A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1676: Rule promotion (on)

Three days later. Scorpio

The so-called celebration meeting was a ceremony held by Green to resemble a higher ceremonial ceremonial banquet. It was mainly hosted by Green, and all the holy sorcerers who shared the task were invited to participate as a platform for mutual interaction.

The connection between the sacred marks and wizards is more than just a reason. It is not difficult to find out through the dedication of Green's Spiritual Wizards that a true spiritual wizard represents not only itself, but also a large number of followers!

"Ha ha ha ha..."

A cup of wine and a glass of wine, intertwined, as the ideal group to support the Green Wizards, all the way to follow the many ancient sorcerers of the Green Expedition World, Green evenly walked toast, while constantly flipping notes, even one by one will be all holy The sorcerer and outstanding sorcerer's merits are listed, so that all the people who talk to Green are warm, and they all swear to support the king of the Green Wizards and end the era of chaos in the world of wizards.

I have to say that Green's means of drawing is very effective.

Time lapses, such a high-level wizard banquet is only held once in a hundred years, every few days is also commonplace, low-level servants keep on shuttle, not to rule out some of them are ulterior motives, Green does not care.

"I know that in order to be the king of wizards, in addition to wisdom, strength, prestige, luck, there is one more essential, that is, ideals and common will."

On the high platform, Green stared at all the wizards and made the final speech.

"There was a wonderful opportunity in front of me. Some people said that I didn't cherish it. Some people ridiculed me for being arrogant. Some people said that I betrayed the elemental wizard. I think everyone knows and should know what I am saying, yes. It is the elemental wizard's fate and leverage after the third civilization of the wizarding world. I chose to refuse."

The Green discourse makes many wizards touch, and the topic of destiny leverage is the eternal central melody of the wizarding world!

"Why should I refuse? Because I can't betray my ideals, I can't betray our common will, that is, to end the era of chaos in the world of witches! With the increasing number of wizards in various factions in the future, the whole world will be ruled by a faction system. The situation will make our powerful wizarding world finally fall apart. We must have someone stand up and build a new system to end this chaos and develop a supreme rule that overrides all faction wizards and let all faction wizards Going to integration, not splitting!"


Green growled: "But no one dares to stand up and is indulging in the game of rights. It is for the temporary benefit. I think it is the time to choose me. I am the wizard who stood up!"

"well said!"

"The King of the Wizards Green!"

"End the chaotic era, the king of great wizards, I am willing to follow you to achieve the ideal..."

Green's hands were pressed down, and there was a bottle of medicine full of life energy in his hand. His heart seemed to have been completely immersed in it.

"The law needs to be based on rights. It will end the era of divisional wizarding world and bring us endless power! Go ahead and promote the rules of the wizarding ancestors. I will lead you to the glory!"

Like a devil who confuses the soul, under the urging of Green, one and another wizard who once followed the world of the Green Expedition to the World of Wizards returned to his wizarding college as a means on the Greenming surface to promote the true dedication of the ancestors of the wizard.


The crowd dissipated, and the lively and extraordinary people went to the building. After a brief clean, they were summoned by Green and Cappuccino arrived.


Cappuccino followed a large number of wizards, all of whom looked at Green with a sincere desire.

Bring your own friends directly to see the real wizard, which is a simple process for Cappuccino to enhance the popularity of popularity.

"Well, please sit down."

Among these lower-level wizards, there are some of the two-ring sacred sorcerer's medals of honor, or the deans of various colleges, as well as the dawn wisdom and the demon sorcerer, tens of thousands of people, such a short time Kabucci It is not easy to convince so many wizards.

As Green Truth balances the magic wand, the milky white halo penetrates a large number of tables and chairs during the banquet, and the messy tables and chairs disappear without a trace. Instead, it is based on the Green aesthetic, thousands of neatly arranged high-leg sofas.

One is not much, one is quite a lot, just one seat per person.

"This is my mentor, the great sorcerer of the annihilation tower, the terminator of the third civilization war of the wizarding world, and the hope of the metal continent expedition to the world of the world to carry out the salvation of the savior, the ancestor of the wizard Those who want to lead the wizarding world to a new era, everyone is the king of the wizard of the innate wizard of nature!"

After the cappuccino paused, it was even more arrogant: "It is time to end the disputes between the various factions of the ancient wizards and open a new era of great unification! My mentor wants to create the achievements of no beginning, and benefit the generations of generations, achievements. The first king of wizards! This requires the support of all of you, and the support of every man of insight in the wizarding world is needed to help the mentor jointly promote the plan of the wizarding ancestors!"


Miscellaneous sounds.

These lower wizards are different from the sacred sorcerers of the previous banquet. Before the banquet, the sacred sorcerers will have a unified discourse, and these are the lower sorcerers temporarily recruited by cappuccino, some of which have not even figured out the wizard world form, just The inertia is subject to the above rules, and there is no thought or opinion of its own. It is only for the sake of simply looking at the real wizard.

Under the face of truth, the three colors of light are moving, and Green is all in his eyes.

These wizards, like the sacred sorcerers, belong to the middle class in the wizarding world. The promotion of top-down rules is resisted, and since the promotion of the middle class for thousands of years, it has not been successful, but it cannot be abandoned.

Green was patient, his hands pressed down, indicating that everyone was quiet.

“Elemental wizards, mechanical wizards, nightmare wizards, abyss sorcerers, Skynet wizards, black wizards, and even new wizarding factions will emerge, and each faction wants to be the ruler of the wizarding world! These faction wizards Once the rulers gain hegemony, they will undoubtedly be favored by their own factions, suppressing other factions, and the wizarding world will not be finally strong, but temporarily suppress the contradictions! It is like a bomb, with the wizard The continuous development of the world will suddenly explode one day, destroying the wizarding civilization that we have created with countless generations of wisdom, and splitting into a new civilization of mutual hatred~www.novelmtl.com~Green's words for these lower wizards In fact, it is somewhat alarmist, but as a true spiritual wizard, such a discourse is obviously not something that these lower wizards can refute.

Green also knows that compared to the previous St. Marks banquet, those who are determined to abandon the faction to follow their own expedition loyal supporters, these temporary convening of the Second Ring Santa area witch, just a try.

How much can be tried as much as possible, at least to confuse the mechanical wizard and the abyss sculpt wizard, to cover Green's real purpose.

In this way, time passed and nearly half a month passed.

Under the encouragement of Green, there are some wizards who ask questions about Green. The low-level wizards have a rare opportunity to talk directly with the real wizards. They are very enthusiasm, and they also deepen the spirit of the wizard who wants to be the king of the wizard. Learned.


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