A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1683: Wizard World War (5)

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-three chapters of the wizard world war five



Open the wings, more than 100,000 meters of black flames cover the sky, a giant bird head fangs roaring, like a figure in a horror nightmare, the soul of the 10,000 birds carrying Green, in the water curtain sky. Please look at the most!

Looking up on the ground, I saw a big shadow disappearing from the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

The lower wizards who witnessed this scene were at a loss, as if they saw some supernatural unexplained phenomena, and they could not return to God for a long time. However, in the special period when the real wizards frequently descended, some supernatural phenomena occurred. The higher wizard is in the heart, envious, envious, and eager, imagining what the world will be like in the eyes of such high-level wizards.

"This time the mechanical wizard and the underground abyss refining wizards united and attacked from both sides of the metal base of the hope and the tower of the annihilation tower. According to the truth, the metal continent should be the center of hope, but..."

The cold wind slid past the magic mask around Green, and Green's three eyes stared at the distant horizon.

"However, the city of the sky is only a foreign object after all. You three will protect the Tower of the Sorcerer's Academy with the annihilation. If necessary, I will use some unconventional means to ensure the source of magic is stable!"

The king of the sea, the king of the mermaid, and the **** rain stand separately from Green, and focus on the head.


The Yanwan Wantou bird suddenly stretched back to a neck, burning a thousand-year-old flaming ostrich head yelling at Green, dissatisfied with the protest, in stark contrast with other skulls.

Greene then, under the face of truth, laughed and said: "Good, there are you!"

The King of the Sea King sacrificed the bitterness of the Han Dynasty: "We are subject to the contract and can only assist you from the side, and after a round of battle, the strength of Samsung has reached an incredible point, plus so many real wizards. With assistance, it is really difficult for me to see the hope of winning. Perhaps the sea people are no longer adapted to the changes of the wizarding world, and leaving is the best choice."


On the other hand, the blood and rain avatar seems to recall the pressure between the faint sorcerer of the previous round, and the gap between his own quality and the quality change, he can not help but bite his teeth: "His metal fire in addition to the Decepticons, even Megatron is also him Control, plus the power that he owns, I am afraid that I have achieved a qualitative leap before the war of civilization. Are you sure?"

Green retracted the left hand of the head of the bird, who was stroking the soul of the soul. The giant bird burning with a black flame turned away and left. After a moment of silence, Green said: "Time will give us the answer."

After a little half time.

The magical light column of the sky is used from the abyss crater, the endless abyssal monsters hovering, a famous abyss refining wizard scattered, and Green saw the five abyss refining spirit wizards in the magic light column.

"Samsung, four stars, five stars, six stars... Well? That weird guy is the betrayal of the past seven stars from the elements. It is really as weak as the rumors, it is my weakest mastery. I am sorry." Thanksgiving Day is not in the peak state, otherwise you can try to contain it, but also reduce the dispersion of energy, in addition to one star, two stars, have arrived."

In the mutter, Green fell from the sky with the mermaid king, the sea king sacrifice, and the **** rain.

This is the real pressure that dominates the battle and releases naturally!

Green's day and night guardian rules are better, only caused a small range of changes, the mermaid king and the sea king sacrifice rules are also more kind, even for the aquatic life there is unexpected nourishment, only the blood and rain, cruel and ruthless, thousands of miles The lower creatures inside are stiff at this moment, it seems that the blood can not flow, will suffocate, and struggle.

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

Then these small creatures affected by the blood and rain were exploding, turning into a **** fog, with the trees wilting and cruel.

Green's tri-color gaze gaze at the tower of the annihilation tower. The abyss sculpt the incarnation of the ancient dragon giant, Green is naturally familiar with it, and it is precisely the Archangel who has been in contact with Green for many years.

Once Green invaded the world of the spiritual world, he also summoned him to go together. The two met from the third-level wizarding period and grew up together. Before the Green expedition to the world, they secretly tested their will, regretted being rejected, but also expressed ceremonial wishes. .

The overwhelming abyss of the Demon Dragon surrounds the Witch Tower, and the energy cover of the Witch Tower's magic source is faltering. It can be seen that Arkmond has been merciful. Otherwise, whether the source of magic can be supported now is hard to say.

"Hahaha, Green, you are finally here!"

The Thousand-eyed Giant Crab guarding the Shadow Forest is the guardian of the Wizarding World. It is powerless for the Wizarding World Civil War and can only watch the battle in the distant place.

In addition to the Tower of the Desolation, the Independence Tower Wizarding Academy, the Great Sorcerer School, the Free Dandelion Wizarding Academy, the Ice Age Wizarding Academy, and the Jinyunhai Wizarding Academy are also being attacked to varying degrees, but it seems to be only for threatening and coercive purposes. Destroy the source of magic.

Along the way, except for the 22nd District of the Second Ring Santa, all the sacred sorcerers who followed the Green Expedition, all without exception, were attacked by mechanical wizards and abyss sculpt wizards. They have avoided elemental wizards and mechanical wizards. The "neutral wizards" who were the mechanical wizards and the abyss sculpt the sorcerer, finally ushered in the most violent revenge.

"Arkmond, did you finally choose to be an enemy of me?"

A flashing, Green stands at the peak of the tower of annihilation, in the center of the vortex of the source of magic, in the form of ordinary wizards, looking directly at the giants overlooking themselves, the holy milky halo is like a billions of elves, the US round Mei Hao, the left hand of "The Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" flipped.

"On the road to the wizarding, you can be an opponent like you, even if it is only for a short while, it is my pride, hahahaha... abyss summoning!"

The pure magical gas changes in a form that Green cannot understand, forming a ripple resonance.

This seems to be the mystery of the abyss Mozu to control the abyss moss, as if the six-ring true spirit wizard has developed a six-ring algae ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Green researched the mystery of the spoon of life wizards.

If the previous head of the abyss is only a self-defense squadron, then after the Arkmond launches the abyss summoning to strengthen the control, these abyss dragons seem to be linked by the Skynet. All are absolutely subject to the will of the commander!

The three-color light of the Green glanced slightly in a circle, marking all the abyssal dragons in a short moment, and a slight sway in the corners of the mouth.

'The 186,400 abyssal dragons, the vast majority are only one level of inferior quality, the qualified third-level abyss dragon is only twenty-five, it seems that the underground abyss limited resources, can not support So many wizards use the real abyss to summon."

Between the Suihua Division, the Jagged River Community, and the Brood Community, I have seen the true abyss of the Abyss and Ancient Demons. The three-pole peak of the Abyss is only the most basic component, and there are even some higher breakthroughs. The abyss of the dragon, the hundreds of thousands of spewing, the number of endless sources, endless, desperate!

In contrast, the so-called abyss summoning of Accord now seems to be just a juggling of the wizard apprenticeship.

Put away the "Book of Truth", Green stretched out his left hand, the stunned female president in the energy protection hood, the yin and yang dissimilation lights flashed, silently appearing in the center of the green palm, the three-color glimpse of the soybeans on the wick With the cruel sneer under the face of Greene Truth, a strange and horrified ripple was centered on Green, and it was silently scattered.

"The field of alienation!"

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

The corpse of the broken meat fell in the sky, and the original scorpion wing dragon disappeared in the blink of an eye. Green easily erased all the abyss monsters in the sky.

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