A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1718: Time and space

Pumirosius sees Green, and is no longer polite.

"Hey, kid, I believe in your strength, but after all, you are just a new age little guy, want to lead the wizarding world? No qualifications, strategy come! Instead of handing the wizard world to others, still master I am more reassured in my own hands. Sorry, this is too big, so I can’t decide it privately!”

Xiao Ba heard this and finally couldn’t help but scream.

"Hey! Mom, the Green Beast, I said, I definitely have to do this with the old things. What do you waste? When the old **** was also done with this guy, he was recognized!"

Green took a deep breath, and the three-color ray was no longer distracting, and it became very firm.

The will is like a flood of tsunami, and Green says: "Then let the strength decide whether it is the rule of the wizard's ancestors to lead the hunter expedition plan, or the rules of the wizard's ancestors to assist the hunter expedition plan!"

After that, Green was no longer polite, and he waved the truth balance magic wand, and the black arc extinguished the flash.

It’s awkward!

The black arc is distorted in all directions and darkly focused, emitting a disturbing high-frequency shock wave, annihilating the arc as if it were a claw-winged dragon, rushing toward Pumirosius in the crystal smashing, tearing everything along the way. Unstoppable.

The element has proliferated, and Green has just been promoted to the 7th-level real spirit wizard period, and the annihilation strike itself has more than 9 million attacks.

Nowadays, the rules of the ancestors of the wizards have been completely formed. Although the ancestors of the eighth layer of sorcerers have not yet been launched, the natural floating blessing has easily broken through 13 million degrees and has been increasing with the gradual growth of the wizard world.

So, if it is located near the Wizarding World, the Savior's Rule is 3.5 million to 7.5 million degrees, and the fifth energy of the Dimensional Source Truth Balanced Magic Band is 5 million degrees. It is 20 million degrees floating up and down, terrible!

What is the concept of 20 million degrees of attack?

The space-based star-studded guns attacked in an instant of only a few thousand degrees. They only rely on continuous accumulation to completely smash the core of the small world and achieve the purpose of destruction. That is to say, Green only needs several attacks, and it can still be like a space-based satellite. In general, completely smash any small world.

Such horrible creatures, even if there is no endless world of endless worlds, will never exist too much. They are special existences hidden in the peaks or absurdities of civilized people.


In contrast, Pemirosius also produced an energy light cannon similar to the energy of destruction.

The dark and purple-red spot seems to be the ultimate version of the space fortress to destroy the giant cannon, or the space fortress destroying the cannon itself is the reference to the destruction of this kind of destruction, the darkness of the violent annihilation of the arc go with.

Close, closer, the two are about to collide!

However, in the crystal cymbal, the scorpion in the eye socket of the Pumirosius sag is slightly congested, and it is also shocked by the power of Green’s annihilation of the arc.

Although I have already conducted a survey of various wizards, I have a fairly high evaluation of Green's strength. However, at this moment, I still have a small look at the king of this generation of wizards.

What kind of monster is this, a few eras in the district, how could it be so powerful! ?


The black arc is opposite to the annihilation energy cannon. On the one hand, it eliminates all the annihilation characteristics, the pattern of the claws and arcs, and the other side is the destructive characteristic of the devastating impact. The shape of the light beam of the dead rays, after the two hedges, temporarily cancel each other out and ruin The undulating ripples of Hong Kong-like waves.

However, only the continuous destruction of the light column gradually came to an end, and it was exhausted. The annihilation arc on the other side only wiped out the small half. The remaining annihilation arc continued to spur toward Pumirosius, apparently annihilated. Compared with the destruction of the light column, the power is not only superior.

With the return to the truth, the insight into the essential ability, Green closely pays attention to all changes in Pumirosius.

The texture of the crystal enamel is completely different from the dimension of the endless world dimension. In this way, it is mostly a dimension of the dimension of the world, the book of the world of truth, the book of truth, the six-ring algae, and the Xiahe crystal.

The so-called dimensional dimension of the forbidden object, some are similar to the "Book of Truth", the creation of the six-ring algae and so on, and some are part of the destruction of the balance, as for other mysterious and mysterious unknown things, it is hard to say, stand In the endless world dimension dimension, it is full of all unknown possibilities.

Any guess of the low latitude creatures on the nature of high latitudes is as ridiculous as naive children trying to guess the wizard's ideas.

At this moment, in the eyes of Green, Pemirosius can use the dimension of the dimension of the banned forbidden objects to display some wizard power, as if this crystal enamel is only a layer of illusion.

It’s awkward!

The annihilation of the arc continued to spur the past, and Pumirosius in the crystal cymbal "Hm" scorned.

In the essence of Green's view, some layered nature runes representing space units have produced distortions and changes. In the case of witchcraft, Pmyrosius changed the rules of time units, similar to the fairy tale dimension. The general rule changes to the cursing of the valley.

Is this a wizard who studies the mystery of time?

In the representation, the closer the annihilation arc is to the Pumirosius in the crystal cymbal, the slower the forward speed. In the last ten meters, the annihilation of the arc is like a quagmire. It takes a few seconds for each inch to advance. The annihilation arc that instantaneously penetrates the space is incredible.

It's easy and easy, and the crystal moves away some distance, avoiding the annihilation arc impact.

"What is your relationship with a real spiritual wizard? This is not a real time mystery!"

Different from the general wizards, Green has discovered some abnormalities in time and space through insights into the face of truth.

These distorted time and space are not all from Pumirosius itself~www.novelmtl.com~ which also contains some of the world of the wizarding world, and is closely related to the mechanical clock of the real spirit of the sorcerer!


Xiao Ba was also quite shocked by Green’s discovery. The mouth was unobstructed: “What is the relationship? Is this guy not a round of blood?”


Pumirosius apparently did not want to respond to Green's doubts, but Green was not interested in knowing the specific relationship between the two.

Although Xiao Ba is unintentional, it may be true that there may be such a deep relationship.

But what if there is a relationship?

Green sneered!

Because of the relocation of Pumirosius, the speed of the annihilation of the arc after the time and space was distorted, and the speed was increased. According to the established orbit, it would have disappeared into the void. However, as Green sneered, the annihilation arc turned around and turned around again. Pumirosius.

This is not finished yet. Green's "Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" automatically turns pages, the gray forgotten world crack opens, and after a piece of original sin stone falls, Green actually spurts a annihilation arc again, with the original sin stone as the carrier + Shot at Pumirosius.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

The annihilation of the arc is spurred by the original sin stone. If this is the case, if Pmyrosius still intends to get rid of the annihilation arc attack with the power of time and space, Green will continue to push the annihilation arc to chase it until The power of Pumirosius cannot be carried.

"Hey, old people, your omnipotent soul can't afford any consumption, unlike the young people like us, hey, you still surrender early, don't force it, it hurts the face."

For Green's ridicule, Pumirosius was unmoved, and apparently knew that Green could not control the annihilation of the arc to pursue himself.

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