A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1716: Drink back!

A few days later, everyone left.



The soul of the 10,000-year-old bird hides the sky and the dark flame gradually condenses to the green little finger. The blood-rained body is turned into the faint blood shadow of Green's feet. Green sees the orbital shift caused by the wizard's world gravity rule in the void. After all the different rules of the small world, they quickly flew in the direction of the eternal sky city on the other side of the wizarding world.

The previous gathering has yielded a lot.

The power of the six-ring true spirit wizard, because the fate of the bar is close to the protagonist's halo blessing and its own special nature, has now grown into one of the true peak powers of the wizarding world.

No longer suppressing its infinite potential, the six-ring true spirit wizard expands the rules of the six-ring algae in a large area, and in the governance of the wizarding world environment, it also assists the wizards of the Green Wizards in the world of prosperous rules. At this moment, its strength, if not Subject to the loss of the spirit of the seven-level real spirit wizard, it is enough to lead the element system.

It is not necessary to say that the sorcerer and the sorcerer of the Apocalypse must not say much. The celestial abyss sorcerer and the sea sorcerer do not need to say much. The Skynet sorcerer was subject to the resources of the Wizarding Alliance because of the legacy of the devastated slayer. There was not much change after the slavery of the fire.

However, it is necessary to pay more attention to a system of true nightmare witches.

Different from the fuzzy induction between the general spiritual wizards, the face of truth has returned to the true insights, and the true spirit wizard in Green's eyes has changed dramatically!

The layered intensive source runes and the blessings of the rules from the endless world dimension, the power of a round of dreams and true wizards has undergone a completely different qualitative change because of the birth of the two rounds of true spirit wizards and the three rounds of true spirits.

Green can sense that she is in the middle of the 7th to the 8th level, and for thousands of years, it must be promoted!

This will be the birth of another one-in-one battle, the true spirit wizard, and even beyond!

The birth of a true spiritual wizard is in itself to curb the desperate power of the black wizard. Now, with the help of Green's rule of the wizards, the power of the black wizard's desperate power is changing for the nature of the wizarding world, and is unknowingly In the weakening, Green and a true spiritual wizard reached a rule of mutual benefit and mutual benefit.

on the other hand.

The two rounds of the true spirit wizard Hessian do not have to say much, the three rounds of the true spirit wizard is one of the six processes of the application of the nightmare wizard rule, the holy mark wizard, and now finally promoted to the three rounds, thus, the nightmare wizard rules themselves have also been extremely Big supplement.

A true spirit wizard was influenced by all aspects, and finally completed the opportunity of this eternal soul.

This should also be the expectation of all parties in the world of wizards when the first round of the real wizard was promoted!

The long-term emptiness of the true spirit of dedication, once successful, a wave of sky, the potential is unlimited, this is the expectations of the wizarding world!

Nowadays, the interior of the wizarding world is in the period of civilization and civilization after the war of civilization. The ancestor of Green, the ancestor of the wizard, has been seated on the bright side, but if it does not solve the last two troubles, after several epochs, the ancestors of the wizard The rules will inevitably fall once again into the rule of the true spirit of the sorcerer's sacred tower, decentralized and divided, unable to assemble all the resources of the wizarding world, and carry out the hunter expedition.

These two are the seventeen rounds of the ancient spirit wizards Pumirosius and the Black Witch King.

It’s awkward!

Twisted light and dark interlacing, the heart-high frequency of the shocking sound waves, the annihilation of the arc element teleport, Green came to the void above the eternal sky city of the wizarding world.

Holding the truth balance magic wand on the right, holding the "Book of Truth" on the left, the wings behind the night and the wings open, the robe of the appearance is elegant, the colorful smile on the shoulders is "嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎" and laughs.

With the light of the three colors of the face of Green truth, the golden silk is flying and fluttering, the will of the majestic wizards, and the mighty momentum of this savage, shrouded in the world of the wizard world. On the miracle continent, this is a silent cry between higher creatures.


On the vast boundless metal continent, all the creatures seemed to be hit hard, and then instinctively looked up into the sky.

The moment of the induction, as if the whole sky had collapsed, but at this moment, I stared at it, but I found nothing. I was so overwhelmed that I didn’t know what happened.

For such a low-level wizard, the turmoil caused by Green has become an incomprehensible natural phenomenon. How do individuals confront nature?

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

吱 New!吱 New!吱 New!吱 New...

The deep metal continental turmoil, the crystal shackles that are hidden in the depths of this vast expanse of the continent, have completely revived the crystal shackles that have isolated the time and space, and the will gradually fluctuates from the gradual, toward the master of the metal continent. Will ask, what happened?


Compared to these seals within the core, many of the mechanical wizards on the vast expanse of the continental continent are clearly the first to react.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Sliding out of the time and space ripple tail marks, one after another mechanical wizards have come from the world of the Santa Claus, rushing to the source of some turbulent chaos as quickly as possible.

Although it was expected, when everyone actually saw the figure of Green, his face did not become extremely difficult to look at.

Green is so vain, fearless, and overlooking the mortal beings with the absolute majesty of the king of wizards. Whoever dares to defy Green's will is against the law!

"The king of a generation of wizards."

A round of true spirits ignited a flaming silver-white metal flame. Megatron, the Decepticons, and the eager robots of hope did not appear. They stared at Green and said: "Now you are the veritable king of wizards, you must do it. To this point?"

Under the face of truth, Green's mouth is ridiculous, and the majesty is unquestionable: "In the alliance, it is the king's land, the land of the soil, the king is not the king, this is the absolute authority that the true king of wizards should reach."

Said, Green slowly said: "But here, there is a will outside the slave king of the wizard ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ then the king of the wizard is not true, my generation of wizards did not establish a real king The complete rule of the wizard's ancestors."



Green screamed and stopped a round of true spiritual wizards. Sen coldly said: "A round of true spirit wizards, can you dare to violate the laws of the wizarding world?"

A round of real spirits took a deep breath, looked directly at Green, and the atmosphere was uncertain. He wanted to continue to say something but was deeply scrupulous. Green screamed nervously: "Don't you back?"

The suppression of the rules makes a round of true spirits sorrowful and uncertain, but there is nothing to help.

The three-ring true spirit wizard as a round of true spirit wizard, can not stand, sing: "The king of wizards, you ..."


The three-wheeled real spirit wizard wants to ask Green, but sees Green crying coldly, and it is sinister: "In a round, it seems that you have not properly disciplined your men? If you don't care, then we need to convene a wizard. The World Congress, I will discuss this matter well."

A round of true spirit witch color red, mechanical fingers "Oops", "Oops" ringing non-stop, difficult to turn to look at the three rounds of true spirit wizard.


With the roar of the angry spirit of the real wizard, the three rounds of true spirits faced a round of true spirit wizards who were about to explode, and the will of volatility had to be completely settled even if they were reluctant.

After clinging to the teeth and following the wizard's etiquette, the three rounds of the true spirit wizard left, no longer saying a word.

Other mechanical wizards saw this, and they no longer talked about anything. They left, and in the blink of an eye, there was only Green and a round of true spirit wizards.

"The rule of the king of wizards represents unity and hope. What I don't want to see is endless chaos, the king of a generation of wizards, leave!"

After that, a round of true spirit wizards also left.

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