and half-finished, and the two-ring sorcerer smiled and extended. A little finger, a golden light column is opposite.


Both the golden light column and the annihilation arc dissipate.

"The tower of the annihilation tower, no, no, now you are the king of a generation of wizards, the second ring of the tower can nurture you such a singer, the wizard of today, as a wizard of your previous generation, I feel very glorious, ha Hahahaha..."

With the laughter of the two-ring true spirit wizard, "Boom", the Green Man's ancestors focused on the most powerful attacking truth balance magic wand, colliding with this sky-covered giant hand!


The bottom of the throat is out of the air, and the face of the green is exposed. Every effort is made to launch an attack. The collision of energy causes layers of time and space to be twisted and twisted, and it seems that spider webs generally spread "至" and "咔嚓" to the depths of the void~www .novelmtl.com~ Some large time and space cracks are more chaotic, and there are a lot of unknown space-time creatures, and even some of the four or five world leaders.

In the early days of the Civilization War, the space-based scorpion guns and the wizard base energy squad also caused this result.

Those low-level creatures of the first, second and third grades are not mentioned. It is so lucky to survive. However, these four-level and five-level creatures, which have been affected by the chaos of time and space, have already It was completely stunned by the supernatural and terrifying scene that occurred in front of me. It was speechless, and no cell in the whole body was trembled instinctively.

A blue warlike general five-level creature, filled with frost everywhere, in the general small world, I am afraid that it is already a powerful creature. At this moment, unfortunately, after this, the instinct of dementia under the long nose is big. A pair of big eyes have almost lost their focal length.

"This, this, this, this... what is this!?"

It is no wonder that these world masters are so shocked and stunned that they are almost equivalent to seeing some absurd and incomprehensible natural phenomena in the endless world.

Such a battle of the scale of the eternal sky city of Pumirosius, even with the innocent depth of the endless world, the evolution of billions of years, there will be no similar battles.

I can see such battles in this time and space, and I don’t know if these world leaders are lucky or unfortunate.

In the center of this battlefield, the protagonist Green and Pumirosius's hard-to-hard battles gradually split the results toward the confrontation.


After more than ten breaths of forcing confrontation, the time and space between the two sides seemed to be completely static. After all, the ancestors of the Greens were in the roots of the eternal sky of the realm of Pumirosius. After a sigh, they flew. Go out.

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