A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1709: Dimension BUG

Tiannan Bailian Peak.

Green is very familiar with Tiannan Bailianfeng. The reason is that when Green wrote "The Grimm's Fairy Tales", Bailianfeng's witches wrote a typo because of negligence, and there was one rune sketch, which was pointed out by the Wuhuan spirit wizard. Green did not care, nor did he modify it.

Now it seems that because of the negligence of Green at the beginning, this day Nanbailianfeng became a special place!

Thousands of years old trees, the old bark gradually softened, and Green stepped out.

“Oh? It’s interesting, and the experimenter’s mistakes have become a miracle for low-latitude creatures.”

At this moment, the mountain where Green is located is floating in the sky. This is obviously not in line with common sense. However, in the dimension of "Fairy Tale", it is true and true, all because of the mistakes caused by Green's original rule design.

"Before there is no high-energy world that has created many chaotic and unknown rules, it should belong to the natural chaotic unknown high-energy world. This provides a new idea, and high-latitude errors are also unknown development factors at low latitudes."

Muttered to himself, Green came to the top of the mountain.

At the moment, on the mountain overlooking the sky, there is an old man sitting in meditation, and from the energy rune density reaction, it is almost equal to the fascinating martial arts in the Farazan Empire conference room. Under normal circumstances, he is in the natural meditation. In the state of deep self-forgetting, but no change in the natural world can not beat his sixth sense, but he did not open his eyes, can not see the Green in front.

"It is a good place."

Green looked at the old man's Wang Tianshi, and did not correct the mistake. After getting a definitive answer, he left like this, looking for the refining master in the martial art to the high world.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

Familiar knocking sound, when Green was in Bisser City, the old sixth became a blacksmith. Every day, he waved his hammer and beat him. At the moment, in front of Green’s eyes, he was such a honest and honest. Man.

After sweating for a while, after playing the Iron Man, I finally noticed the existence of Green. It’s not strange to say: “What material did you bring, what weapons do you want to forge?”

Green silently painted a circle and calmly said: "I want to forge a world full of unknowns."

In the shock of this man, Green was able to concoct this man into a higher world rule, and punched out the world of the gods.


There is a saying in Donglingpo.

It takes only one quarter of an hour to persevere for 30 years, and it is bound to win the course. It is a great achievement, and Dongling is a talented person with 30 million yuan.

There are many legends about Liu Qiuhan, among which the most widely spread is the story of practicing a word to write a small stream, writing a broken stone, and writing the soul of the town. Although there are many mythical elements of ignorant people, the reason is that it is myth. There is indeed something extraordinary about it.

Talented people, when Green saw drunken Liu Qiuhan writing in many social flowers, the scorpion has become a breathing instinct, Green knows that this is the return to the realm of realm, is the absolute control of power after the cumbersome into a single realm.

"You also come to ask for words?"

Stations are not stable, need to support women, but only the pen does not move, Liu Qiuhan drunk and looked at the green in front of him, because he never receives men when drunk.

"Good words."

Green's eyes looked at Liu Qiuhan, but they said so, and even some intoxication during the appreciation process.


The special nature of the Arctic Bingyuan Wanshen, Green has been solved, as for the cursing of the valley and the heavens of the heavens, Green is not aware of it.

There is no life!

Green wandered in the valley, and his brows were wrinkled. Where did the rules of the rule come from?

Unlike everything in the low-latitude biological gaze, the process of browsing the wizard's rune rules along the way at the same time is equivalent to re-reading a chapter clip of Grimm's Fairy Tales. Obviously, this curse is not a low-latitude artificial change. There are some mistakes in the process of designing rules, just like the endless world of perpetual motion.

"Well? Oh... it turned out to be!"

Green finally found the mistake and could not help but be ashamed.

This is the rule of time that descends from the sky. It is like a net of land, and it is also caused by Green immediately.

When I first wrote The Grimm's Fairy Tales, it should have been a few hourglasses, but it was written into several epochs because of overwork. So, all the low-latitude creatures entering this area are in the billions of times because of the mistakes of the rule of time. Who can survive the flow rate?

Do you fix this major error rule?

After thinking about it, Green finally denied the idea of ​​modification. In the process of licking his fingers, he left a few special wizard rune rules. It is also the basic rune of Green in this dimension, like blood ticking and ticking. After falling to the ground, it quickly took root and sprouted into a towering giant tree.

Then Green waved the sorcerer's text out of thin air, drew a bracket and began to add a new rule in the brackets.

"Blessings and blessings are interdependent, and life is alive."

After exploring the cursed land in the Valley of the Valley, Green stepped into the blank area of ​​the circle. In the soil in front of the Tianmen frame, Tian Moe squirmed and Green drilled out.


Green noticed this mountain life!

In the process of writing Grimm's Fairy Tales, Green never joined this rule of life, and its appearance is an unknown factor.

"Oh... it turned out to be like this!"

After carefully examining the rules and regulations of this Tianfudi Cave, Green shook his head in a funny way. In the process of writing, a syllabic vocabulary had a double meaning. Green had to describe his personal name, but he also had a place name. This means that this mountain with thoughts has been formed.

Coincidentally, there is a conversational storyline in Grimm's Fairy Tales. It is a fragment of a lover who has become a genus. Now it has become a person and a mountain to become a genus. This ridiculous plot is obviously out of high latitude creatures. There are too many relics in the world, but because it was designed by Green, the low-latitude creatures found that this is different from the rules of the world, but because it exists, it can only be passively accepted...


In the valley, Green came to a woman without a shadow and walked low.

"You... can you see me!?"

This shadowless woman, looking at Green unbelievably!

The so-called Tianfudi Cave Day is actually a kind-hearted woman's consciousness that gives some special rules to those who come to seek blessings. Because of the chaos of the rules, the name of the man becomes a place name. Of course, she also becomes a very special existence. Similar to Green's time-spaced conscious rule body when looking for a magic doll, others can't detect her existence.

The difference is that Green could only influence the last micro-rules, and Karakal can only affect some of the resources regeneration rules in the mountain range. www.novelmtl.com~ Not only can you see, I can still see It’s very interesting to your husband. ”

The woman widened her eyes and said with amazement: "So, who are you, is it the great emperor that people have preached?"

"Oh, no, no. Who am I? You can treat me as a god, I am the origin of all things, the first light of this world, the first shadow, the first consciousness, the first substance, the first The energy body, the first living body that makes relative movements, I am covering up my own mistakes by expanding the unknown, you can think of me as the starting point and beginning of the world."

Green's head stared into the sky and took a deep breath: "The mistakes I have created have become history. It has been integrated into low latitudes and become one of the special rules of low latitude. The endless world is wonderful... then, now I have to go back. I hope that you are happy. This is my wish."

Green knows what it means to be a blessing to Caramel. She has become a regular rule that is recognized by the author by uncontrollable wrong rules, that is, the mistake continues to go wrong!

Taking a deep breath, hundreds of millions of wizards run into Green, and in the rule of Kalmar's rule, Green is undergoing an unknown change, drawing strength from every rule of the world in the entire dimension.


PS: Chinese New Year, Xiao Ba wishes everyone happy New Year, all the best, wishful thinking, congratulations to get rich, red envelopes, oh!

I’m going to have a good time in the last few days. If I don’t update it at 8:00 in the evening, I won’t update it. I’ll say it to the seventh day. Hey, who’s not happy, I’ll call it out, and I’m going to play the Eighth Lord through the cable. Pants squatting on the small PP to wait for you, come on, take possession of the beauty of the Eight Lords, I will never resist today, I will not be rebellious today, come and enjoy the singer, wow...

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