A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1723: The ancestors of the wizards!

After a small eight reminder, the spurs of the green face, the three colors shine.

On the other hand, although Pemirosius is not aware of the ability of Xiao Ba, it is never a good thing to look at the spread of urinary pollution on his body and the act of pulling out his feathers.

make a prompt decision!

"咻", "咻" two sounds, two crystal 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 棺 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 樽 樽 樽 樽 樽 樽 樽The structure was opened and a rotating paper flower appeared.

These Pmyrosius abilities seem to be different.

The only one that broke out was Pemirosius, and the metal cubes turned into a lightsaber. Immediately after the violent time and space, the figure flashed, and the time and space twist appeared in front of Green, the metal cube light sword The volley is under your arm!


When the night and the wings waved, Green fell out of the air and no longer confronted him. In the process of yin and laughter, he said: "If you are separated, I have several people who can accompany the old people to play! Since the old people refused to yield to the king of the wizards. Rules, then I have to reveal some real means!"

The bones of the green bones squirmed as if they were self-dividing. They were divided into two, and the second was divided into four. They split the three sources of divine annihilation and stopped in front of Pumirosius.

"Wow, stop them! Give me the time to fight with you."

Xiao Ba shouted on the shoulders of Green's retreat, and the annihilation of the great magic of the stars continued. One and one super annihilation of the thunderballs descended from the sky. It seems that it will not take much time for the other army to annihilate the stars in Green. In the mad bombing of the Great Witchcraft and the advancement of the Skeleton Legion and the Robotic Corps, the loss was exhausted.

The four sources of annihilation were looked at Pimoseius's three avatars, and the other side actually used the time-out to shuttle and ignore themselves. They jumped over, and the original sources of annihilation were different and sneer.

"The wild instinct is the seventh layer, the ancestors are real, open!"

The four figures are expanding rapidly, and they are getting bigger and bigger. They are armed by the first wild instinct to the ivory, followed by the barbarian giants, which are strengthened in layers, and they reach the height of 10,000 meters in a blink of an eye. The power of the world, the rough palm is the incarnation of the sorcerer's mainland, the feet are the will of the sorcerer's continent, the body is the sorcerer's world, the rivers and rivers are bred, and the power ripples mixed with vitality spread in a circle.

At this moment, the three Pemirosius avatars have relied on the power of time and space to cross the source of the annihilation, and are stuck in front of the retreating Green and the small eight.

The metal Rubik's lightsaber, the strange unknown meat flame, the fast-rotating paper flower take turns, and there are two crystal cymbals that can rival the absolute defense. It is Green that can't help it at this time. The truth balance magic wand is frequently waved, but it can't be temporarily Take out the gap and cast a curse.

"Yeah! Mom! The meat flame is not right, it seems to be the **** essence of the ancient alien king!"

Xiao Ba Da shouted: "The ancient alien is the root of the wizard's curse and witchcraft. The legendary ancient alien king has the ability to influence the mysterious power of impression! I rely on it, this also curses a fart? Green Beast, you think about it! ”

Green stared at it, and the group of strange flesh and flames turned out to be like this. Originally thought that it was only a weapon for attacking flesh-and-blood creatures.

As for the rotating paper flower, it seems to have some relationship with Green's paper people who met in the second esophagus, and has some special effects of the rules of Greene, constantly shielding Green's rule blessing.

Affected by this, Green's attack power has dropped by at least three million degrees, and the perpetual motion of the perpetual motion seems to become ill.

"Yep, got it."

After Green’s response, the three-color light swayed, and the first time I thought of the coping style. At the same time of the retreat, the same time and space fluctuated, and the Thanksgiving Day appeared in front of Green.

Thanksgiving Day is carrying a sword of ninety-nine, wearing ragged clothes, a stray poet, once dressed in the wizarding world is still popular, but with the sacred human world of the wizarding world has gradually become extinct, the witch family Instead, this dress is really grotesque.

At this moment, the Thanksgiving Day was called by Green, and it was a little overwhelmed. However, it was the first time to pull out the sword of the ninety-nine, and the time of hundreds of millions of flying needles bloomed over the sky, and the power was amazing.

After the Thanksgiving Day, Green’s body said: “Trouble you to rest for a while in the deep seal area of ​​the Forgotten World.”

After that, Greene's truth balances the magic wand, and as the light of balance runs through the Thanksgiving Day, it is connected with Pumirosius, who has a strange flesh in the crystal, and a giant balance phantom gradually emerges between the two.

After the Thanksgiving Day, I was awake and realized that I was no longer struggling. Instead, I mastered the ancient blood of the ancient and alienated King of Pumirosius, and I was constantly struggling, but it did not help.

Oh la la...

"The Book of Truth" is turned, and now Green's mastery of the forgotten world, the bio-seal below the dominant level without rebellion, is only a moment, with the gray, absurd, silent, cold and forgotten world atmosphere from the top of Thanksgiving It was said that the cracks were spreading, and the Thanksgiving Day was separated by a drop of scented sweat, which gradually dragged into the illusory absurd world.


Mastering the **** essence of the ancient aliens, the Pumirosius avatar, even in the crystal enamel, can not prevent the equilibrium balance rules of the balance of light, but also dragged into the forgotten world.

The same is the highest-powered avatar, Green at the expense of Thanksgiving, forcing a balance of equal value with Pmyrosius.

And the other side.

Four powers of the world's strength, the source of annihilation, the ancestors of the ancestors ~www.novelmtl.com~ slowly and deeply shouted: "The wild instinct of the eighth layer, the ancestors of the wizards, open!"

If the ancestors are really stupid and heavy, the Pumirosius can ignore the disregard of words with the power of time and space. At this moment, with the creation of the ancestors of the wizards in the world of wizards, the only two of them are in the void. Pumirosius felt the strange changes in the rules of time and space around him, as strong as steel and metal, and could not help but stare at the past.

On the surface, the four avatars are still the ancestors of the giants of 10,000 meters.

However, what is strange is that these "human ancestors" are separated in the void, and they turn the power of the void into the power of the elements. At this moment, the ancestors of the four wizards are constantly gathering the power of elements from the void, in the magnificent body. Form a layer of elemental clothing.

And the time and space solidification felt by Pemirosius is obviously from the ancestors of these wizards.

The ancestors of the wizards are the ability to change the nature of the rules!

"You actually... no, no, because the truth balances these milky spots of the magic wand, you are using the power of the wizarding world!"

Green did not pay attention to the words of Pemirosius. Instead, during the period of distance, the spell of the eighth with the shoulders became more and more high.

At the same time, the metal robotic regiment on the vast battlefield was also being pulled out, surrounded by Pemirosius here.

The ontology does not have the will to respond, and does not mean that the avatar is the same.

"You just want to compete with three avatars, you are too small to see us!"

Green's words were carried out by the avatars. The four ancestors' ancestors were separated from Pumi Rothius, one-handedly inserted into the void, changing the rules of space units, distorting the power of time and space, and stepping in.

Appeared around it, surrounded by two Pemirosius.

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